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Increase traffic of real estate websites through article marketing, Monday, November 30, 2009

Real estate investors can increase traffic of their website through article marketing. Article marketing is extremely powerful and can give you following advantages:
  • Increase traffic in your website
  • Authority and expertise in your niche
  • Your site will get powerful one way back links
  • Exposure
  • High search engine rankings for very competitive terms

There are endless advantages of article marketing. If you write a short 300 word article and then post it on an article website you can get various benefits. If you write a real estate article, then within hours your website and name can be seen on the first page for your keyword phase.

Write articles based on your area of expertise. For instance, if you know about foreclosure niche, then write articles on foreclosure subject, how people can save their house from foreclosure etc.

Always write an article in conversational manner. Make sure that your grammar and spelling are correct. Remember few points before writing an article:
  • Find out at least 1-3 keyword phrase before starting an article
  • Pick one main keyword phrase and use it in your article title.
  • Add the selected keyword phrase in the body of the article.
  • If you have 100 words in your article, you should mention the keyword at least 3-5 times in the article.
  • Add keywords in your keyword tags and resource box. Each article directory has a keyword tag and resource box. Add those keywords there.

There are hundreds of article directories but the most important ones for real estate business are,,, and

  posted by search engine genie @ 11:19 PM permanent link   |

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Amazing strategies of SEO Copywriting, Sunday, November 22, 2009

Quality copywriting is critical to successful SEO. If you want your blog or website to be successful you need to improve your writing or die trying. There are some tried and try rules of writing for SEO.
  • First effective rule that you must follow for effective SEO campaign is research your keywords.
  • Second rule is start off the first sentence of your content with your top keywords. This will reinforce the subject of your page and help the search engines to learn what your page is about.
  • Next important rule is bold the keywords in your content with the strong tag. Don't overdo it.
  • If you link to other content on your site it will make your content more valuable by extending the experience of your subject. Make sure to use your keywords as the link text as well.
  • While writing ask yourself if the sentences read naturally. If not, then you need to get creative.
  • Try to edit your content and keep it brief. Try to keep your content concise and limit your page length. Keep your pages limited to around 500 words.
  • Check your spelling and grammar.

  posted by search engine genie @ 1:38 AM permanent link   |

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Article marketing tips, Sunday, November 15, 2009

Article marketing is considered an excellent strategy as it helps in increasing traffic for your website and helps in selling more products. Here are some article marketing tips that may help you in writing some killer articles.

Write a killer title:

It is very important to write an effective title for your article. Try to write keyword rich title to have a successful campaign. Even if you have written some good content people will never read it if your title is boring and doesn't correctly convey the subject of the title. If you want people to click on your title so that they can read your article, try to give them something valuable and enticing. Another thing to remember is your title must have keyword. If your article doesn't have keyword in it, your article won't be indexed highly by search engines.

Make it easy to read:

Your article should be structured in such a manner that it should be easy to read. To have a successful article marketing make sure that the information readers are looking for can be easily read and found. Use subheadings, bullet points whenever possible to build an article structure that is easy to read and scan.

Provide Valuable information:

To have a successful article marketing campaign, make sure that your article is valuable and informative. You can gain a lot of traffic for your website if you can provide information for what people are looking for.

Hook Readers in the Summary:

Most of the times potential readers will read only your summary or first paragraph, so you should make sure that its both catchy and memorable so that you can hook them into reading the entire article.

  posted by search engine genie @ 3:01 AM permanent link   |

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FTC to fine bloggers - 11,000$, Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In the latest ruling FTC is going behind bloggers who write endorsing a product but never reveal how much they paid to review / endorse the product. Many people think most of the reviews online are natural they are not as the FTC points out. People just review products or product sites by taking money.
There are many influential writers whose words are taken pretty seriously. So if a blogger writes about a product people actually believe it and buy them. Now the new ruling by FTC clearly says all bloggers who write endorsing a product much disclose how much payment they took for it.
Guy kawaski when ever he writes about a car release he gets free ride for a week or even a month with all expenses paid. You can read his blog for more information.
Social media has taken a long stride and is now an important part of advertising online. Even Google has planned to include twitter updates in its search results same way it does to digg or other social bookmarking tools.

Lot of consumers have complained with lack of transparency when it comes to online reviews i hope this new rule will bring more disclosures.


  posted by seg @ 12:39 AM permanent link   |

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How to write humorously, Monday, November 09, 2009

There are several techniques that you can use so that people can smile while reading your article.

  1. Make fun of yourself. Your readers will laugh with you. This applies to making fun of your paraphernalia as well- parents, spouses, children, dogs and fish.
  2. Generalizations can be funny, but specificity is better
  3. Apply funny word, phrase or sentence at the last possible moment. You can force a pause before the punch line by starting a new paragraph.
  4. A single word can be very funny. It may be the way they sound or how they are spelled can make a person laugh. For example, destroy is routine but pulverize is hilarious. Surprise is ordinary but flabbergasted is priceless
  5. Swipe file is one of the best tools for anyone who writes. A swipe file is a collection of marketing messages, headlines, techniques etc. There is no plagiaristic aspect to a swipe file.
  6. It is very difficult for most of us to be funny. Use the rules above to make it better. Then do it again. When you think you're done, ask a friend to read it, silently, in your presence.

  posted by search engine genie @ 8:58 PM permanent link   |

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