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Islington North - who to vote for?

110 replies

Election2024 · 24/06/2024 17:48

I live in Islington North constituency and I’ve no idea who to vote for in this election.
My politics are left wing and I’m gender critical.
Our current MP is Corbyn, who is standing as an independent in this election. I don’t want to vote for him (and even more so after seeing him out on the campaign trail with Owen Jones 🙄).

I’m pissed off with Labour re self ID/Rosie Duffield treatment etc etc and don’t really want to vote for them either. Don’t want to vote for Greens and Lib Dems because of their batshit gender policies. Other candidates are Tory, Reform (no thanks), and an independent who I can’t find any information about. Sadly no other parties or even novelty candidates to choose from this election.

Normally I might consider spoiling my ballot paper… BUT, wondering if that’s risky this time? Whilst I’m angry with Labour, I would be pissed off if Corbyn got back in… Is it a risk? Should I hold my nose and vote for Labour?

interested to hear from other mumsnetters who are in a similar predicament. Who the hell do you vote for if you're left wing and gender critical?

(regular mumsnetter, have name changed because I’ve given my location).

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OP posts:
MrsAudreyShapiro · 26/06/2024 17:08

The arrest is about the 'honeytrap' scandal. The BBC story says, Police arrested a man in his mid-20s on suspicion of harassment and offences under the Online Safety Act in London on Wednesday

Praful Nargund is in his 30s and J Corbyn is obviously not a member of the Labour party. The person may have been arrested in Islington, but it's nothing to do with the candidates.

Houses of Parliament

Man arrested over Westminster honeytrap case

Earlier this year, a string of men, mostly in politics, revealed they had received unsolicited WhatsApps.

DramaLlamaBangBang · 26/06/2024 17:17

Election2024 · 25/06/2024 21:07

And back to my constituency…this poll is interesting, thought Corbyn had more support than this?
Maybe taking OJ on the campaign trail has shifted a few voters? 😁

That's interesting. It does look like most of that 22% Labour drop has gone to Corbyn ( althoughbthe Lub Dems and Greens have gone pretty hard Left too so may be lending their votes to him) but most people in the constituency dont want him. I thought he was a shoe in there. Even if he did win, he would just basically do what he did under the last Labour government - vote against it over and over again. At least this time, he won't be able to cosy up to terrorists by pretending to have any influence in the government. He may as well be honest and sit on the opposition benches.

Election2024 · 05/07/2024 03:27


OP posts:
Election2024 · 05/07/2024 03:29

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:21

Re your Independent candidate, Paul Josling - found this on Twitter:

He got 32 votes - how can you only get 32?! You need 10 to nominate you.

PS Gaspode - I stayed up to watch - told you I was always disappointed when I stayed up… but at least I haven’t been on the gin tonight!

OP posts:
UtilitarianNameChange · 05/07/2024 03:31

Harriet Harman had some angry words to say about Jeremy on Channel 4!

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 05/07/2024 03:34

Mandelson said the problem in your constituency was that people said 'Oh yes, we always vote Labour, we'll be voting for Jeremy Corbyn as usual'. A one-term problem.

CorbynSchmorbyn · 05/07/2024 11:10

Corbyn had shed loads of people canvassing for him - there were 10 people standing outside Canonbury station the other evening - 10! and it is a tiny station. I got three leaflets about him, a knock at the door and i saw canvassers on the street three or four times. I think he has a strong personal following and lots of people I spoke to did not like the labour candidate because of his involvement with private health care and IVF clinics nor the way Corbyn had been kicked out and this other bloke imposed against the will of the local party.

maltravers · 05/07/2024 11:17

What is their stated/unstated with IVF clinics please?

MrsAudreyShapiro · 05/07/2024 11:51

Praful Nargund's family business runs IVF clinics. His mother is a gynaecologist. There is nothing hidden about this. He is a local councillor and it's all declared on the register of interests. You can google him and find out lots of information what they do.The hard left Corbynites who are opposed to private healthcare disapprove, of course.

maltravers · 05/07/2024 13:30

I see, thanks. That is very intolerant of them in my opinion. Not everyone qualifies for IVF on the NHS unless things have changed. Anyway, this is not relevant now, thanks for explaining.

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