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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do we know who the new Minister for Women will be, or if we will even have one? Maybe Minister for How I Identify.

119 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:07

That's it.

I cant find out anything.

But suspect it is bottom of Starmer's to do list.

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OP posts:
IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:14

I know lets all start tweeting or emailing or whatever nominating Rosie Duffield for Minister to Women.

At least she knows what a woman is.

OP posts:
LakeTiticaca · 05/07/2024 19:25

Probably some bloke with a beard in a dress and heels

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 21:17

UtopiaPlanitia · 05/07/2024 19:10

Thanks to Dennis Kavanagh I always think of her as "Confused Fraggle, Annaliese Dodds".



FartyBrainedHippo · 05/07/2024 21:28

I'm fully expecting Lily Madigan to pop up out of oblivion for this role.

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 21:29

FartyBrainedHippo · 05/07/2024 21:28

I'm fully expecting Lily Madigan to pop up out of oblivion for this role.

Blast from the past there. The lovely fragrant Liam.

FartyBrainedHippo · 05/07/2024 21:32

Well Ange did say she was going to keep his seat warm Envy

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 21:50

FartyBrainedHippo · 05/07/2024 21:32

Well Ange did say she was going to keep his seat warm Envy

She did. 🙄

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 00:42

According to this article (published on 2 hours ago) this position still hasn't been filled.

This article has an interesting chart showing who had the role and has then got it in the new Cabinet, and who hasn't.

Seems that Emily Thornberry has lost the chance to really be Attorney General, and Starmer has handed it to an old crony (male).

" ... The PM has chosen Richard Hermer as attorney general, rather than Emily Thornberry who had shadowed the role.

Mr Hermer, a friend of Sir Keir's from when he was a barrister, will receive a life peerage to allow him to sit in the House of Lords and attend cabinet ... "

That's a nice reward for loyalty, or is it just women's role to keep the seat warm for a man who needs to be appointed once it is a real position. (Not a supporter of Thornberry but its a very public insult.)

Quote is from BBC article posted higher up.

New Labour cabinet: Full list of MP and shadow cabinet moves as they happen – LabourList

With Keir Starmer now formally appointed as Prime Minister by the King, his task is to appoint his cabinet and decide which of his MPs…

OP posts:
duc748 · 06/07/2024 01:41

Thangam for Lisa Nandy isn't much of a swap.

NotBadConsidering · 06/07/2024 03:48

Pretty telling that it’s the only one yet to be filled, isn’t it?

GoldViper · 06/07/2024 06:33

UtopiaPlanitia · 05/07/2024 19:10

Thanks to Dennis Kavanagh I always think of her as "Confused Fraggle, Annaliese Dodds".


Oh I love the Queen's Speech. They're hilarious 😂

Iwishihadariver · 06/07/2024 07:26

I'd like to see Jess Phillips as women's minister. Despite her fence sitting, she very firmly and publicly understands all the bad stuff being a woman brings. She's also aware of the strength of feeling there is amongst the public and women especially for women only spaces and services.

If she does also have a tendency for twaw, then she'll have to at least be thoughtful about balancing her conflicting opinions. That can only be helpful to making progress.

misscockerspaniel · 06/07/2024 08:35

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:28

Yes - and it's Culture and SPORT.

To be pedantic, the actual title is Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

Does "media" include websites such as Mumsnet?

Toseland · 06/07/2024 08:47

Yes 'Media' does

NancyDrawed · 06/07/2024 08:50

It's from a few years back and is quite long, but unless her position has changed significantly, women's sports are toast under 'Less heat and more light' Lisa Nandy. I find this excruciating to watch.

frenchnoodle · 06/07/2024 08:56

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:51

Fair point, well made. A full scale sharp protest wave to settle it early on would make a nice change from emails and polite meetings and shelling out for innumerable crowdfunders.

I suspect the ability to protest about trans issues will be impossible soon as it will be classed as a hate incident.

frenchnoodle · 06/07/2024 08:57

SquirrelSoShiny · 05/07/2024 19:13

Keir Starmer needs to know that women are 51% of the population. We're not going anywhere especially not for 0.01% of the population. Forget us at his peril.

He knows, he just doesn't care.

He's in now, that's it.

Pleasegotobed · 06/07/2024 09:08

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 19:14

I know lets all start tweeting or emailing or whatever nominating Rosie Duffield for Minister to Women.

At least she knows what a woman is.

Done! Let’s do it!

Chartreux · 06/07/2024 09:17

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:28

Yes - and it's Culture and SPORT.

Why? There aren't any rules around these things.

Chartreux · 06/07/2024 09:19

NotBadConsidering · 06/07/2024 03:48

Pretty telling that it’s the only one yet to be filled, isn’t it?

Huh? There are plenty more ministerial positions to be filled.

ResisterOfTwaddleRex · 06/07/2024 09:30

At this stage, I almost feel like couldn't care if it's not filled, or if a man gets it so long as we are safe. I am pleased Thornberry did not get a plumb job. She doesn't deserve it, and she's been full on TWAW. The danger is, Thornberry gets Minister for Women and Equalities. And then frankly I'd prefer a man who isn't TWAW. I'm sick to death of identity politics. It brings nothing but division and poor policy that disadvantages women and children.

If it's not filled then there's no obvious route for gender nonsense, which would be better than a TWAW nutjob at the helm.

UpThePankhurst · 06/07/2024 09:39

frenchnoodle · 06/07/2024 08:56

I suspect the ability to protest about trans issues will be impossible soon as it will be classed as a hate incident.


Speaking about women or women's rights will be classed as 'transphobic hate' for being too upsetting for men.

And we'll do part 3 of The Suffragette Resurgence in which we're all clapped in irons every five minutes.

Chersfrozenface · 06/07/2024 09:39

Mr Hermer, a friend of Sir Keir's from when he was a barrister, will receive a life peerage to allow him to sit in the House of Lords and attend cabinet ... "

Hang on, weren't the Labour party and its supporters up in arms when David Cameron got a seat in the Lords in order to be made Foreign Secretary?


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UpThePankhurst · 06/07/2024 09:44

Yes, but the rules are 'heads I win, tails you lose'. You're doing that looking for logic and equal standards thing again.

If Starmer is silly enough to immediately make it clear that all his comments on women's rights and equality through the election campaign, particularly at the last minute, were less than truthful and that he now means to silence women on this topic, it's going to look really, really shit for him in the press, isn't it?

You don't really want to tell a rather sceptical and unenthusiastic electorate that whoops, you lied to them, five minutes into your reign.

Nomnomnew · 06/07/2024 09:45

UpThePankhurst · 06/07/2024 09:39


Speaking about women or women's rights will be classed as 'transphobic hate' for being too upsetting for men.

And we'll do part 3 of The Suffragette Resurgence in which we're all clapped in irons every five minutes.

I hope this won’t be the case. But if it is, the only way to combat it will be to continue to speak up, in the hope that if we are in the thousands, they won’t be able to prosecute us all.

I struggle to see how it could be a crime to state basic biological reality, but we are some way through the looking glass already so never say never.

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