Never Go With the Wind - Especially in Times of Crisis

Never Go With the Wind - Especially in Times of Crisis

The last few months have been a test for us all. Due to challenges posed by Covid-19, it became very clear that we would have to quickly adapt to the current landscape. To me, this time has highlighted that the integral components of business leadership are principle based; most importantly, taking care of our people and communities. Here is how we are steering P&G Europe through Covid-19 times – ensuring people are at the core.

I trust in P&G because of three things: We have the right business model, we have a strong culture, and we have talented, compassionate, and innovative people. When the crisis hit, we had to consider and care for all three. We made straightforward commitments:

  1. To ensure our people are, and continue to be, safe.
  2. To do whatever possible to combat the virus and support communities.
  3. To continue to serve the people that depend on our products for their everyday life and hygiene.


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Our consumers are at the core of all we do. P&G has been serving millions of consumers and families every day for 183 years with products that make a difference to everyday life, from cleaning products around the home to personal hygiene products, caring for babies and adults alike. To some it may sound counter-intuitive that at the time of the Covid-19 outbreak we made the decision to continue producing, shipping and marketing our products. It is quite the contrary. Stopping was no question for our 32,000 employees in Europe. Whether working from home or carrying out social distancing measures in our plants or distribution centres - we felt we had a commitment to continue making everyday products available to all the families that depend on them. We are proud of our brands because, particularly during difficult times, they enable our consumers and our communities to live their lives. They offer reliability, normality, effectiveness, and a well-functioning ‘everyday life’.


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We are aware of our responsibility to our societies and communities. We are working with our partners including Red Cross & Red Crescent networks around Europe to help people through this crisis, offering products, services and financial donations. We are supporting healthcare and aid-workers through production of non-medical masks, hand sanitizer and disinfectant, sharing these with hospitals, health care facilities and relief organizations. As always, we continue our commitment to be a force for good.

We're proud to partner with The Red Cross Red Crescent networks throughout Europe.


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A lot has been ‘unusual’ and this is still going to be the case in the coming weeks and months. We will not return to what was before. We have responded well to working differently, pivoting and adjusting to this new situation that we remain faced with. Distribution channels were temporarily closed while the turnover of others exploded, and as a business, we have quickly acknowledged the dramatic shifts in people’s shopping behaviour. However, our core promise to improve the lives of people every single day is now more relevant than ever. Covid-19 is still present but the world cannot remain in crisis mode forever. We will do our bit to help people adapt to this new situation and step forward:

1. Together with our partners, we will adapt business operations: We have a clear focus and understanding on how we will continue to operate in a valuable way that serves and supports our key stakeholders, consumers and employees in a post Covid-19 world.

2. Other important topics will return to the headlines: Sustainability and the struggle for equality will be redefined and widely addressed again, and we are already seeing a return to a global-local world. Our response to these challenges will be influenced by our learnings from the Covid-19 crisis.

3. Digitalization will enable unprecedented productivity and better everyday life: Covid-19 will have influenced a huge shift in the way consumers shop and interact with brands and businesses. Whilst we envision consumers looking forward to returning to in-store, it is likely a large number will be inclined to shop more online, looking for better ways to engage with brands digitally and virtually. This is a consumer expectation, and we want to be at the forefront of this change.

4. The workplace will change: This will impact how we interact as a wider business community. We have all learned how effective something as simple as turning our cameras on can be in remote interactions and have done a fantastic job in adapting to the new tools and technologies available and the benefits these provide.


A crisis is always a test of leadership, and to tackle it efficiently, you must be consistent and stick to individual values and principles whilst still adapting as the situation demands to overcome daily challenges.

  1. Decision making: Previously long-term choices are now turned into every day decision making that will have similar long-term impacts.
  2. Team-play: On day 1 of the crisis, we established a specific 'crisis decision-making' team, bringing all functions and experts across the business together. I feel I have never been closer to my amazing Europe team and continue to be proud of the decisions and work they produce over this time.
  3. Everyday communication: In times of crisis, it is crucial to be close to your entire workforce, to support them, talk to them, listen to them and be transparent on the decisions made. Doing this is the most effective way to keep your operations together and running smoothly, whilst ensuring the safety and commitment of employees.

Lastly, this has and will continue to be a test to us all as human beings. At P&G, every morning starts with a health-update on the organization, which I have found to be the trickiest moment of the day. To be responsible for thousands of employees I must trust in myself and my decisions to lead people safely through this crisis. I have never felt the responsibility that I have for 32,000 individuals more in my life.

This crisis enabled me to think about my life and routine and about the way it has impacted others too. No travelling has meant more time at my home, and more time for reflection. I realize that whilst my values remain the same, the way my team and I work together has changed. We have adapted. I share my thoughts with the people of P&G Europe more frequently, I actively request and listen to feedback more than ever before. Even without the travelling, which is often a main driver in ensuring I feel connected to all of Europe, I feel more connected.

My message remains to never go with the wind, but to always know where the wind is coming from, and to adjust your course smartly and effectively.

Steffen Schmauss

Managing Director Buying


Loic, it is great to see that you stick to your values and principles, that you stay true to yourself, during these unprecedented times. I applaud you for this, you are setting an amazing example not only for P&G but beyond. Merci !!!!

Henri-Jacques LETELLIER

Coach d'Affaires ☀️ Ile de France 🚀 Coaching de dirigeant.e.s | Facilitateur de Développement - Vision, Management et Gestion Opérationnelle. Performance, Sérénité et Réussite.


Comme disait Jean Guitton "Etre dans le vent, c’est avoir un destin de feuille morte". Un bon rappel qu'il faut 1) savoir d'où vient le vent, ET 2) savoir garder le cap. Merci Loic Tassel pour ce rappel. #dirigeants #pme #tpe #coaching Le Centre National du Coaching leCNDC®

Alberto Tiradossi

Purchasing Senior Manager at Procter & Gamble


Amazing message, thanks Loic!

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