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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Do we know who the new Minister for Women will be, or if we will even have one? Maybe Minister for How I Identify.

119 replies

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:07

That's it.

I cant find out anything.

But suspect it is bottom of Starmer's to do list.

OP posts:
YesYesAllGood · 05/07/2024 18:13

Annaliese Dodds. I fear we could be in trouble.

NessasBoots · 05/07/2024 18:13

Eddie Izzard

zibzibara · 05/07/2024 18:14

She got a load of hassle from the trans activist groups inside Labour after she met with the LGB Alliance. Might be a good sign that she's willing to engage in dialogue at least.

WickedSerious · 05/07/2024 18:17

'Minister For Feelz'.

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 18:22

YesYesAllGood · 05/07/2024 18:13

Annaliese Dodds. I fear we could be in trouble.

Is this correct? If so we are all even more fucked than I thought we were.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:24

YesYesAllGood · 05/07/2024 18:13

Annaliese Dodds. I fear we could be in trouble.

I cant find any news outlet reporting it.

But this article did pop up:

We can see what you’re doing, Anneliese Dodds
The Labour party is plotting something that looks suspiciously like self-ID by the backdoor


We can see what you’re doing, Anneliese Dodds

The Labour party is plotting something that looks suspiciously like self-ID by the backdoor

OP posts:
OvaHere · 05/07/2024 18:27

Well I think we all know who it won't be....

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:28

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 18:27

The team so far - bit concerned that idiotic Nandy has a place.

Yes - and it's Culture and SPORT.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:33

Although from memory isn't Minister for Women always an add on.

Like KB was Minister for Business and when she had time Minister for Women.

I wonder if Labour will just not bother.

OP posts:
YesYesAllGood · 05/07/2024 18:33

In the Times but have just noticed that it still says Expected rather than Confirmed.

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:37

On another thread it says the rumour is Dawn Butler.

Accept I have just seen she has left Parliament.

OP posts:
IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:38

IwantToRetire · 05/07/2024 18:37

On another thread it says the rumour is Dawn Butler.

Accept I have just seen she has left Parliament.

Sorry she hasn't "left". She was elected last night to what is a new(?) constituency ie boundary change.

OP posts:
Floisme · 05/07/2024 18:42

That Telegraph article is from May.

Not seen anything on the BBC just now.

Whoever it is, it's very telling that it's one of the final positions to be announced

duc748 · 05/07/2024 18:44

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:28

Yes - and it's Culture and SPORT.

Can't see the likes of Lynne Pinches and co getting much support there.

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:46

duc748 · 05/07/2024 18:44

Can't see the likes of Lynne Pinches and co getting much support there.

Nope. Unless the bleating fool has got the position with a clear brief and a party line to hold. We can hope.

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 18:48

Well Labour have two options really. Try and find middle ground appointments on the sensitive issues that will keep things going calmly without buying them awful PR on either front, or declare war on women.

In which case, here we go and Labour aren't going to find this settles down, goes away or does much for their image.

teawamutu · 05/07/2024 18:51

UpThePankhurst · 05/07/2024 18:48

Well Labour have two options really. Try and find middle ground appointments on the sensitive issues that will keep things going calmly without buying them awful PR on either front, or declare war on women.

In which case, here we go and Labour aren't going to find this settles down, goes away or does much for their image.

Fair point, well made. A full scale sharp protest wave to settle it early on would make a nice change from emails and polite meetings and shelling out for innumerable crowdfunders.

crumpet · 05/07/2024 18:51

Is X right that Nandy has got Sport? Coupled with Dodds as Equalities that is going to be hard going

peanutbuttertoasty · 05/07/2024 18:53

Just seen the full lineup. We are absolutely fucked…!

Andthereitis · 05/07/2024 18:56

My concern is that women's rights impact on not only those affected by the trans stuff at work, school, but on every aspect of womanly existence.

On another thread someone said they had been transplained (my words not theirs) bby a trans person giving diversity training.

They went on to say they were more bothered by "inequality, poverty, NHS, education, violence against women & girls "

Well actually every single one of those issues is made worse by men being in women's spaces.
Poor women are more likely to end up in prison.
NHS made unsafe due to being gaslit when rape takes place by a "woman with a penis"
Inequality happens when men take the places designated for women.
Violence against women happens majoritively because of men being violent.

I believe in biology and I know humans can not change sex. The fact some idiot MPs believe they can will do us immense damage.

Cass needs to be pushed forward and our safety enshrined again in law.

What loo should a man use? The mens. Simple.

I wouldn't put it past this lot to have a man as women's minister.

duc748 · 05/07/2024 19:00

crumpet · 05/07/2024 18:51

Is X right that Nandy has got Sport? Coupled with Dodds as Equalities that is going to be hard going


Yes, Actually this link confirms Nandy, but not Dodds yet. But she was the Shadow, I'm sure it will be confirmed.

Graphic showing Angela Rayner, Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves

Who's in Keir Starmer's new cabinet?

Prime Minister Keir Starmer appoints Labour MPs to cabinet positions after landslide election victory.

Imnobody4 · 05/07/2024 19:05

Isn't she also Chair of the Labour Party? This might not be a Cabinet post, if so it's not going to look good.


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UtopiaPlanitia · 05/07/2024 19:10

YesYesAllGood · 05/07/2024 18:13

Annaliese Dodds. I fear we could be in trouble.

Thanks to Dennis Kavanagh I always think of her as "Confused Fraggle, Annaliese Dodds".

SquirrelSoShiny · 05/07/2024 19:13

Keir Starmer needs to know that women are 51% of the population. We're not going anywhere especially not for 0.01% of the population. Forget us at his peril.

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