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Rewrite and review your content, Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Writing content is just one part of the many things you need to do when you write copies. I have seen many people don't even read what they have written. Is it because the contents are so bad or just lazy to review what they wrote before posting it in a blog or website. So what happens when you don't read your content before posting them.
There are many problems when you don't read your post / review before posting

1. Spelling mistakes: Its common to make spelling mistakes especially if you are a writing fast and if you don’t review your content you might post something that is full of mistakes.

2. I have personally had this problem when I use word it automatically corrects my spelling and sometimes the auto spell checker will correct the words into a different word that I don't want it to be there. This is another problem; I hope you don't want your content to look crazy when one word is substituted by a completely different word that is not supposed to be there.

3. Writing fast is not always the best you will lose your creativity and the content will sound too simple but if you read it again and fix stuff you will be able to include stuff that are much more creative.

4. You can miss punctuations when you write fast if you review then you can rewrite the document with proper punctuations.

5. Some sentences can be longer than you expected if you read your content you might break down content into different parts suitable for the article.

6. Check to see if your content has a proper mood set into it.

7. If you review your content you can narrow down the message you are willing to convey in a shorter way. Remember people don't have 10 hours to read your content. It's important you impress people in fraction of seconds so that they can continue reading and like your content.


  posted by Search Engine Genie @ 11:33 AM permanent link   |

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