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How much do solar panels cost in the UK?

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The average home can save £1,190 every year with solar panels
Is your roof pitched or flat?

Solar panels can cost between £3,654 and £18,152 including a battery, depending on the system size.

Solar panels can save you up to £1,099 annually, totalling nearly £30,000 of savings over their lifespan.

Adding a solar battery can boost your energy savings by up to 90 per cent.

Switching to cleaner energy options such as solar panels is becoming increasingly popular among UK homeowners. According to the latest government data[1], there were 15,563 solar panel installations in the UK in April 2024, more than in the previous three months combined.

Our experts have consulted many solar panel manufacturers, installers and industry professionals and conducted in-depth analysis of market trends to provide reliable, up-to-date information for homeowners considering adopting solar power.

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Average solar panel costs in the UK

Understanding the costs and potential savings involved with solar panels is crucial for making an informed choice. Current market trends show a steady increase in solar panel adoption in the UK, driven by technological advancements, growing environmental awareness and the introduction of a zero rate VAT for energy-saving materials by the UK government. 

When assessing solar panel costs, homeowners should consider the panels’ specifications, such as their power output, product warranty and efficiency rating. They should also take into account the available roof space for installing solar PV panels.

Detailed solar panel costs breakdown

Property sizeSolar panel costString inverter cost (included in panel costs)Battery costLabour costTotal
1 bedroom£4,700-£4,900 £900£1,000£300-£500£6,000-£6,400
2 bedroom£5,700-£5,900£1,000£2,000£300-£500£8,000-£8,400
3 bedroom£5,900-£6,500£1,200£2,500£600-£1,200£9,000-£10,200
4 bedroom£7,000-£8,000£1,500£4,000£1,800-£3,000£12,800-£15,000
Source: Independent Advisor, Energy Savings Trust, MCS

Panel costs

There are several types of solar panels: monocrystalline panels, which cost around £1 per watt; polycrystalline panels, at around £0.90 per watt and thin-film panels, priced at £0.80 per watt.

Inverters and batteries

Inverters are typically included in the solar installation price and cost between £900 and £1,500, depending on the type of inverter and size of your system.


How does a solar panel inverter work?

A solar panel inverter works by converting the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panel into alternating current (AC), which is used for electrical appliances.

Solar storage batteries are an optional extra. However, you can increase your savings by including one in your system. Depending on which size you require, they will cost anywhere between £1,000 and £4,000.

Average prices for a solar battery based on solar panel system size and house size

House sizeNumber of panelsSolar battery sizeBattery cost
1 Bedroom41.5kWh£1,000
3 Bedrooms123kWh£2,000 
4+ Bedrooms 165kWh £4,000 

Installation costs

The size and complexity of the installation dictates labour costs, with a small one-bedroom property costing between £300 and £500 to install a solar system (up to £3,000 for a large four-bedroom home). The installation cost includes scaffolding, the electrical system, documentation and labour.

The chart below breaks down the cost components of a solar panel installation.

Solar panels cost calculator

See how much it would cost to get solar panels installed on your home.
We’ve crunched the numbers so you don’t have to.

The data used to power this calculator is sourced from various solar companies and industry bodies, including the UK government, the Energy Saving Trust and Ofgem.

Factors that affect the cost of solar panel systems

Several factors will influence the overall cost of your solar panel system.

The type and quality of solar panel you choose

The three main types of solar panels are: 

  • Monocrystalline: panels with monocrystalline cells have the highest price point at around £1 per watt. However, they generate the most electricity per square metre, making them a good choice if you have limited roof space 
  • Polycrystalline: these panels are a more affordable option at around £0.90 per watt and are the most commonly installed panels. Although they’re not as efficient as monocrystalline panels, they can still achieve a good power output
  • Thin-film: these panels are the least expensive option at around £0.80 per watt. However, homeowners should be wary, as they have an efficiency of between 7 and 18 per cent, which is low – to make the most of the roof space available, the best solar panels have 20 per cent or higher efficiency

Whatever type of panel you choose, you should balance their upfront costs with the return on your investment.

The size of the solar system you need

The average UK household uses between 8 and 10 kWh of electricity per day. Your chosen solar panel installer will determine the system size that is right for your household based on several factors, including on your energy consumption, roof size and budget.

However, if you want to find this out for yourself so you can get an accurate estimate for your solar panel system, we’ve broken down the calculation into five easy steps. 

Step 1: calculate your daily electricity usage by dividing the total kWh on your energy bill by the number of days it covers. Repeat this for several bills to get an average daily estimate

Step 2: decide how much of your electricity you want your panels to produce. More power generation means higher initial costs but lower energy bills

Step 3: determine the power output rating of your chosen solar panels. For most residential panels, this will typically range from 200W to 450W

Step 4: multiply the panel’s output by 4.19 (average UK sunlight hours) and then by 0.75 to account for efficiency losses. This gives you the daily energy your panel will produce

Step 5: divide your daily energy use by the energy each panel generates to determine how many panels you need

Roof type and location

The type and condition of your roof will significantly influence the efficiency of your solar panels, and thus your potential savings.

  • Roofs should be in good condition, with a slope between 15 and 40 degrees for optimal solar energy absorption
  • South-facing roofs receive the most sunlight, but east- or west-facing roofs can also be effective
  • Location is crucial. Urban areas may get more shade from buildings, while rural areas are more likely to face obstructions such as trees
  • Geographic location affects sunlight exposure. Southern counties generally receive more sunlight than northern regions

How does the solar installation process work?

Once you connect with a solar panel installer, they will begin the installation process. This consists of: 

  • Site survey: experts will check your roof’s structure and sun exposure to assess its suitability for solar panels
  • Energy consumption: your installer will work out your household’s energy consumption based on your electricity bills
  • Design phase: your installer will create a detailed plan for the solar panel system based on the assessment and your energy goals
  • Installation: installation will begin following your approval. Your installer will set up scaffolding, attach mounting frames to the roof, secure the panels to the frames and install the inverter. If you choose to include a battery, this will then be incorporated into the system 
  • Connection to the electrical circuit: the system will be connected to your home’s electrical circuit and a certified electrician will inspect it for code compliance
  • Connection to the National Grid: your installer will then connect your system to the national grid and inform the Distribution Network Operator 

Installation cost by region

The cost of installing solar panels can vary significantly depending on the region. Installation costs are generally higher in urban areas such as London and the South East due to higher labour rates and operational expenses. Conversely, regions, such as the North East and Wales, often benefit from lower installation prices because of reduced labour costs and overall living expenses.

The availability of local installers also contributes to regional cost differences. Areas with a higher concentration of solar panel installers, such as the big cities or in the South West, may experience more competitive pricing, whereas remote areas might have fewer options, potentially leading to higher costs due to travel and logistical challenges.

Local government incentives and regional energy policies can also impact the overall cost. Some regions may offer more substantial subsidies or grants, making solar panel installations more affordable for homeowners in those areas.

How to choose a certified installer

By choosing a certified solar panel installer, you can ensure the company’s quality and compliance with industry standards. Start by checking for accreditation from the government’s Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), which guarantees the installer meets rigorous standards and allows you to benefit from the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme.

Look for memberships in trade associations such as the Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC) or the Solar Trade Association (STA), which indicate adherence to high ethical standards.

A number of things can help you reduce the cost of your solar panel installation.

  • Get multiple quotes: obtain quotes from multiple installers. By understanding the market rate and identifying the best deal, you have leverage for negotiation
  • Know the best time to buy: consider purchasing panels in the spring or early summer, when installers may offer promotions or towards the end of the financial year, when discounts are common. Some installers offer reduced prices during the UK’s annual Energy Savings Week, which falls in January
  • Inquire about discounts: ask if there are any current promotions, discounts or incentives available. Some companies offer seasonal deals or special pricing at certain times of the year
  • Haggle: don’t hesitate to negotiate the price. To win your business, many installers are open to lowering their rates or offering additional perks. Be polite but assertive in your negotiations
  • Avoid pressure tactics: take your time to make an informed decision. If you feel pressured, step back and reconsider your options, as high-pressure sales tactics can lead to rushed choices

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Savings and return on your investment

At the current energy prices, a typical three-bedroom house with a 4.5kW system could save up to £871 per year, allowing homeowners to break even in approximately eight years.

Sell excess energy through the SEG scheme

Generating your own energy with solar panels can save you money, and you can increase your annual savings by selling any surplus energy to the National Grid. The Smart Export Guarantee scheme (SEG) is a UK initiative that requires electricity suppliers to compensate households and small businesses for any excess renewable energy they generate and export to the grid. This is one of the reasons many people choose to add a solar battery to their solar system.

Below are the payments you could expect to receive through the SEG scheme, with or without a solar battery.

Potential savings without a solar battery, based on someone being at home for half the day

Number of solar panelsAnnual energy bill savingSEG paymentApproximate total annual savings

Potential savings with a solar battery, based on someone being at home for half the day

Number of solar panelsAnnual energy bill savingSEG paymentApproximate total annual savings

Energy suppliers with 150,000 or more customers must supply at least one SEG tariff to customers in England, Scotland and Wales. Some tariffs have better prices per kW than others, so it’s advisable to shop around before making a decision.

You’ll also need to decide between fixed and variable tariffs:

  • A fixed-rate tariff pays per kWh of electricity exported to the grid, regardless of the time of day
  • Variable tariffs pay varied amounts depending on how valuable the electricity is at that time. Some variable tariffs offer different rates for peak and off-peak hours, such as the new Intelligent Octopus Flux

You don’t need to be an existing customer to sign up for any of the energy tariffs in the table below, and you don’t need to switch to opt into their SEG tariff. However, existing customers tend to be offered better rates, so bear this in mind.

Potential savings and payback period for a 4.5kW solar system according to SEG tariff rates. Prices updated as of May 2024. 

SupplierSEG tariffRate per kWhVariable/fixedPotential total savingsPayback period
Octopus Energy (own customers)Intelligent Octopus FluxAverage 27.1-36.1Variable£1,09410 years
Octopus Energy (own customers)Octopus FluxAverage 24Variable£9709 years
OVO Energy (own customers with battery)OVO SEG tariff20Fixed for 12 months£94110 years
So Energy (panels and battery installed by company)So Export Flex20Variable£94110 years
E.ON Next (own customers)Next Export Exclusive16.5Fixed for 12 months£92010 years
OVO Energy (own customers with solar panels only)OVO SEG tariff15Fixed for 12 months£90510 years
British Gas (own customers)Export & Earn Plus15Variable£90510 years
Octopus Energy (own customers)Outgoing fixed15Fixed for 12 months£90510 years
Scottish Power (customers whose panels were installed by the company)Smart Gen+15Variable£90510 years
Scottish Power (customers whose panels were installed by another company)Smart Gen12Variable£88310 years
So EnergySo Export Flex7.5Variable£85411 years
British Gas (non-customers)Export & Earn Flex6.4Variable£84011 years
EDF Energy (own customers)Export Variable Value5.6Variable£84011 years
Utility Warehouse (own customers)UW SEG tariff5.6Variable£84011 years
Pozitive EnergySEG tariff5Variable£83311 years
Octopus Energy (non-customers)Outgoing Go4.1Fixed for 12 months£82511 years
OVO Energy (non-customers)OVO SEG tariff4Fixed for 12 months£82511 years
EDF Energy (non-customers)Export Variable3Variable£81811 years
E.ON Next (non-customers)Next Export3Fixed for 12 months£81811 years
SSE (existing customer)Smart Export tariff3.5Variable£81811 years
Shell EnergySEG V1.1 tariff3.5Variable£81811 years
Utilita EnergySEG tariff3Variable£81811 years
Utility Warehouse (non-customers)UW SEG tariff2Variable£81111 years
ESEG January2020v.11Variable£80411 years
Source: Ofgem, Independent Advisor

Long-term savings

The best solar panels could save you hundreds of pounds annually. Exactly how much your household could save with solar panels depends on:

  • The size of your solar panel system
  • The amount of time you spend at home
  • Your SEG tariff rate

You’ll save more if you spend more time at home. When your solar panels are generating electricity, that’s a good time to use electrical appliances, such as the dishwasher and washing machine. This will allow you to avoid paying to use them when you’re using grid electricity.

Property sizeSystem sizeNumber of panelsEstimated costs (including installation and battery)Approximate annual savings on electricity bill, including SEG paymentsApproximate savings after 25 years
One bedroom1.5kW4£6,200£324£8,100
Three bedrooms4.5kW12£9,100£871£21,775
Four bedrooms6kW16£12,000£1,099£27,475

Return on investment

The break-even point refers to the time it takes for the savings from your reduced electricity bills and any SEG payments received to surpass the initial investment cost of the solar panels. This critical figure indicates when you will begin seeing a tangible return on your investment.

Solar panels typically break even around eight to 12 years after installation. However, this varies based on the system size, SEG payments, current electricity prices and your electricity usage, so only use our estimates as a rough guide.

Taking the system cost and balancing it against any savings, when does a solar system break even? 

Property sizeSystem sizeNumber of panelsSystem cost (including installation and battery)Approximate savings (including SEG)Break-even point
One bedroom1.5kW4£6,200£32419 years
Three bedrooms3kW12£9,100£87110 years
Four bedrooms5kW16£12,000£1,09911 years

We’ve also calculated the break-even point should the price of energy decrease or increase by 30 per cent.

If energy prices drop by 30%*Savings based on the 1 April 2024 price capIf energy prices increase by 30%*
Electricity bill savings£183£261£340
SEG payment**£313£313£313
System cost£7,100£7,100£7,100
Years to break even14 years12 years11 years
Figures are based on a three-bedroom property without a battery and someone being at home for half the day.
* Based on the April energy price cap
** Based on a rate of 10p per kWh

solar panels icon

Does solar system-owner Sophie Wilding from East Sussex save money with her panels?

How many panels did you install? What did you invest, and when will you break even?

“The investment was £8,000, and I expect the return to be in the region of five to six years, based on our energy consumption, as we use a lot of the electricity produced to charge our electric car. We’ve got 18 panels on the roof, one inverter and two batteries.”


Has the energy crisis affected you, and how much of the energy you produce do you use? 

“The price cap has obviously had an impact because we still use some [electricity] from the grid, so that’s gone up. But, by the sheer fact that 65 per cent of what we use we produce ourselves means that, as a result, it has not gone up anything like it has for everybody else and clearly increases the return on our investment.”


What advice would you give to homeowners considering a solar panel installation?

“I would say go for the biggest system that you can get that will fit your roof because we’re only going to be using more and needing to produce more, not less. A bigger system means you’ll be producing more of your own energy, and your savings will increase, especially if you include an energy storage battery.”

Katharine round image

Is the cost of installing solar panels increasing? A word from Katharine Allison, our Energy Saving Expert

Solar panels are cheaper now than they were ten years ago, while electricity prices have increased significantly. Additionally, advancements in solar panel technology have greatly improved their efficiency and durability. These factors combined make it an excellent time to invest in solar panels and enjoy immediate and long-term financial benefits.

Solar panel finance options

There are various financing options for solar panels, each catering to different consumer needs. Understanding these options is crucial for homeowners investing in solar energy.

Cash purchases

Purchasing solar panels with cash involves a significant upfront investment, but it offers the quickest return on investment, increases property value and avoids monthly payments and interest.

Increases property valueRequires significant upfront capital
Rapid return on investment due to savings and incentivesOwner bears all maintenance and repair costs
No ongoing monthly payments or interest

Solar subscription plans

Solar subscription plans allow you to benefit from solar power without high upfront costs. Homeowners pay a regular fee, and the provider handles installation, maintenance and operation.

No upfront costsEarly termination fees may apply
Easy budgeting with fixed feesSome plans do not include ownership of the panels
Provider handles maintenance and repairs


Solar loans enable homeowners to purchase solar panels by making regular payments, which is suitable for those wanting to own their panels without an upfront investment.

Ownership of panels upfrontPotential for high interest rates
Poor credit may limit options or increase costs

Financing from solar panel installers

Some installers offer flexible payment options, allowing payments in instalments, sometimes with low or zero interest rates initially.

Competitive lending optionsMonthly payments may increase after introductory period
Ownership of panels upon completing paymentsInitial payment required


Leasing allows homeowners to rent a solar system with no upfront costs and pay monthly or annually, with the provider being responsible for maintenance.

Minimal upfront costsNo system ownership, limiting financial benefits
Provider handles maintenanceLong-term commitment with potential early termination benefits
Renters can benefit from solar systems

Power purchase agreements (PPA)

Instead of owning the system, homeowners can opt for a power purchase agreement, which involves paying for the energy generated by the system at a reduced rate.

Little to no upfront costsNo system ownership
No maintenance responsibilityLong-term commitment with possible early termination fees
Lower electricity ratesMonthly or annual payments required

Green mortgages

Green mortgages offer a greater borrowing capacity for eco-friendly home improvements such as solar panel installations, recognising the value they add.

Solar panel government schemes and grants

Although the benefits of installing solar panels far outweigh the negatives in the long run, the initial cost can be a tough hurdle to overcome. However, a few government solar panel grants are on hand to help mitigate some of the costs.

Through the UK government scheme Energy Company Obligation (ECO4), managed by Ofgem, homeowners receiving means-tested benefits could be eligible to save money on the cost of solar panels. Those who are not receiving means-tested benefits but are still living in fuel poverty might be eligible to save money through the Local Authority Flexible Eligibility, which is an extension of the ECO4.

Tom Armstrong, Project Solar

Is the cost of living influencing the solar market? – Tom Armstrong, Sales Director at Project Solar

“The cost of living situation is a big incentive for homeowners to install a solar system. Three years ago, 1kW was worth between 11p and 14p. Now, it’s between 30p and 36p, and electricity suppliers are paying home generators that amount for surplus energy generated. Octopus is offering the best return at present. 


“If you’ve decided against solar panels in the past, it is worth looking again, as technological advances have made panels more efficient, with better returns. Using your own solar energy will always save money.”

Ongoing system costs to consider

Once you’ve had your panels installed, there are several ongoing costs to consider.


When installed correctly, solar panels are designed to last 25 years or more. Thanks to their simple construction, and because they have no moving parts, they are relatively low maintenance.

However, you should carry out annual maintenance throughout your panels’ lifespan. By doing so, you’ll maximise their productivity and ensure that you get the most power out of each panel.

Essential maintenance:

  • Remove any debris from your panels, including leaves and tree branches
  • Hose the panels from the ground up to remove debris that can’t be picked off (never use a sponge, as this will cause scratches and damage the panels’ surface)
  • Have your panels checked regularly by a certified service provider

Panel lifespan 

You may need to replace your battery and inverter over their 25-year lifespan, so these costs should be factored into any calculations.

Replacement battery cost

The cost of replacing a solar battery depends on the type and capacity of the battery required. Most solar batteries have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, so they will eventually need to be replaced. The price for a new solar battery typically ranges from £1,000 to £5,000, although advanced or larger capacity models may cost more.

Replacement inverter cost

The replacement cost of a solar inverter can vary, typically ranging between £900 and £1,500. Solar inverters typically need to be replaced every 10 to 12 years, depending on the brand and conditions of usage.


Although it’s unlikely, panel repairs could be necessary for a few reasons.

Extreme weather, such as heavy hailstones or high winds causing tree branches to fall, is the main reason for repairs. Should these events occur, your product warranty should protect your investment.

Warranty information

When assessing solar panel costs, it is crucial to understand the warranties offered by manufacturers and installers, as these warranties protect your investment and minimise any further outlay.

  • Installation warranty: this covers post-installation issues and typically ranges from one to five years. It ensures any problems related to installation are promptly fixed without extra cost
  • Product warranty: most solar panels come with a 10 to 25-year product warranty that covers manufacturing defects and material issues. This means you won’t have to pay for replacements
  • Performance warranty: this guarantees that panels will operate at 80 to 90 per cent efficiency after 25 years, ensuring ongoing energy production and cost savings over their lifespan
  • Inverter warranty: inverters are essential for converting solar energy, so they usually come with a separate warranty of five to 10 years to cover any potential failures

Battery warranty: if your system includes a battery, you can expect a warranty of around 10 years, providing assurance against performance and reliability issues


Depending on your property and household’s electricity needs, installing solar panels can cost between £8,500 and £9,100. However, over their lifetime, they can save you thousands of pounds through energy savings and SEG incentives, typically paying for themselves within 10 years.

Our methodology for calculating solar panel costs

Our methodology for calculating the costs and savings associated with solar panel systems is designed to be transparent and comprehensive. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how we derived our figures using data from the Energy Saving Trust (EST)2, the MCS3, Ofgem4 and the Met Office5.

1. Data sources

Energy Saving Trust (EST)

  • Provided data on the average costs of solar panel and battery installations
  • Included estimates on annual energy savings and potential earnings from exporting excess energy to the grid

Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS)

  • Offered certified installer costs and average system performance metrics
  • Ensured reliability and accuracy of installation and maintenance costs


  • Provided data on the latest energy rates and SEG tariffs
  • Used to validate energy consumption data across various household sizes and usage patterns

Met Office

  • Provided data on the sunlight hours across the UK

2. Cost of solar panel system

Base system cost

  • We started with the average cost of a standard solar panel system as provided by the EST, including the cost of the panels, installation and basic hardware
  • We also considered figures provided from a number of solar system installers, regional and national 

Battery addition

  • We included the cost of a solar battery to provide a more comprehensive solution. Battery costs were sourced from market analysis and reports by industry experts, ensuring up-to-date and realistic pricing
  • Average battery costs were added to the base system cost to reflect the total investment required for a complete solar solution

3. Calculating the breakeven point

Initial investment

  • We calculated the total upfront cost of the solar panel system, including the battery, by summing the base system cost and the battery cost

Annual savings and earnings

  • Annual savings were derived from EST data on typical energy bill reductions due to solar panel usage
  • Earnings from exporting excess energy were based on typical rates provided by energy suppliers and verified through MCS-certified installer data

Break-even point calculation

  • We calculated the break-even point by dividing the total initial investment by the sum of annual savings and earnings
  • Break-even point (years) = total initial investment/(annual savings + annual earnings)

4. Long-term savings

Energy savings over time

  • Long-term savings were projected over 25 years, considering the lifespan of the solar panels and the potential degradation of efficiency (an average of 0.5 per cent per year)
  • Savings were adjusted for inflation and rising energy costs based on historical data

Maintenance and replacement costs

  • We included average annual maintenance costs, as suggested by MCS and industry standards
  • Battery replacement costs were factored in, assuming a lifespan of 10 years

5. Verification and adjustments

Cross-referencing with Ofgem data

  • Energy consumption data from Ofgem was used to validate the savings estimates for various household sizes and usage patterns
  • Adjustments were made to ensure that the savings calculations represented typical UK households

Real-world data integration

  • We incorporated feedback and data from actual solar panel users to refine our estimates and ensure real-world applicability

[2] Energy Savings Trust, Figures accurate as of April 2024
[3] MCS, Figures accurate as of April 2024
[4] Ofgem, Figures accurate as of April 2024
[5] Met Office, Figures accurate as of March 2024

Cost of UK solar panels FAQs

Solar panels are a costly investment, so look for cost-effective panels with good power output, and seek out quotes from multiple providers to compare installation costs.

Buying solar panels can significantly reduce the cost of charging electric cars by providing a renewable energy source, lowering electricity bills and enhancing the environmental benefits of electric vehicle ownership.

As part of the government’s Spring Statement 2022, homeowners will pay 0 per cent VAT on solar panels from April 2022 until March 2027.

According to Admiral Money, solar panels can increase your home’s value by up to 25 per cent, making them a worthwhile investment and an attractive benefit for potential buyers.

Solar panels typically last 25 to 30 years. Their efficiency may gradually decrease during this period, but they can still produce significant energy.

A 5kW solar panel system can easily meet the energy needs of a typical three to four-bedroom UK home, generating around 4,500 kWh per year under ideal conditions This is compared to the average household usage of 3,350 kWh per year. However, actual output may vary based on location, panel orientation and weather.

Yes. In 2024, there are several incentives for installing solar panels, including a 0 per cent VAT rate on solar installations, earnings from the SEG for surplus energy sold back to the grid and government grants, such as the ECO4 grant.

Investing in solar panels may not be worthwhile if financial costs outweigh benefits, especially in areas with heavy shading. Also, if you plan to move soon, the upfront costs may not be recoverable through energy savings. So, evaluate these factors to ensure a worthwhile investment.

Katharine Allison

Energy Saving Writer

As Independent Advisor’s energy saving expert, Katharine, a keen advocate for sustainability, is an authority on solar panels, double glazing, and cutting-edge renewable energy technologies. Her dedication merges with a commitment to enlighten and steer readers toward embracing eco-friendly solutions and the latest trends in sustainability.

With over 10 years of experience, she has worked with some of the UK’s leading companies and publications, including the Federation of Master Builders, Architectural Digest, and Denon Construction. 

Katharine is particularly passionate about consumer causes and animal welfare and has art, philosophy, and psychology degrees. She lives with her sled dogs in East Sussex.

david hilton

David Hilton

Energy and Renewables Expert

David Hilton is a Director at Heat and Energy Ltd, and an expert in conventional and sustainable building, energy efficiency services, and healthy homes. In his role at Heat and Energy, David supports projects from design brief to completion with technical, sustainability and strategic advice. He also advises on building fabric and heating, including conventional, modern and alternative systems.

As an expert in energy efficiency and sustainable building, David has a masters degree in sustainable architecture and is a regular contributor to Homebuilding & Renovating, Selfbuild and Design, Grand Designs, and Build It magazines, The Metro and The Independent newspapers as well as various trade magazines.

David is also a member of professional bodies and organisations including Gassafe and the Gloucester Design Review Panel.

David is a frequent speaker on heating, renewables and modern building methods at the Homebuilding and Renovating shows as well as training installers of heat pumps, photovoltaics, and solar thermal systems. In addition, he delivers courses and seminars at the National Self Build and Renovation Centre.