camera op filming a cook on location in the kitchen

Promos, sizzle reels, video tours, training/instructional videos, and more - NYU-TV can produce a wide range of special video projects whether in the studio or on location. Our professional videographers, technicians, and editors can help plan, shoot, and put together your video project, utilizing any of our range of Post-Production and Distribution services.

Project Showcase

Two actors at a video shoot in a studio, showing lights, crew members, and equipment

Docu-Theatre in the Studio

NYU-TV has collaborated in our studio with NYU Steinhardt Professor Joe Salvatore and his project, The Verbatim Performance Lab, on several occasions. The Verbatim Performance Lab uses documentary verbatim theatre techniques to investigate, interrogate, and disrupt preconceived notions and implicit biases across a range of political, cultural, and social issues.  NYU-TV creates customized studio looks and production strategies to help recreate the artifacts that VPL investigates through their performance technique.


In Spring 2019, NYU-TV worked with VPL on the "Serena Williams Project," which looked at the tennis player's interactions with the umpire and officials during her match against Naomi Osaka at the US Open through the lens of gender and race.  Viewers are invited to examine how they view the interactions when Williams's gender, race - or both - are changed.  Collaborating with Professor Salvatore and his team, NYU-TV created a neutral "tennis court" space with a wrap-around backdrop, ensuring actors could move freely and reducing production time with a multi-camera setup.


In September 2017, NYU-TV worked with VPL on a series of four videos reenacting a February 14, 2017 “Today” show interview between NBC’s Matt Lauer and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. The videos were recorded in NYU-TV's studio, and included switched program feeds and isolated recordings of each camera and actor so the videos could be cut to match the real interview.


TorchTech Share Fair Highlights

We sent a mobile production team to film activities and interviews at the fair for a lively highlights reel that captured the energy and value of the event.  Our post-production team then cut the footage, adding music and graphics.


Video Tours

The Office of Residential Life and Housing commissioned us to create tours for each undergraduate residence hall, highlighting amenities and showing students all the room types available. NYU-TV shot the footage, edited the videos, sourced the music, recorded the voiceovers and designed the graphics in-house.


Alumni Day

This project involved field shoots to interview alums during Alumni Day, generating a lot of footage that was edited down to a few tight, lively promos with in-house graphic design.

For more of our work, visit the NYU-TV video library.