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Gone with the Wind
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16 minutes ago

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by Sarah Hualde (Goodreads Author)
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  (page 71 of 145)
20 hours, 41 min ago

See all 7 books that Jamie is reading…
Mark Twain
“Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.”
Mark Twain

Mark Twain
“I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know.”
Mark Twain

Mark Twain
“′Classic′ - a book which people praise and don't read.”
Mark Twain

Margaret Mitchell
“I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.”
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Mark Twain
“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.”
Mark Twain

73843 YA Buddy Readers' Corner ♥ — 17590 members — last activity 16 minutes ago
“We read to know that we are not alone.” ― C.S. Lewis ----------------------- WHAT DO WE DO HERE? This group encourages people to interact with f ...more
963626 Serial Readers Unite! — 121 members — last activity Jan 18, 2024 11:44AM
This is a group to share and talk about the series' you've read, are reading or want to read. A place to list the series' you plan to read, challenge ...more
127757 A Million More Pages — 2016 members — last activity 8 hours, 29 min ago
Welcome to A Million More Pages. We are a challenge-based reading group that runs seasonal challenges centered around themes. By participating in chal ...more
133888 Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon — 4321 members — last activity Jul 11, 2024 04:55AM
Our next readathon will be April 13, 2024. We'll start reading at 8am Eastern Time April 13th, and end at 8am April 14th. ...more
35559 Nothing But Reading Challenges — 25028 members — last activity 1 minute ago
books of the month (click on image to go to discussion) We believe reading is fun and find unique and challenging ways to spread ...more
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