search engine optimization
seo copyrighting blog
Copyblogger on how to make money with free stuff, Monday, December 14, 2009

Copyblogger has an interesting article on how to make things work when you offer free stuff. Offer free stuff on your website is a great promotion method. It gives people a reason to visit your website and also a reason to repeat visiting your site.

We at Search Engine Genie provide more than 100 free web tools which can be used for search engine optimization and other online activities.

Checkout the article from copyblogger here:
Its a great article for starters who want to learn the art of promoting your content or free stuff online. Also the article talks about how to transfer your free stuff to paid ones and make money out of it. Subscriptions are a great way to make money with your content.

Branding has been in existence now and forever. The better you brand yourself more people will read your stuff. Especially in SEO copywriting there are few readers. To make them read your stuff you need to provide contents that really improves their social values as well as help them in their day to day life.


  posted by Search Engine Genie @ 10:23 AM permanent link   |

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