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FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$, Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In the latest ruling FTC is going behind bloggers who write endorsing a product but never reveal how much they paid to review / endorse the product. Many people think most of the reviews online are natural they are not as the FTC points out. People just review products or product sites by taking money.

There are many influential writers whose words are taken pretty seriously. So if a blogger writes about a product people actually believe it and buy them. Now the new ruling by FTC clearly says all bloggers who write endorsing a product much disclose how much payment they took for it.

Guy kawaski when ever he writes about a car release he gets free ride for a week or even a month with all expenses paid. You can read his blog for more information.

Social media has taken a long stride and is now an important part of advertising online. Even Google has planned to include twitter updates in its search results same way it does to digg or other social bookmarking tools.

Lot of consumers have complained with lack of transparency when it comes to online reviews i hope this new rule will bring more disclosures.


  posted by seg @ 12:39 AM permanent link   |

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