The Unusual Year 2020: Reflections and an optimistic outlook

The Unusual Year 2020: Reflections and an optimistic outlook

Dear friends, colleagues and partners, I just wanted to take the occasion to wish you all a Merry Christmas for the ones who celebrate, and to the many of you who will be enjoying some time off a great break and a good start into the New Year 2021. 

The least we can say is that this year was an unprecedented challenge to all of us. Businesses, communities and societies stepped up together to protect people, care for each other, serve consumers and support the ones who needed it most. Our colleagues within P&G, our partners in retail, in civil-society, in help-organizations have come together and showed incredible commitment and resilience, providing the help, the products and brands people count on every day at home. 

We are grateful that our business in Europe continues to do well in these difficult days. But this reminds us that we are in a privileged position as our products are essential for health, hygiene and a clean home. I want to give a special and public thanks first to all my colleagues in the company, you have done a tremendous job this year. Thanks to your efforts we were able to continue to provide our products and help our communities and societies. I am honored to work with each one of you. Merci. 

Now, looking ahead we must be aware that we are not out of this situation yet. The pandemic does not take a Christmas or end-of-year-break, and life continues to be though.

GIVING BACK. #LeadWithLove

In one of my recent country connects, a colleague asked me: “Loic, are we doing enough to give back to society?” I believe contributing to society is essential to thrive as a business, to be chosen by employees, consumers and partners. We support the communities where we invest, live and thrive; where we establish our innovation and technical centers, or where we produce and distribute our products.

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Community Impact is rooted in who we are as a Company, it is one of our long-lasting citizenship commitments. We have been giving back to society for decades, because it matters. In 2020 we stepped up our efforts responding to the COVID crisis. We stepped up for the health workers and front-liners. We helped those who were most impacted by the pandemic. Our brands quickly adapted their programs to serve consumers in this unprecedented crisis.


We have contributed to the relief efforts with the equivalent of $ 30 million. Over 10 million P&G products have been donated in more than 20 countries in Europe alone. These donations helped ensure that families who do not have basic access to the everyday essentials can have the cleaning, health and hygiene benefits P&G brands can provide. Now, COVID is not over and the reality in Europe continues to be tough for many. 

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P&G is answering the call to do more. We will sustain the COVID19 Relief programs and will support the start of the recovery. We have decided to provide further support in 2021 with over 3 million product donations and 1 million $ financial support.


We could and cannot do this alone. Across Europe, we are partnering with more than 50 NGOs, foodbanks and some of the world’s leading relief organizations like the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network, working to save lives and promote dignity around the world. P&G and IFRC are neighbors here in Geneva, and I think we never valued this proximity as much as during this year. 

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Now, in 2021, we will sustain and develop existing partnerships, and we will seek to establish new ones. The recovery of Europe needs unity, commitment, resilience and strengths. If we stand together and when we cooperate, we can lift our beautiful Europe out of crisis, and build a better place together. More inclusive, more sustainable, more equal, driven by responsible growth. I believe in this vision, and I am deeply convinced of the role that FMCG companies like P&G can and should play.

2021 will go well beyond immediate help. 2021 will be about recovering, rebuilding and recreating. I am looking forward to doing this work together with many of you. Until then, let’s stay in touch, via Linkedin, via any other virtual or ‘real-life’ channel, and I truly thank you for the partnership and inspiration I received through many of your posts, articles and messages.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and have a good break. See you in 2021,


Jean-Noel Lucas

Chief Data Governance Officer at L'Oréal


Well done to you and your P&G team: impressive contributions! Tough but exciting times indeed, reflecting on how trends have accelerated during this crisis... Our collective challenge to create a better world/Europe, more inclusive & sustainable is certainly very inspiring and we must all unite & join forces to turn this future into reality. We can make it happen leveraging our beautifully diverse Europe!

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