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Islington North - who to vote for?

110 replies

Election2024 · 24/06/2024 17:48

I live in Islington North constituency and I’ve no idea who to vote for in this election.
My politics are left wing and I’m gender critical.
Our current MP is Corbyn, who is standing as an independent in this election. I don’t want to vote for him (and even more so after seeing him out on the campaign trail with Owen Jones 🙄).

I’m pissed off with Labour re self ID/Rosie Duffield treatment etc etc and don’t really want to vote for them either. Don’t want to vote for Greens and Lib Dems because of their batshit gender policies. Other candidates are Tory, Reform (no thanks), and an independent who I can’t find any information about. Sadly no other parties or even novelty candidates to choose from this election.

Normally I might consider spoiling my ballot paper… BUT, wondering if that’s risky this time? Whilst I’m angry with Labour, I would be pissed off if Corbyn got back in… Is it a risk? Should I hold my nose and vote for Labour?

interested to hear from other mumsnetters who are in a similar predicament. Who the hell do you vote for if you're left wing and gender critical?

(regular mumsnetter, have name changed because I’ve given my location).

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OP posts:
CorbynSchmorbyn · 24/06/2024 19:26

Well, as Mr Josling fails to mention anyhting about actual policy in his lengthy ramble - my position has not changed! Thanks Gaspode

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:29

Could be worse. We have one Independent and she appears to be an evangelical Christian church worker who believes the most important issue in the election is the rights of (quote) 'unborn people'.

We have a 24-year-old Communist who from his picture looks about 50. Apparently the Communists have a sane policy on gender, but I can't vote Communist.

My choice, realistically, is between our long-serving Labour MP, who is a decent, hardworking constituency MP who's worked hard on her Shadow Cabinet brief, but is on the fence about gender, and spoiling my ballot paper. She will win by a landslide no matter what I do, so in a sense it doesn't matter. It matters to me, though. I'm worried about Labour.

However, the main thing for me is that the Tories must lose power. What a choice, though.

Election2024 · 24/06/2024 19:29

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:21

Re your Independent candidate, Paul Josling - found this on Twitter:

Oh 🤣
I’m not sure I’m much wiser!

Although I did learn that:
“Paul is a 58 year student at the Royal
Central School of Speech and Drama. A spiritual scientist. And his hobbies are Radio 3 and 4 & karioke.”

I had a look at the Facebook page mentioned - it’s a group, only 2 members and he’s one of them.
File under ‘eccentric’!

OP posts:
Election2024 · 24/06/2024 19:30

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:23

I'm afraid it doesn't look too promising ...

Understatement 🤣🤣🤣

OP posts:
Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:33

I'm planning to sit up for the results (if I can stay awake). Retired now, so no need to worry about work on the Friday! Your result is one of quite a number I will be watching out for. Clacton, Rees-Mogg, Hunt, Sunak, Truss. There must be others.

Election2024 · 24/06/2024 19:37

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:29

Could be worse. We have one Independent and she appears to be an evangelical Christian church worker who believes the most important issue in the election is the rights of (quote) 'unborn people'.

We have a 24-year-old Communist who from his picture looks about 50. Apparently the Communists have a sane policy on gender, but I can't vote Communist.

My choice, realistically, is between our long-serving Labour MP, who is a decent, hardworking constituency MP who's worked hard on her Shadow Cabinet brief, but is on the fence about gender, and spoiling my ballot paper. She will win by a landslide no matter what I do, so in a sense it doesn't matter. It matters to me, though. I'm worried about Labour.

However, the main thing for me is that the Tories must lose power. What a choice, though.

It’s rubbish isn’t it? The Communists do have good policy re gender - I have actually voted for them before, but viewed it the same as a spoiled ballot - ie a protest vote when it didn’t matter.
where’s Count Binface when you need him??😆

OP posts:
Election2024 · 24/06/2024 19:39

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:33

I'm planning to sit up for the results (if I can stay awake). Retired now, so no need to worry about work on the Friday! Your result is one of quite a number I will be watching out for. Clacton, Rees-Mogg, Hunt, Sunak, Truss. There must be others.

I like staying up for the results, but am so often disappointed. Remembering Brexit when I reached for the gin bottle at 1am…

OP posts:
Muthaofcats · 24/06/2024 19:41

Can someone sum up why labour are a problem for gender critical women?

please don’t vote for Jeremy corbyn, friend of Hamas, jew hater. We need a cohesive leader right now, not more division and hatred.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:42

I enjoyed 1997. Rapidly disillusioned thereafter, but it was a great relief to have the Tories out after even longer than their recent run - 18 years, although they'd only had two leaders in that time - slacking compared to recent times.

paasll · 24/06/2024 19:46

You could either spoil the ballot paper or not vote.

I am either going to not vote, or vote for the candidate that stinks the least.

Workasateamanddoitmyway · 24/06/2024 19:49

In this election I am not voting positively sadly. I'm voting negatively. I really don't want a Labour MP so I will vote for the candidate who is currently second in the polls for my constituency (Labour is currently leading) and who has the best chance of beating Labour. It happens to be a Tory candidate. I don't particularly want to vote Tory this time but I don't want Labour more. It's the most depressed I've been in any election and the first time I have ever voted negatively but women died for our right to vote so I feel I must vote for someone.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:49

Labour, like most UK political parties, believe a woman is anyone who says they are a woman. This means that crime statistics and the census become useless. Male criminals who say they identify as women have ended up in women's prisons. Women's and girls' sports are being infiltrated by male athletes who are breaking records and winning medals. Rape crisis and domestic violence centres which need to be single sex for women's safety and wellbeing are now effectively mixed sex. Women who request a female HCP or carer are not safe from finding a male HCP turning up.

That's a big chunk of the problem. There are massive issues with gender ideology in schools causing confusion and the lifelong medical problems that can result from affirmative 'care' for children, teenagers and adults with gender issues. There's also the problem that sexual orientation is a protected characteristic in the Equality Act but how can it be protected if gender is considered to trump sex and lesbians and gay men are vilified for not accepting trans-identified people of the opposite to their own sex in their dating pool?

Redshoeblueshoe · 24/06/2024 19:55

I don't live in your area, but if I did I would vote for whoever has the best chance of beating Corbyn.

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 24/06/2024 19:59

I would too. I loathe Corbyn.

Election2024 · 24/06/2024 20:00

Muthaofcats · 24/06/2024 19:41

Can someone sum up why labour are a problem for gender critical women?

please don’t vote for Jeremy corbyn, friend of Hamas, jew hater. We need a cohesive leader right now, not more division and hatred.

Gasp0de gives a good explanation.

Also found this article from Julie Bindel explaining how none of the parties are worthy of a feminist vote:

(I think I have seen elsewhere that Julie is voting for Labour).

And no, definitely not voting for Corbyn.

No party deserves the feminist vote in the UK election

Amid the culture war on gender, those of us who prioritise women’s rights and safety are left without a political home.

OP posts:
artant · 24/06/2024 20:34

In Islington North I’d definitely vote Labour. The betting odds suggest it’s close with Corbyn favourite to win. He was a great constituency MP once but he’s well past his best before date.

MrsSkylerWhite · 24/06/2024 20:40

Labour, no shadow of a doubt.

Ramblingnamechanger · 24/06/2024 20:49

Spoiled vote. I think it has been reported that many women may well choose to do that. In which case there should be specific reports of the numbers involved if only to make ALL parties think about the damage they have done.

urbanbuddha · 24/06/2024 20:54

This is going to be controversial but if I was in Islington North I’d vote for Corbyn. He’s a very good constituency MP. And more than that he’d take Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party to task when it needs doing (and sometimes when it doesn’t need doing). The Labour Party is a bit detached from its voters and it needs someone who’ll interfere with the steamroller effect in whatever way. It should be a broad church. I really dislike the way the chosen are being parachuted into seats without regard to what the local party thinks. So I’d send a reminder that people power does actually count.

coldpizzalover · 24/06/2024 21:04

Hello I live in Islington North!! I had a long conversation with a member of the Labour Party on my doorstep who explained the local situation with regard to Corbyn and who 100% understood my fears about women’s safety and what is happening to our children in schools. I agree with you entirely about not trusting Labour yet i would also do everything in my power to stop Corbyn who is an enormous populist and divisive figure and an antisemite. Happy to chat more if you DM me and I will share what he told me on the doorstep

Redshoeblueshoe · 24/06/2024 21:05

When Corbyn insisted Lilly Madigan was a woman that's when I stopped voting Labour

JanesLittleGirl · 24/06/2024 22:57

I feel your pain.

Should you vote for:

A fuckwit
A half wit
An absolute moron
A raging dissembler
An openly misogynist racist

Fuck it. Just write in RON

Hyperions · 24/06/2024 23:22

Ramblingnamechanger · 24/06/2024 20:49

Spoiled vote. I think it has been reported that many women may well choose to do that. In which case there should be specific reports of the numbers involved if only to make ALL parties think about the damage they have done.

I think they'll be quite happy if women don't vote, they won't have to worry about women's rights if we don't vote. It'll be like those lovely days a hundred years ago when women were not allowed to vote.


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AquaFurball · 24/06/2024 23:42

Hyperions · 24/06/2024 23:22

I think they'll be quite happy if women don't vote, they won't have to worry about women's rights if we don't vote. It'll be like those lovely days a hundred years ago when women were not allowed to vote.

That's absolutely what it feels like, women don't have the rights they fought for anymore, no party will stand against gender idealogy. Farage claims they will but they won't. The Tories allowed it to happen and are now trying to use it as a vote winner by saying they know what a woman is.

1997 Seeing Labour win was amazing, 2024 watching them win will be slightly less despairing than Tories winning 2019.

maltravers · 24/06/2024 23:57

CorbynSchmorbyn · 24/06/2024 19:10

I am also in Islington North. I am still undecided as to whether to vote Reform (as a protest vote) or whether to deliberately spoil my ballot. None of the other parties deserves my vote at the moment (although also no idea about the Independent bloke who isn't Corbyn). I am doing a bit to help Lesley Woodburn of Party of Women who is standing in Islington South.

It is very difficult to find information about the Party of Women candidates other than who they are. Do you have any useful links please if you’re involved? TIA.

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