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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do we know who the new Minister for Women will be, or if we will even have one? Maybe Minister for How I Identify.

119 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:07

That's it.

I cant find out anything.

But suspect it is bottom of Starmer's to do list.

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ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 09:49

Chersfrozenface · 06/07/2024 09:39

Mr Hermer, a friend of Sir Keir's from when he was a barrister, will receive a life peerage to allow him to sit in the House of Lords and attend cabinet ... "

Hang on, weren't the Labour party and its supporters up in arms when David Cameron got a seat in the Lords in order to be made Foreign Secretary?

I think the Timpsons appointment was done the same way? Also there should be questions to answer about a conflict of interest with regard to that one.

But no one will care.

LlynTegid · 06/07/2024 09:51

Iwishihadariver · 06/07/2024 07:26

I'd like to see Jess Phillips as women's minister. Despite her fence sitting, she very firmly and publicly understands all the bad stuff being a woman brings. She's also aware of the strength of feeling there is amongst the public and women especially for women only spaces and services.

If she does also have a tendency for twaw, then she'll have to at least be thoughtful about balancing her conflicting opinions. That can only be helpful to making progress.

I agree, Jess Phillips would also get air time and so women's issues would get raised and not ignored.

Chersfrozenface · 06/07/2024 09:54

If Starmer is silly enough to immediately make it clear that all his comments on women's rights and equality through the election campaign, particularly at the last minute, were less than truthful and that he now means to silence women on this topic, it's going to look really, really shit for him in the press, isn't it?

That depends whether the press gives it any coverage.

The Mail probably will, the Times and Telegraph possibly, otherwise it's hardly odds on.

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 09:56

Surprised about Thornberry. I thought she was a reasonably close ally of Starmer's and had performed well as a front bencher. (I don't like her, but I don't think she's inept.) I don't know anything about Hermer, but if he's an experienced barrister maybe he'll be OK.

Also a bit surprised to see the number of appointments made by making people peers, as if Starmer doesn't consider anyone out of his 400+ MPs to be good enough to be in government.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 09:56

Good god. Jess Phillips? The proponent of the "spousal veto"? Would you wish for Nokes, had the Tories won?

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 09:57

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 09:56

Surprised about Thornberry. I thought she was a reasonably close ally of Starmer's and had performed well as a front bencher. (I don't like her, but I don't think she's inept.) I don't know anything about Hermer, but if he's an experienced barrister maybe he'll be OK.

Also a bit surprised to see the number of appointments made by making people peers, as if Starmer doesn't consider anyone out of his 400+ MPs to be good enough to be in government.

Upthread someone made a good point about 200 (?) or so MPs realising they're lobby fodder. This would only increase that feeling.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 10:08

Carolyn Harris also might be a name they're considering? She's close to them and was at the No10 lineup.

NotBadConsidering · 06/07/2024 10:20

Chartreux · 06/07/2024 09:19

Huh? There are plenty more ministerial positions to be filled.

Which other Cabinet positions that matter are still to be filled?

PlanetJanette · 06/07/2024 10:31

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 09:56

Surprised about Thornberry. I thought she was a reasonably close ally of Starmer's and had performed well as a front bencher. (I don't like her, but I don't think she's inept.) I don't know anything about Hermer, but if he's an experienced barrister maybe he'll be OK.

Also a bit surprised to see the number of appointments made by making people peers, as if Starmer doesn't consider anyone out of his 400+ MPs to be good enough to be in government.

Every Department has a Lords Minister.

The new Lord Timpson will be the MOJ Lords minister. The new Lord Vallance will be the DSIT Lords Minister.

But instead of using the Lords just for cronies or family members, Starmer seems to be using it to ensure his Prisons minister is someone with long experience of working on issues of prison rehabilitation, and his Science Minister has real experience as a scientist.

That isn’t a bad thing.

quantumbutterfly · 06/07/2024 10:34

NancyDrawed · 06/07/2024 08:50

It's from a few years back and is quite long, but unless her position has changed significantly, women's sports are toast under 'Less heat and more light' Lisa Nandy. I find this excruciating to watch.

oh god she's not very bright is she.

quantumbutterfly · 06/07/2024 10:37

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 09:56

Surprised about Thornberry. I thought she was a reasonably close ally of Starmer's and had performed well as a front bencher. (I don't like her, but I don't think she's inept.) I don't know anything about Hermer, but if he's an experienced barrister maybe he'll be OK.

Also a bit surprised to see the number of appointments made by making people peers, as if Starmer doesn't consider anyone out of his 400+ MPs to be good enough to be in government.

My guess is Starmer won't want anyone undermining his authority in cabinet. She's a much stronger personality than he is. Or maybe he's got something special lined up for her.

Andthereitis · 06/07/2024 10:41

So have I missed him making a decision on this flummoxingly difficult decision?

Whoever he gets needs to be asked by that bloke from LBC the question about toilets.

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 11:41

Maybe he can't decide and it's on the first cabinet meeting agenda. Is this the only unfilled position? Maybe he thinks if he scraps the position entirely people will stop asking him if women have penises 😂

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 11:51

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 11:41

Maybe he can't decide and it's on the first cabinet meeting agenda. Is this the only unfilled position? Maybe he thinks if he scraps the position entirely people will stop asking him if women have penises 😂

Onetransphobicmother · 06/07/2024 12:32

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 11:41

Maybe he can't decide and it's on the first cabinet meeting agenda. Is this the only unfilled position? Maybe he thinks if he scraps the position entirely people will stop asking him if women have penises 😂

The toddler "if I shut my eyes, you disappear" strategy? I can see that working for him.

flyingbuttress43 · 06/07/2024 12:52

Well, I suppose it should be David Lammy - after all he knows so much about women that he says on national TV and radio transwomen can "grow" a cervix after treatment.....but instead they are giving him the job of Foreign Secretary. Imagine - trusting a guy to fill one of the most powerful and senior jobs in the country who is so monumentally stupid that he thinks blokes can grow a cervix.

quantumbutterfly · 06/07/2024 13:22

I like to think of him as David lumme. Let's see how they do.

Onetransphobicmother · 06/07/2024 14:31

quantumbutterfly · 06/07/2024 13:22

I like to think of him as David lumme. Let's see how they do.

David Lamely

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 14:44

flyingbuttress43 · 06/07/2024 12:52

Well, I suppose it should be David Lammy - after all he knows so much about women that he says on national TV and radio transwomen can "grow" a cervix after treatment.....but instead they are giving him the job of Foreign Secretary. Imagine - trusting a guy to fill one of the most powerful and senior jobs in the country who is so monumentally stupid that he thinks blokes can grow a cervix.

He also thought that the black / white smoke thing when they’re deciding on the next pope was an innuendo about the next pope’s race. He’s got form for spouting bollocks about things he doesn’t understand. It’s definitely a worry he’s Foreign Secretary.

BaconBrownSauce · 06/07/2024 14:46

So it’s taken less than 24 hours for women to be thrown under the bus by Labour!

Wish I could say I was surprised!

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 14:51

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 14:44

He also thought that the black / white smoke thing when they’re deciding on the next pope was an innuendo about the next pope’s race. He’s got form for spouting bollocks about things he doesn’t understand. It’s definitely a worry he’s Foreign Secretary.

How can anyone be that stupid? Imagine tweeting something that dense and still having the confidence to think you should be foreign secretary.

Signalbox · 06/07/2024 15:17

RoyalCorgi · 06/07/2024 14:51

How can anyone be that stupid? Imagine tweeting something that dense and still having the confidence to think you should be foreign secretary.

It’s hard to imagine how anyone could leap to such a conclusion isn’t it?

Maybe he’s convinced by Robin DiAngelo’s theory that “the question is not ‘did racism take place?’ It’s ‘how did racism manifest in that situation?’” In a scenario where you have black smoke, white smoke and a pope what other conclusion could you possibly come to?

EasternStandard · 06/07/2024 15:22

Is this an unknown

Would prefer Duffield over someone like Dawn Butler, obviously


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EnfysPreseli · 06/07/2024 15:25

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 10:08

Carolyn Harris also might be a name they're considering? She's close to them and was at the No10 lineup.

Duw 'elp! (God help us!)

She's not even MP material if it wasn't for the fact she's had such a safe seat. She's still very focused on showing off her ally credentials after a very concerning employment tribunal that included allegations of homophobic attitudes towards a lesbian working in her constituency office.

Rubidium · 06/07/2024 15:58

Women and Equalities is a ministerial position, not a Secretary of State with a government department, and they haven’t announced any ministerial positions yet apart from Vallance and Timpson. Vallance and Timpson are not members of the cabinet.

Apparently the central four who will oversee the government are Starmer, Reeves, Rayner and Pat McFadden. Despite Rayner thinking that TWAW, Pat McFadden doesn’t strike me as the sort of bloke who thinks some women have a penis. But I realise that I may be being over-optimistic.

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