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© 2014 IBM Corporation
Challenges of Building a First
Class SQL-on-Hadoop Engine
Scott C. Gray @ScottCGrayIBM
Adriana Zubiri @adrianaZubiri
► Why and what is Big SQL 3.0?
• Not a sales pitch, I promise!
► Overview of the challenges
► How we solved (some of) them
• Architecture and interaction with Hadoop
• Query rewrite
• Query optimization
► Future challenges
The Perfect Storm
► Increase business interest on SQL on Hadoop to
improve the pace and efficiency of adopting Hadoop
► SQL engines on Hadoop moving away from MR
towards MPP architectures
► SQL users expect same level of language expressiveness,
features and (somewhat) performance as RDMSs
► IBM has decades of experience and assets on building
SQL engines… Why not leverage it?
The Result? Big SQL 3.0
► MapReduce replaced with a modern
MPP shared-nothing architecture
► Architected from the ground up
for low latency and high throughput
► Same SQL expressiveness as relational
RDBMs, which allows application portability
► Rich enterprise capabilities…

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HadoopDB is a system that combines the performance of parallel database systems with the flexibility and fault tolerance of Hadoop. It uses Hadoop as the communication layer between multiple single-node database instances running on cluster nodes. Benchmark results showed that HadoopDB's performance was close to parallel databases for structured queries and similar to Hadoop for unstructured queries, while also providing Hadoop's ability to operate in heterogeneous environments and tolerate faults.

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Cloudera Impala, updated for v1.0
Cloudera Impala, updated for v1.0Cloudera Impala, updated for v1.0
Cloudera Impala, updated for v1.0

Slides for presentation on Cloudera Impala I gave at the DC/NOVA Java Users Group on 7/9/2013. It is a slightly updated set of slides from the ones I uploaded a few months ago on 4/19/2013. It covers version 1.0.1 and also includes some new slides on HortonWorks' Stinger Initiative.

apache drillclouderaimpala
HBase in Practice
HBase in PracticeHBase in Practice
HBase in Practice

From: DataWorks Summit 2017 - Munich - 20170406 HBase hast established itself as the backend for many operational and interactive use-cases, powering well-known services that support millions of users and thousands of concurrent requests. In terms of features HBase has come a long way, overing advanced options such as multi-level caching on- and off-heap, pluggable request handling, fast recovery options such as region replicas, table snapshots for data governance, tuneable write-ahead logging and so on. This talk is based on the research for the an upcoming second release of the speakers HBase book, correlated with the practical experience in medium to large HBase projects around the world. You will learn how to plan for HBase, starting with the selection of the matching use-cases, to determining the number of servers needed, leading into performance tuning options. There is no reason to be afraid of using HBase, but knowing its basic premises and technical choices will make using it much more successful. You will also learn about many of the new features of HBase up to version 1.3, and where they are applicable.

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Big SQL 3.0 At a Glance
Application Portability & Integration
Data shared with Hadoop ecosystem
Comprehensive file formats supported
Superior enablement of IBM Software
Powerful SQL query rewriter
Cost based optimizer
Optimized for concurrent user throughput
Result sets not constrained by existing
Distributed requests to multiple data
sources within a single SQL statement
Main data sources supported: DB2,
Teradata, Oracle, Netezza
Enterprise Capabilities
Advanced Security / Auditing
Resource and Workload Management
Self Tuning Memory Management
Comprehensive Monitoring
Rich SQL
Comprehensive SQL support
IBM’s SQL PL compatibility
How did we do it?
► Big SQL is derived from an existing IBM shared-nothing RDBMS
• A very mature MPP architecture
• Already understands distributed joins and optimization
► Behavior is sufficiently different that
it is considered a separate product
• Certain SQL constructs are disabled
• Traditional data warehouse partitioning
is unavailable
• New SQL constructs introduced
► On the surface, porting a shared
nothing RDBMS to a shared nothing
cluster (Hadoop) seems easy, but …
Traditional Distributed RBMS Architecture
Challenges for a traditional RDBMS on Hadoop
► Data placement
• Traditional databases expect to have full control over data placement
• Data placement plays an important role in performance (e.g. co-located
• Hadoop’s randomly scattered data plays against the grain of this
► Reading and writing Hadoop files
• Normally an RDBMS has its own storage format
• Format is highly optimized to minimize cost of moving data into memory
• Hadoop has a practically unbounded number of storage formats all with
different capabilities
Challenges for a traditional RDBMS on Hadoop
► Query optimization
• Statistics on Hadoop are a relatively new concept
• The are frequently not available
• The database optimizer can use statistics not traditionally available in Hive
• Hive-style partitioning (grouping data into different files/directories) is a new
► Resource management
• A database server almost always runs in isolation
• In Hadoop the nodes must be shared with many other tasks
– Data nodes
– MR task tracker and tasks
– HBase region servers, etc.
• We needed to learn to play nice with others

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HBaseCon 2012 | Living Data: Applying Adaptable Schemas to HBase - Aaron Kimb...

HBase application developers face a number of challenges: schema management is performed at the application level, decoupled components of a system can break one another in unexpected ways, less-technical users cannot easily access data, and evolving data collection and analysis needs are difficult to plan for. In this talk, we describe a schema management methodology based on Apache Avro that enables users and applications to share data in HBase in a scalable, evolvable fashion. By adopting these practices, engineers independently using the same data have guarantees on how their applications interact. As data collection needs change, applications are resilient to drift in the underlying data representation. This methodology results in a data dictionary that allows less-technical users to understand what data is available to them for analysis and inspect data using general-purpose tools (for example, export it via Sqoop to an RDBMS). And because of Avro’s cross-language capabilities, HBase’s power can reach new domains, like web apps built in Ruby.

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HadoopDB a major step towards a dead end
HadoopDB a major step towards a dead endHadoopDB a major step towards a dead end
HadoopDB a major step towards a dead end

This document discusses HadoopDB and Apache Hive. HadoopDB aims to combine the scalability of MapReduce with the performance of parallel databases by running Hive queries over data stored in node-local relational databases rather than HDFS. It describes HadoopDB's architecture, which replaces HDFS with local databases, and benchmarks comparing it to MapReduce. It also summarizes Hive's data model, query language and architecture, which provides a SQL interface to MapReduce by translating queries into map and reduce jobs.

Introduction to Impala
Introduction to ImpalaIntroduction to Impala
Introduction to Impala

Impala is an open source SQL query engine for Apache Hadoop that allows real-time queries on large datasets stored in HDFS and other data stores. It uses a distributed architecture where an Impala daemon runs on each node and coordinates query planning and execution across nodes. Impala allows SQL queries to be run directly against files stored in HDFS and other formats like Avro and Parquet. It aims to provide high performance for both analytical and transactional workloads through its C++ implementation and avoidance of MapReduce.

Architecture Overview
Management Node
Master Node
Management Node
Worker Node
Compute Node
Worker Node
Compute Node
Worker Node
Compute Node
FMP *FMP = Fenced mode process
Big SQL Scheduler
► The Scheduler is the main RDBMS↔Hadoop service interface
• Interfaces with Hive metastore for table metadata
• Acts like the MapReduce job tracker for Big SQL
– Big SQL provides query predicates for
scheduler to perform partition elimination
– Determines splits for each “table” involved in the query
– Schedules splits on available Big SQL nodes
(favoring scheduling locally to the data)
– Serves work (splits) to I/O engines
– Coordinates “commits” after INSERTs
► Scheduler allows the database engine to
be largely unaware of the Hadoop world
Management Node
Master Node
Mgmt Node
Worker Node
I/O Fence Mode Processes
► Native I/O FMP
• The high-speed interface for a limited number of common file formats
► Java I/O FMP
• Handles all other formats via standard Hadoop/Hive API’s
► Both perform multi-threaded direct I/O on local data
► The database engine had to be taught storage format capabilities
• Projection list is pushed into I/O format
• Predicates are pushed as close to the data as
possible (into storage format, if possible)
• Predicates that cannot be pushed down are
evaluated within the database engine
► The database engine is only aware of which nodes
need to read
• Scheduler directs the readers to their portion of work
Worker Node
Compute Node
Mgmt Node
Master Node
Query Compilation There is a lot involved in SQL compilation
► Parsing
• Catch syntax errors
• Generate internal representation of query
► Semantic checking
• Determine if query makes sense
• Incorporate view definitions
• Add logic for constraint checking
► Query optimization
• Modify query to improve performance (Query Rewrite)
• Choose the most efficient “access plan”
► Pushdown Analysis
• Federation “optimization”
► Threaded code generation
• Generate efficient “executable” code

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Node labels in YARN
Node labels in YARNNode labels in YARN
Node labels in YARN

Wangda Tan and Mayank Bansal presented on YARN Node Labels. Node labels allow grouping nodes with similar hardware or software profiles and partitioning a cluster. This allows applications to request nodes with specific resources and partitions the cluster for different organizations or workloads. Node partitions were added in Hadoop 2.6 to allow exclusive or non-exclusive access to labeled nodes. Ebay and other companies use node labels to separate machine learning, licensed software, and organizational workloads. Future work includes adding node constraints and supporting node labels in other Apache projects like FairScheduler, Tez and Oozie.

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Summary of recent progress on Apache Drill, an open-source community-driven project to provide easy, dependable, fast and flexible ad hoc query capabilities.

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Incredible Impala
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Incredible Impala

Cloudera Impala: The Open Source, Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data. The Cloudera Impala project is pioneering the next generation of Hadoop capabilities: the convergence of fast SQL queries with the capacity, scalability, and flexibility of a Apache Hadoop cluster. With Impala, the Hadoop ecosystem now has an open-source codebase that helps users query data stored in Hadoop-based enterprise data hubs in real time, using familiar SQL syntax. This talk will begin with an overview of the challenges organizations face as they collect and process more data than ever before, followed by an overview of Impala from the user's perspective and a dive into Impala's architecture. It concludes with stories of how Cloudera's customers are using Impala and the benefits they see.

Query Rewrite
► Why is query re-write important?
• There are many ways to express the same query
• Query generators often produce suboptimal queries and don’t permit “hand optimization”
• Complex queries often result in redundancy, especially with views
• For Large data volumes optimal access plans more crucial as penalty for poor planning is
select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0
from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part
where p_partkey = l_partkey
and p_brand = 'Brand#23'
and p_container = 'MED BOX'
and l_quantity < ( select 0.2 *
avg(l_quantity) from tpcd.lineitem
where l_partkey = p_partkey);
select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
from temp (l_quantity, avgquantity, l_extendeprice)
(select l_quantity, avg(l_quantity) over
(partition by l_partkey)
as avgquantity, l_extenedprice
from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part
where p_partkey = l_partkey
and p_brand = 'BRAND#23'
and p_container = 'MED BOX')
where l_quantity < 0.2 * avgquantity
• Query correlation eliminated
• Line item table accessed only once
• Execution time reduced in half!
Query Rewrite
► Most existing query rewrite rules remain unchanged
• 140+ existing query re-writes are leveraged
• Almost none are impacted by “the Hadoop world”
► There were however a few modifications that were required…
Query Rewrite and Indexes
► Column nullability and indexes can help drive query optimization
• Can produce more efficiently decorrelated subqueries and joins
• Used to prove uniqueness of joined rows (“early-out” join)
► Very few Hadoop data sources support
the concept of an index
► In the Hive metastore all columns
are implicitly nullable
► Big SQL introduces advisory
constraints and nullability indicators
• User can specify whether or not
constraints can be “trusted” for
query rewrites
create hadoop table users
id int not null primary key,
office_id int null,
fname varchar(30) not null,
lname varchar(30) not null,
salary timestamp(3) null,
constraint fk_ofc foreign key (office_id)
references office (office_id)
row format delimited
fields terminated by '|'
stored as textfile;
Nullability Indicators
Query Pushdown
► Pushdown moves processing down as
close to the data as possible
• Projection pushdown – retrieve only
necessary columns
• Selection pushdown – push search criteria
► Big SQL understands the capabilities of
readers and storage formats involved
• As much as possible is pushed down
• Residual processing done in the server
• Optimizer costs queries based upon how
much can be pushed down
3) External Sarg Predicate,
Comparison Operator: Equal (=)
Subquery Input Required: No
Filter Factor: 0.04
Predicate Text:
(Q1.P_BRAND = 'Brand#23')
4) External Sarg Predicate,
Comparison Operator: Equal (=)
Subquery Input Required: No
Filter Factor: 0.025
Predicate Text:
select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
from temp (l_quantity, avgquantity, l_extendeprice) as
(select l_quantity, avg(l_quantity) over
(partition by l_partkey)
as avgquantity, l_extenedprice
from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part
where p_partkey = l_partkey
and p_brand = 'BRAND#23'
and p_container = 'MED BOX')
where l_quantity < 0.2 * avgquantity

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HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce
HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, SalesforceHBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce
HBaseCon 2012 | HBase Schema Design - Ian Varley, Salesforce

Most developers are familiar with the topic of “database design”. In the relational world, normalization is the name of the game. How do things change when you’re working with a scalable, distributed, non-SQL database like HBase? This talk will cover the basics of HBase schema design at a high level and give several common patterns and examples of real-world schemas to solve interesting problems. The storage and data access architecture of HBase (row keys, column families, etc.) will be explained, along with the pros and cons of different schema decisions.

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HBase In Action - Chapter 04: HBase table design
HBase In Action - Chapter 04: HBase table designHBase In Action - Chapter 04: HBase table design
HBase In Action - Chapter 04: HBase table design

HBase In Action - Chapter 04: HBase table design Learning HBase, Real-time Access to Your Big Data, Data Manipulation at Scale, Big Data, Text Mining, HBase, Deploying HBase

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HBase internals
HBase internalsHBase internals
HBase internals

This document summarizes a presentation about HBase storage internals and future developments. It discusses how HBase provides random read/write access on HDFS using tables, regions, and region servers. It describes the write path involving the client, master, and region servers as well as the read path. It also covers topics like snapshots, compactions, and future plans to improve encryption, security, write-ahead logs, and compaction policies.

► Big SQL utilizes Hive statistics
collection with some extensions:
• Additional support for column groups,
histograms and frequent values
• Automatic determination of partitions that
require statistics collection vs. explicit
• Partitioned tables: added table-level
versions of NDV, Min, Max, Null count,
Average column length
• Hive catalogs as well as database engine
catalogs are also populated
• We are restructuring the relevant code for
submission back to Hive
► Capability for statistic fabrication
if no stats available at compile time
Table statistics
• Cardinality (count)
• Number of Files
• Total File Size
Column statistics
• Minimum value (all types)
• Maximum value (all types)
• Cardinality (non-nulls)
• Distribution (Number of Distinct Values NDV)
• Number of null values
• Average Length of the column value (all types)
• Histogram - Number of buckets configurable
• Frequent Values (MFV) – Number configurable
Column group statistics
Costing Model
► Few extensions required to the Cost Model
► TBSCAN operator cost model extended
to evaluate cost of reading from Hadoop
► New elements taken into account:
# of files, size of files, # of partitions, # of nodes
► Optimizer now knows in which subset of
nodes the data resides
→ Better costing!
( 7)
5.30119e+08 3.75e+07
( 8) ( 11)
948130 146345
7291 1060
| /----+----
5.76923e+08 1 3.75e+07
( 9) ( 12) ( 20)
855793 114241 126068
7291 1060 1060
| | |
5.76923e+08 13 7.5e+07
( 10) ( 13) ( 21)
802209 114241 117135
7291 1060 1060
| | |
7.5e+09 13 5.76923e+06
ORDERS ( 14) ( 22)
Q1 114241 108879
1060 1060
| |
13 5.76923e+06
( 15) ( 23)
114241 108325
1060 1060
| |
1 7.5e+08
114241 Q5
( 17)
( 18)
( 19)
We can access a Hadoop table as:
► “Scattered” Partitioned:
• Only accesses local data to the node
► Replicated:
• Accesses local and remote data
– Optimizer could also use a broadcast table queue
– HDFS shared file system provides replication
New Access Plans
Data not hash partitioned on a particular columns
(aka “Scattered partitioned”)
New Parallel Join Strategy
Parallel Join Strategies
Replicated vs. Broadcast join
All tables are “scatter” partitioned
Join predicate:
Replicate smaller table to partitions
of the larger table using:
• Broadcast table queue
• Replicated HDFS scan
Table Queue represents
communication between
nodes or subagents
Daily Sales
replicated SCAN

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Apache Hadoop YARN 3.x in Alibaba
Apache Hadoop YARN 3.x in AlibabaApache Hadoop YARN 3.x in Alibaba
Apache Hadoop YARN 3.x in Alibaba

Alibaba builds the data infrastructure with Apache Hadoop YARN since 2013, and till now it manages more than 10k nodes. In Alibaba, Hadoop YARN serves various systems such as search, advertising, and recommendation etc. It runs not just batch jobs, also streaming, machine learning, OLAP, and even online services that directly impact Alibaba’s user experience. To extend YARN’s ability to support such complex scenarios, we have done and leveraged a lot of YARN 3.x improvements. In this talk, you will find what are these improvements and how they helped to solve difficult problems in large production clusters. This includes: 1. Highly improved performance with Capacity Scheduler’s async scheduling framework 2. Better placement decisions with node attributes, placement constraints 3. Better resource utilization with opportunistic containers 4. Introduce a load balancer to balance resource utilization 5. Generic resource types scheduling/isolation to manage new resources such as GPU and FPGA In the presentation, we will further introduce how we build the entire ecosystem on top of YARN and how we keep evolving YARN’s ability to tackle the challenges brought by continuously increasing data and business in Alibaba. Speakers Weiwei Yang, Alibaba, Staff Software Engineer Ren Chunde, Alibaba Group, Senior Engineer

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HBaseCon 2013: Compaction Improvements in Apache HBase
HBaseCon 2013: Compaction Improvements in Apache HBaseHBaseCon 2013: Compaction Improvements in Apache HBase
HBaseCon 2013: Compaction Improvements in Apache HBase

This document discusses improvements to compaction in Apache HBase. It begins with an overview of what compactions are and how they improve read performance in HBase. It then describes the default compaction algorithm and improvements made, including exploring selection and off-peak compactions. The document also covers making compactions more pluggable and enabling tuning on a per-table/column family basis. Finally, it proposes algorithms for different scenarios, such as level and stripe compactions, to improve compaction performance.

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GCP Data Engineer cheatsheet
GCP Data Engineer cheatsheetGCP Data Engineer cheatsheet
GCP Data Engineer cheatsheet

This is an exam cheat sheet hopes to cover all keys points for GCP Data Engineer Certification Exam Let me know if there is any mistake and I will try to update it

Parallel Join Strategies
Repartitioned join
All tables are “scatter” partitioned
Join predicate:
• Both tables large
• Too expensive to broadcast or
replicate either
• Repartition both tables on the
join columns
• Use directed table queue (DTQ)
Daily Sales
Future Challenges
► The challenges never end!
• That’s what makes this job fun!
• The Hadoop ecosystem continues to expand
• New storage techniques, indexing techniques, etc.
► Here are a few areas we’re exploring….
Future Challenges
► Dynamic split allocation
• React to competing workloads
• If one node is slow, hand work you would have handed it to another node
► More pushdown!
• Currently we push projection/selection down
• Should we push more advanced operations? Aggregation? Joins?
► Join co-location
• Perform co-located joins when tables are partitioned on the same join key
► Explicit MapReduce style parallelism (“SQL MR”)
• Expand SQL to explicitly perform partitioned operations
(Optimized, of course)
Try Big SQL 3.0 Beta on the cloud!
Scott C. Gray @ScottCGrayIBM
Adriana Zubiri @adrianaZubiri

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The document summarizes HBase use at Facebook, including its development and future work. HBase is used for incremental updates to data warehouses, high frequency analytics, and write-intensive workloads. Development includes Hive integration, master high availability, and random read optimizations. Future work focuses on coprocessors, intelligent load balancing, and cluster performance.

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Challenges of Implementing an Advanced SQL Engine on Hadoop

  • 1. © 2014 IBM Corporation Challenges of Building a First Class SQL-on-Hadoop Engine Scott C. Gray @ScottCGrayIBM Adriana Zubiri @adrianaZubiri
  • 2. Agenda ► Why and what is Big SQL 3.0? • Not a sales pitch, I promise! ► Overview of the challenges ► How we solved (some of) them • Architecture and interaction with Hadoop • Query rewrite • Query optimization ► Future challenges
  • 3. The Perfect Storm ► Increase business interest on SQL on Hadoop to improve the pace and efficiency of adopting Hadoop ► SQL engines on Hadoop moving away from MR towards MPP architectures ► SQL users expect same level of language expressiveness, features and (somewhat) performance as RDMSs ► IBM has decades of experience and assets on building SQL engines… Why not leverage it?
  • 4. The Result? Big SQL 3.0 ► MapReduce replaced with a modern MPP shared-nothing architecture ► Architected from the ground up for low latency and high throughput ► Same SQL expressiveness as relational RDBMs, which allows application portability ► Rich enterprise capabilities…
  • 5. Big SQL 3.0 At a Glance Application Portability & Integration Data shared with Hadoop ecosystem Comprehensive file formats supported Superior enablement of IBM Software Performance Powerful SQL query rewriter Cost based optimizer Optimized for concurrent user throughput performance Result sets not constrained by existing memory Federation Distributed requests to multiple data sources within a single SQL statement Main data sources supported: DB2, Teradata, Oracle, Netezza Enterprise Capabilities Advanced Security / Auditing Resource and Workload Management Self Tuning Memory Management Comprehensive Monitoring Rich SQL Comprehensive SQL support IBM’s SQL PL compatibility
  • 6. How did we do it? ► Big SQL is derived from an existing IBM shared-nothing RDBMS • A very mature MPP architecture • Already understands distributed joins and optimization ► Behavior is sufficiently different that it is considered a separate product • Certain SQL constructs are disabled • Traditional data warehouse partitioning is unavailable • New SQL constructs introduced ► On the surface, porting a shared nothing RDBMS to a shared nothing cluster (Hadoop) seems easy, but … database partition database partition database partition database partition Traditional Distributed RBMS Architecture
  • 7. Challenges for a traditional RDBMS on Hadoop ► Data placement • Traditional databases expect to have full control over data placement • Data placement plays an important role in performance (e.g. co-located joins) • Hadoop’s randomly scattered data plays against the grain of this ► Reading and writing Hadoop files • Normally an RDBMS has its own storage format • Format is highly optimized to minimize cost of moving data into memory • Hadoop has a practically unbounded number of storage formats all with different capabilities
  • 8. Challenges for a traditional RDBMS on Hadoop ► Query optimization • Statistics on Hadoop are a relatively new concept • The are frequently not available • The database optimizer can use statistics not traditionally available in Hive • Hive-style partitioning (grouping data into different files/directories) is a new concept ► Resource management • A database server almost always runs in isolation • In Hadoop the nodes must be shared with many other tasks – Data nodes – MR task tracker and tasks – HBase region servers, etc. • We needed to learn to play nice with others
  • 9. Architecture Overview Management Node Big SQL Master Node Management Node Big SQL Scheduler Big SQL Worker Node Java I/O FMP Native I/O FMP HDFS Data Node MRTask Tracker Other ServiceHDFS Data HDFS Data HDFS Data Temp Data UDF FMP Compute Node Database Service Hive Metastore Hive Server Big SQL Worker Node Java I/O FMP Native I/O FMP HDFS Data Node MRTask Tracker Other ServiceHDFS Data HDFS Data HDFS Data Temp Data UDF FMP Compute Node Big SQL Worker Node Java I/O FMP Native I/O FMP HDFS Data Node MRTask Tracker Other ServiceHDFS Data HDFS Data HDFS Data Temp Data UDF FMP Compute Node DDL FMP UDF FMP *FMP = Fenced mode process
  • 10. Big SQL Scheduler ► The Scheduler is the main RDBMS↔Hadoop service interface • Interfaces with Hive metastore for table metadata • Acts like the MapReduce job tracker for Big SQL – Big SQL provides query predicates for scheduler to perform partition elimination – Determines splits for each “table” involved in the query – Schedules splits on available Big SQL nodes (favoring scheduling locally to the data) – Serves work (splits) to I/O engines – Coordinates “commits” after INSERTs ► Scheduler allows the database engine to be largely unaware of the Hadoop world Management Node Big SQL Master Node Big SQL Scheduler DDL FMP UDF FMP Mgmt Node Database Service Hive Metastore Big SQL Worker Node Java I/O FMP Native I/O FMP HDFS Data Node MRTask TrackerUDF FMP
  • 11. I/O Fence Mode Processes ► Native I/O FMP • The high-speed interface for a limited number of common file formats ► Java I/O FMP • Handles all other formats via standard Hadoop/Hive API’s ► Both perform multi-threaded direct I/O on local data ► The database engine had to be taught storage format capabilities • Projection list is pushed into I/O format • Predicates are pushed as close to the data as possible (into storage format, if possible) • Predicates that cannot be pushed down are evaluated within the database engine ► The database engine is only aware of which nodes need to read • Scheduler directs the readers to their portion of work Big SQL Worker Node Java I/O FMP Native I/O FMP HDFS Data Node MRTask Tracker Other ServiceHDFS Data HDFS Data HDFS Data Temp Data UDF FMP Compute Node
  • 12. Mgmt Node Big SQL Master Node Big SQL Scheduler DDL FMP UDF FMP Query Compilation There is a lot involved in SQL compilation ► Parsing • Catch syntax errors • Generate internal representation of query ► Semantic checking • Determine if query makes sense • Incorporate view definitions • Add logic for constraint checking ► Query optimization • Modify query to improve performance (Query Rewrite) • Choose the most efficient “access plan” ► Pushdown Analysis • Federation “optimization” ► Threaded code generation • Generate efficient “executable” code
  • 13. Query Rewrite ► Why is query re-write important? • There are many ways to express the same query • Query generators often produce suboptimal queries and don’t permit “hand optimization” • Complex queries often result in redundancy, especially with views • For Large data volumes optimal access plans more crucial as penalty for poor planning is greater select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 avg_yearly from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part where p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'Brand#23' and p_container = 'MED BOX' and l_quantity < ( select 0.2 * avg(l_quantity) from tpcd.lineitem where l_partkey = p_partkey); select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly from temp (l_quantity, avgquantity, l_extendeprice) as (select l_quantity, avg(l_quantity) over (partition by l_partkey) as avgquantity, l_extenedprice from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part where p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'BRAND#23' and p_container = 'MED BOX') where l_quantity < 0.2 * avgquantity • Query correlation eliminated • Line item table accessed only once • Execution time reduced in half!
  • 14. Query Rewrite ► Most existing query rewrite rules remain unchanged • 140+ existing query re-writes are leveraged • Almost none are impacted by “the Hadoop world” ► There were however a few modifications that were required…
  • 15. Query Rewrite and Indexes ► Column nullability and indexes can help drive query optimization • Can produce more efficiently decorrelated subqueries and joins • Used to prove uniqueness of joined rows (“early-out” join) ► Very few Hadoop data sources support the concept of an index ► In the Hive metastore all columns are implicitly nullable ► Big SQL introduces advisory constraints and nullability indicators • User can specify whether or not constraints can be “trusted” for query rewrites create hadoop table users ( id int not null primary key, office_id int null, fname varchar(30) not null, lname varchar(30) not null, salary timestamp(3) null, constraint fk_ofc foreign key (office_id) references office (office_id) ) row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile; Nullability Indicators Constraints
  • 16. Query Pushdown ► Pushdown moves processing down as close to the data as possible • Projection pushdown – retrieve only necessary columns • Selection pushdown – push search criteria ► Big SQL understands the capabilities of readers and storage formats involved • As much as possible is pushed down • Residual processing done in the server • Optimizer costs queries based upon how much can be pushed down 3) External Sarg Predicate, Comparison Operator: Equal (=) Subquery Input Required: No Filter Factor: 0.04 Predicate Text: -------------- (Q1.P_BRAND = 'Brand#23') 4) External Sarg Predicate, Comparison Operator: Equal (=) Subquery Input Required: No Filter Factor: 0.025 Predicate Text: -------------- (Q1.P_CONTAINER = 'MED BOX') select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly from temp (l_quantity, avgquantity, l_extendeprice) as (select l_quantity, avg(l_quantity) over (partition by l_partkey) as avgquantity, l_extenedprice from tpcd.lineitem, tpcd.part where p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'BRAND#23' and p_container = 'MED BOX') where l_quantity < 0.2 * avgquantity
  • 17. Statistics ► Big SQL utilizes Hive statistics collection with some extensions: • Additional support for column groups, histograms and frequent values • Automatic determination of partitions that require statistics collection vs. explicit • Partitioned tables: added table-level versions of NDV, Min, Max, Null count, Average column length • Hive catalogs as well as database engine catalogs are also populated • We are restructuring the relevant code for submission back to Hive ► Capability for statistic fabrication if no stats available at compile time Table statistics • Cardinality (count) • Number of Files • Total File Size Column statistics • Minimum value (all types) • Maximum value (all types) • Cardinality (non-nulls) • Distribution (Number of Distinct Values NDV) • Number of null values • Average Length of the column value (all types) • Histogram - Number of buckets configurable • Frequent Values (MFV) – Number configurable Column group statistics
  • 18. Costing Model ► Few extensions required to the Cost Model ► TBSCAN operator cost model extended to evaluate cost of reading from Hadoop ► New elements taken into account: # of files, size of files, # of partitions, # of nodes ► Optimizer now knows in which subset of nodes the data resides → Better costing! | 2.66667e-08 HSJOIN ( 7) 1.1218e+06 8351 /--------+-------- 5.30119e+08 3.75e+07 BTQ NLJOIN ( 8) ( 11) 948130 146345 7291 1060 | /----+---- 5.76923e+08 1 3.75e+07 LTQ GRPBY FILTER ( 9) ( 12) ( 20) 855793 114241 126068 7291 1060 1060 | | | 5.76923e+08 13 7.5e+07 TBSCAN TBSCAN BTQ ( 10) ( 13) ( 21) 802209 114241 117135 7291 1060 1060 | | | 7.5e+09 13 5.76923e+06 TABLE: TPCH5TB_PARQ TEMP LTQ ORDERS ( 14) ( 22) Q1 114241 108879 1060 1060 | | 13 5.76923e+06 DTQ TBSCAN ( 15) ( 23) 114241 108325 1060 1060 | | 1 7.5e+08 GRPBY TABLE: TPCH5TB_PARQ ( 16) CUSTOMER 114241 Q5 1060 | 1 LTQ ( 17) 114241 1060 | 1 GRPBY ( 18) 114241 1060 | 5.24479e+06 TBSCAN ( 19) 113931 1060 | 7.5e+08 TABLE: TPCH5TB_PARQ CUSTOMER Q2
  • 19. We can access a Hadoop table as: ► “Scattered” Partitioned: • Only accesses local data to the node ► Replicated: • Accesses local and remote data – Optimizer could also use a broadcast table queue – HDFS shared file system provides replication New Access Plans Data not hash partitioned on a particular columns (aka “Scattered partitioned”) New Parallel Join Strategy introduced
  • 20. Parallel Join Strategies Replicated vs. Broadcast join All tables are “scatter” partitioned Join predicate: STORE.STOREKEY = DAILY_SALES.STOREKEY 19 Replicate smaller table to partitions of the larger table using: • Broadcast table queue • Replicated HDFS scan Table Queue represents communication between nodes or subagents JOIN Store Daily Sales SCAN SCAN Broadcast TQ SCAN replicated SCAN
  • 21. Parallel Join Strategies Repartitioned join All tables are “scatter” partitioned Join predicate: DAILY_FORECAST.STOREKEY = DAILY_SALES.STOREKEY 20 • Both tables large • Too expensive to broadcast or replicate either • Repartition both tables on the join columns • Use directed table queue (DTQ) JOIN Daily Forecast Daily Sales SCAN SCAN Directed TQ Directed TQ
  • 22. Future Challenges ► The challenges never end! • That’s what makes this job fun! • The Hadoop ecosystem continues to expand • New storage techniques, indexing techniques, etc. ► Here are a few areas we’re exploring….
  • 23. Future Challenges ► Dynamic split allocation • React to competing workloads • If one node is slow, hand work you would have handed it to another node ► More pushdown! • Currently we push projection/selection down • Should we push more advanced operations? Aggregation? Joins? ► Join co-location • Perform co-located joins when tables are partitioned on the same join key ► Explicit MapReduce style parallelism (“SQL MR”) • Expand SQL to explicitly perform partitioned operations
  • 24. Queries? (Optimized, of course) Try Big SQL 3.0 Beta on the cloud! Scott C. Gray @ScottCGrayIBM Adriana Zubiri @adrianaZubiri

Editor's Notes

  1. Rewriting a given SQL query into a semantically equivalent form that may be processed more efficiently
  2. Mfv and histograms obtain better selectivity estimates for range predicates over data that is non-uniformly distributed. Stats stored in Hive metastore for currently hive supported stats and our internal catalog tables for all Min. max in hive only for a subset of types Avg length of the column values in hive only for strings Column and table stats done together Next: automatic stats collection