Except as provided below, the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) serves as New York University’s (NYU) coordinator for prospective and current residents of University housing who request accommodation on the basis of a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Fair Housing Act, and other federal, state, and local analogues.  Collectively, these laws require housing providers to make reasonable accommodations and modifications for prospective or current residents with disabilities unless doing so would impose an undue hardship.

Process & Procedure

Requests for Accommodation.  Except as provided below,* requests for housing accommodations or modifications can be made to the FCM Client Services Center by email (contactcsc@nyu.edu) or by phone (212.998.1001), who will refer the request to NYU’s Office of Equal Opportunity for appropriate review and evaluation.   The prospective or current resident or someone acting on the individual’s behalf (e.g., a family member, friend, health professional, or other representative) may make the request.

Interactive Process and Cooperative Dialogue. Upon receiving a request for an accommodation or modification, OEO will engage with a prospective or current resident in what is known as the “interactive process and cooperative dialogue.”  The purpose of the interactive process and cooperative dialogue is to understand the needs of the prospective or current resident and, based on the circumstances, to identify any reasonable accommodations or modifications. Please take note that, in accordance with applicable law, OEO may require that the prospective or current resident provide documentation confirming that the prospective or current resident has a disability and needs a reasonable accommodation or modification.

Upon reaching a final determination at the conclusion of the interactive process and cooperative dialogue, the OEO will provide the requestor with a written final determination identifying any accommodation or modification granted or denied.


Information and documentation regarding a prospective or current resident’s disability shall be kept confidential in accordance with applicable law.

*Requests for accommodations by prospective or current students residing in University-provided student housing should be made to The Moses Center for Student Accessibility (previously known as the Henry and Lucy Moses Center for Students with Disabilities).

Effective Date: October 15, 2018