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Local Secondary Indexes in
Apache Phoenix
Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla
PhoenixCon 2017
2 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Local Indexes Introduction
Local indexes design and data model
Local index writes and reads
Performance Results
Helpful Tips or recommendations
3 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Secondary indexes in Phoenix
 Primary Key columns in a phoenix table forms HBase row key which acts as a
primary index so filtering by primary key columns become point or range
scans to the table.
 Filtering on non primary key column converts query into full table scans and
consume lot time and resources.
 With secondary indexes, we can create alternative access paths to convert
queries into point lookups or range scans.
 Phoenix supports two kinds of indexes GLOBAL and LOCAL.
 Phoenix supports Functional indexes as well.
4 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Local Secondary Indexes - Introduction
 Local secondary index is LOCAL in the sense that a REGION in a table is
considered as a unit and create and maintain index of it’s data.
 The local index data is stored and maintained in the shadow column
family(ies) in the same table.
 So the index is 100% co-reside in the same server serving the actual data.
 Faster index building.
 Syntax:

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Iceberg: A modern table format for big data (Strata NY 2018)

Hive tables are an integral part of the big data ecosystem, but the simple directory-based design that made them ubiquitous is increasingly problematic. Netflix uses tables backed by S3 that, like other object stores, don’t fit this directory-based model: listings are much slower, renames are not atomic, and results are eventually consistent. Even tables in HDFS are problematic at scale, and reliable query behavior requires readers to acquire locks and wait. Owen O’Malley and Ryan Blue offer an overview of Iceberg, a new open source project that defines a new table layout addresses the challenges of current Hive tables, with properties specifically designed for cloud object stores, such as S3. Iceberg is an Apache-licensed open source project. It specifies the portable table format and standardizes many important features, including: * All reads use snapshot isolation without locking. * No directory listings are required for query planning. * Files can be added, removed, or replaced atomically. * Full schema evolution supports changes in the table over time. * Partitioning evolution enables changes to the physical layout without breaking existing queries. * Data files are stored as Avro, ORC, or Parquet. * Support for Spark, Pig, and Presto.

β€’by Ryan Blue
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Hadoop World 2011: Advanced HBase Schema Design - Lars George, ClouderaHadoop World 2011: Advanced HBase Schema Design - Lars George, Cloudera
Hadoop World 2011: Advanced HBase Schema Design - Lars George, Cloudera

"While running a simple key/value based solution on HBase usually requires an equally simple schema, it is less trivial to operate a different application that has to insert thousands of records per second. This talk will address the architectural challenges when designing for either read or write performance imposed by HBase. It will include examples of real world use-cases and how they can be implemented on top of HBase, using schemas that optimize for the given access patterns. "

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Log Structured Merge Tree

1. Log structured merge trees store data in multiple levels with different storage speeds and costs, requiring data to periodically merge across levels. 2. This structure allows fast writes by storing new data in faster levels before merging to slower levels, and efficient reads by querying multiple levels and merging results. 3. The merging process involves loading, sorting, and rewriting levels to consolidate and propagate deletions and updates between levels.

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Local Secondary Index - Introduction
Order Id Customer ID Item ID Date
100 11 1111 06/10/2017
101 23 1231 06/01/2017
102 11 1332 05/31/2017
103 34 3221 06/01/2017
100 1 05/31/2017 102
100 1 06/01/2017 101
100 1 06/01/2017 103
100 1 06/10/2017 100
104 55 1343 05/28/2017
105 11 2312 06/01/2017
106 29 1234 05/15/2017
104 1 05/15/2017 106
104 1 05/28/2017 104
104 1 06/01/2017 105
Index of
Index of Region[104,107)
6 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Data Model
Shadow column
families to store
the index data
7 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Data Model
(Empty for
non salt table)
(Empty for
non multi
tenant table)
Local index row key format
οƒ˜ REGION START KEY: Start key of data region. For first region it’s empty byte array of region
end key length. This helps to index region wise data.
οƒ˜ SALT NUMBER: A byte value represents a salt bucket number calculated for index row key.
οƒ˜ INDEX ID: A short number represents the local index. This helps to store each index data
οƒ˜ TENANT_ID: Tenant column value of the row key. It’s empty for if a table is not multi-tenant
8 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Write path
Region Server
prepare index updates
Data cf Index cf
2.batch call
Data updates
4.Merge data and
index updates
5.Write to
6.Write to WAL
local index
updates with
data updates

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9 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Region [β€˜β€™,F)
Region [F,L)
0 L#0
Region [L,R)
Region [R,’’)
Read Path
0 L#0
0 L#0
0 L#0
10 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Read Path
Joining back missing columns from data table
Index cf Data cf
2.Apply filter
on index col
3.Get non
index cols on
matching rows
4.Merge with
index cols
results to client
6. Results
11 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Region Splits and Merges
 Since the indexes also stored in the same table, splits and merges taken care
by HBase automatically.
 We have special mechanism to separate HFile into child regions after split.
We scan through each key value find the data row key from it and write to
corresponding child region
12 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Performance Results
 4 node cluster
 Tested with 5 local indexes on the base table of 25 columns with 10 regions.
 Ingested 50M rows.
 3x faster upsert time comparing to global indexes
 5x less network RX/TX utilizations during write comparing to global indexes
 Similar read performance comparing to global indexes with queries like aggregations, group
by, limit etc.

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Performance results
Write performance
14 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Performance results
Network Tx/Rx during write
15 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Performance results
Network Tx/Rx during write
16 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Performance results
Network Tx/Rx during write

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Essentially every successful analytical DBMS in the market today makes use of column-oriented data structures. In the Hadoop ecosystem, Apache Parquet (and Apache ORC) provide similar advantages in terms of processing and storage efficiency. Apache Arrow is the in-memory counterpart to these formats and has been been embraced by over a dozen open source projects as the de facto standard for in-memory processing. In this session the PMC Chair for Apache Arrow and the PMC Chair for Apache Parquet discuss the future of column-oriented processing.

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17 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Helpful Tips
 Mutable vs Immutable rows table?
– Writes are much more faster with local indexes on immutable rows table than mutable.
So if the row written once and never updated then better to create table with
 Online vs Offline index population?
– When a table with pre-existing data then index population time may vary depending on
the data size.
– Usually index population happen at server by reading data table and writing index to the
same table. It works very fast normally. But if the data size is too big then better to use
ASYNC population by using IndexTool.
 Covered index vs non covered index?
– When a query contains the non indexed columns to access then Phoenix joins the
missing columns(in the index) from data table itself by using get calls. If the matching
number of rows are high better to create covered index to avoid get calls.
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Thank You
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Local Secondary Indexes in Apache Phoenix

  • 1. Local Secondary Indexes in Apache Phoenix Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla PhoenixCon 2017
  • 2. 2 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Agenda Local Indexes Introduction Local indexes design and data model Local index writes and reads Performance Results Helpful Tips or recommendations
  • 3. 3 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Secondary indexes in Phoenix  Primary Key columns in a phoenix table forms HBase row key which acts as a primary index so filtering by primary key columns become point or range scans to the table.  Filtering on non primary key column converts query into full table scans and consume lot time and resources.  With secondary indexes, we can create alternative access paths to convert queries into point lookups or range scans.  Phoenix supports two kinds of indexes GLOBAL and LOCAL.  Phoenix supports Functional indexes as well.
  • 4. 4 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Local Secondary Indexes - Introduction  Local secondary index is LOCAL in the sense that a REGION in a table is considered as a unit and create and maintain index of it’s data.  The local index data is stored and maintained in the shadow column family(ies) in the same table.  So the index is 100% co-reside in the same server serving the actual data.  Faster index building.  Syntax:
  • 5. 5 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Local Secondary Index - Introduction Order Id Customer ID Item ID Date 100 11 1111 06/10/2017 101 23 1231 06/01/2017 102 11 1332 05/31/2017 103 34 3221 06/01/2017 Region[100 ,104) Region[104 ,107) REGION START KEY IDX ID DATE Order ID 100 1 05/31/2017 102 100 1 06/01/2017 101 100 1 06/01/2017 103 100 1 06/10/2017 100 104 55 1343 05/28/2017 105 11 2312 06/01/2017 106 29 1234 05/15/2017 104 1 05/15/2017 106 104 1 05/28/2017 104 104 1 06/01/2017 105 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ORDERS( ORDER_ID LONG NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, CUSTOMER_ID LONG NOT NULL, ITEM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL, DATE DATE NOT NULL); CREATE LOCAL INDEX IDX ON ORDERS(DATE) Index of Region[100, 104) Index of Region[104,107) BASE TABLE DATA – ORDER ID IS PRIMARY KEY INDEX ROW KEY
  • 7. 7 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Data Model REGION START KEY SALT NUMBER (Empty for non salt table) INDEX ID TENANT_ID (Empty for non multi tenant table) INDEXED COLUMN VALUE[S] PRIMARY KEY COLUMN VALUE[S] Local index row key format οƒ˜ REGION START KEY: Start key of data region. For first region it’s empty byte array of region end key length. This helps to index region wise data. οƒ˜ SALT NUMBER: A byte value represents a salt bucket number calculated for index row key. οƒ˜ INDEX ID: A short number represents the local index. This helps to store each index data together. οƒ˜ TENANT_ID: Tenant column value of the row key. It’s empty for if a table is not multi-tenant
  • 8. 8 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Write path Region Server Region CLIENT 1.Write request prepare index updates Data cf Index cf 2.batch call Mem Store Me mSto re Index updates Data updates 4.Merge data and index updates 5.Write to MemStores WAL 6.Write to WAL 100% ATOMIC and CONSISTENT local index updates with data updates
  • 9. 9 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Regionserver Region [β€˜β€™,F) Region [F,L) Client 0 L#0 Region [L,R) Region [R,’’) Regionserver Read Path 0 L#0 0 L#0 0 L#0 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T WHERE INDEXED_COL=β€˜findme’ 2 1 0 5
  • 10. 10 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Read Path SELECT INDEX_COL, NON_INDEX_COL FROM T WHERE INDEX_COL=β€˜findme’ Joining back missing columns from data table Region CLIENT 1.SCAN,L#0,FILTER Index cf Data cf Mem Store Me mSto re 2.Apply filter on index col 3.Get non index cols on matching rows 4.Merge with index cols 5.Return combined results to client 6. Results
  • 11. 11 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Region Splits and Merges  Since the indexes also stored in the same table, splits and merges taken care by HBase automatically.  We have special mechanism to separate HFile into child regions after split. We scan through each key value find the data row key from it and write to corresponding child region
  • 12. 12 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Performance Results  4 node cluster  Tested with 5 local indexes on the base table of 25 columns with 10 regions.  Ingested 50M rows.  3x faster upsert time comparing to global indexes  5x less network RX/TX utilizations during write comparing to global indexes  Similar read performance comparing to global indexes with queries like aggregations, group by, limit etc.
  • 13. 13 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Performance results Write performance
  • 14. 14 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Performance results Network Tx/Rx during write
  • 15. 15 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Performance results Network Tx/Rx during write
  • 16. 16 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Performance results Network Tx/Rx during write
  • 17. 17 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Helpful Tips  Mutable vs Immutable rows table? – Writes are much more faster with local indexes on immutable rows table than mutable. So if the row written once and never updated then better to create table with IMMUTABLE_ROWS property.  Online vs Offline index population? – When a table with pre-existing data then index population time may vary depending on the data size. – Usually index population happen at server by reading data table and writing index to the same table. It works very fast normally. But if the data size is too big then better to use ASYNC population by using IndexTool.  Covered index vs non covered index? – When a query contains the non indexed columns to access then Phoenix joins the missing columns(in the index) from data table itself by using get calls. If the matching number of rows are high better to create covered index to avoid get calls.
  • 18. 18 Β© Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Thank You Q & A? @rajeshhcu32