JanB's Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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bookshelves: 2023-reads, audiobook, mystery-thriller

It’s 1983 and Kit, a home care aide, is sent to the crumbling mansion, Hope’s End, to care for the disabled and aging Lenora Hope, after her previous aide disappeared during the night.

Lenora is the sole survivor of her family’s massacre in 1929, and suspicion has surrounded her ever since:

“At seventeen, Lenora Hope
Hung her sister with a rope

Stabbed her father with a knife
Took her mother’s happy life.”

A series of strokes has left her mute but, with help, she is able to tap out sentences on an old typewriter. Her first message to Kit? “It wasn’t me”. Followed by “I want to tell you everything.”

As Kit helps Lenora tap out her story, strange things begin to go bump in the night, and suspicions arise surrounding her predecessor’s disappearance. Is Lenora innocent or is she being manipulated by a psychopath? What long buried secrets are being hidden? (plenty it seems!)

This was oozing Gothic atmosphere with well-developed characters, and a sinister tone. Some readers may feel there were too many twists at the end but I found it fun and a delight to read. The audiobook was excellent. Recommended for a fun summer (or anytime!) read.
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Reading Progress

July 5, 2023 – Started Reading
July 5, 2023 – Shelved
July 5, 2023 – Shelved as: audiobook
July 5, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023-reads
July 5, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery-thriller
July 7, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 69 (69 new)

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Jan of course since I didn't grab this one it turns out that it's not bad. I had given up on Sager, glad to hear he's back!

L.A. It looks like you enjoyed it, my friend! Awesome💞

JanB Dorie - Cats&Books :) wrote: "Jan of course since I didn't grab this one it turns out that it's not bad. I had given up on Sager, glad to hear he's back!"

I will always give him a chance, I've enjoyed more than I don't and find his books campy good fun! Grab a copy from the library!

JanB L.A. wrote: "It looks like you enjoyed it, my friend! Awesome💞"

It was great fun wasn't it? Thanks L.A.!

JaymeO So glad you loved this one too! Terrific review!

message 6: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen I've kind of got a grudge against Sager as I was disappointed by another one I read and swore I wouldn't pick her up again. Glad this one delivered for you, Jan. Great review

message 7: by James (new)

James Thane Great review, Jan. Sounds like a good one.

Jayme Too many twists for me but thrilled that you had so much fun with it! Great review! ❤️

JanB JaymeO wrote: "So glad you loved this one too! Terrific review!"

Thanks Jayme!

message 10: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Jen CAN wrote: "I've kind of got a grudge against Sager as I was disappointed by another one I read and swore I wouldn't pick her up again. Glad this one delivered for you, Jan. Great review"

I haven't loved all of them but once I decided to read them as pure escapism and not to take it too seriously, I began to enjoy them more lol
Thanks Jen!

P.S. Riley Sager is a he 😉

message 11: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB James wrote: "Great review, Jan. Sounds like a good one."

Thanks James!

message 12: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Jayme wrote: "Too many twists for me but thrilled that you had so much fun with it! Great review! ❤️"

It was definitely a wile ride at the end lol
Thanks Jayme.

message 13: by Dana (new) - rated it 4 stars

Dana Oh, this sounds fun! Adding it to my list. Great review, Jan!!

message 14: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Elle Beth wrote: "Nice review Jan. Think I am going to give this one a go."

I hope you enjoy - just go with the flow at the end and I think you will 😉 Thanks Elle!

message 15: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Dana wrote: "Oh, this sounds fun! Adding it to my list. Great review, Jan!!"

It was pure fun, just don't think too hard 😉 Thanks Dana!

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Love how you described this with the atmosphere. Wonderful review Jan 💖

message 17: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Margaret M - wrote: "Love how you described this with the atmosphere. Wonderful review Jan 💖"

Thanks so much Margaret!

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do Great review, Jan! Glad you enjoyed and found this one fun 🧡

Neils Barringer I am so glad you loved this! I just started it....it feels like Riley is back to his old self--YAY!! his last 2 were bombs for me

Rachel Hanes Great review, Jan!! I’m currently reading this book now (only 100 pages in), and I’m desperate to find out what happens!!

message 21: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat I'm glad you had fun with this, Jan! Fabulous review! 💗

Heather V  ~The Other Heather~ I'd sworn off Sager after a couple of misses, but the one I enjoyed most was the one with the looniest twists at the end, so your review has given me some optimism! Adding it to ye olde TBR now... 😆

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! I’m very excited for this one! I passed on his last thus far after the reviews I’ve read, but I actually picked an old BOTM to use my credit on for the month just so I could do this one as an add on! 😂 looking forward to all the twists and turns. Great review Jan! 😊

Marialyce I am next on libby for this one. I am so glad it's a good one, Jan, and of course your review is super!

message 25: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Fabulous review, Jan! 💛 I'm so glad this one turned out to be a winner for you.

Holly  B (slower pace!) I'm in the audio line, Super excited you enjoyed because I like lots of twists! 😍

message 27: by Kara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kara My copy arrived this weekend and can not wait to get started! Excellent review!!

Ceecee So glad you enjoyed it too Jan - I thought it fun as well. Fantastic review 🩵

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader Lovely review, Jan! This does sound like a fun one and I’m happy I chose it from BOTM.

Lit with Leigh Glad you had fun with this one 💖

message 31: by Bianca (away) (new)

Bianca (away) Lovely review, Jan.

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Glad you enjoyed, I might pick this one up from the library.

message 33: by Lori (new)

Lori  Keeton The gothic element sounds great! Glad this was a fun read!

message 34: by Jayne (new)

Jayne Love the author's poem and your insightful review. I am usually not a fan of this author but you sold me!

message 35: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Excellent review Jan! Glad you enjoyed!💞

message 36: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Bec (becbingesbooks) wrote: "Great review, Jan! Glad you enjoyed and found this one fun 🧡"

Thanks Bec!

message 37: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Neils wrote: "I am so glad you loved this! I just started it....it feels like Riley is back to his old self--YAY!! his last 2 were bombs for me"

I approach his books differently than most, and once I started doing this I enjoyed it a lot more.

message 38: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Carol wrote: "Fantastic review, Jan 💙!!! Glad you enjoyed it too!"

Thanks Carol!

message 39: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Rachel wrote: "Great review, Jan!! I’m currently reading this book now (only 100 pages in), and I’m desperate to find out what happens!!"

I see you finished it and enjoyed it too - thanks Rachel!

message 40: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Kat *is trying to catch up* wrote: "I'm glad you had fun with this, Jan! Fabulous review! 💗"

Thanks so much Kat!

message 41: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Heather V wrote: "I'd sworn off Sager after a couple of misses, but the one I enjoyed most was the one with the looniest twists at the end, so your review has given me some optimism! Adding it to ye olde TBR now... 😆"

RIGHT? His endings are always loony and I don't take it too seriously, I just have fun with it. Enjoy Heather!

message 42: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Catherine wrote: "I’m very excited for this one! I passed on his last thus far after the reviews I’ve read, but I actually picked an old BOTM to use my credit on for the month just so I could do this one as an add o..."

I love this last one, lol....I read it as a homage to old B horror movies and found it great fun. Maybe I read his books wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol

I hope you enjoy it, just be ready for a bonkers ending lol

message 43: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Marialyce wrote: "I am next on libby for this one. I am so glad it's a good one, Jan, and of course your review is super!"

Thanks Marialyce, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

message 44: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Michelle wrote: "Fabulous review, Jan! 💛 I'm so glad this one turned out to be a winner for you."

Thanks Michelle!

message 45: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Holly wrote: "I'm in the audio line, Super excited you enjoyed because I like lots of twists! 😍"

You will LOVE the ending of this one then lol!

message 46: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Kara wrote: "My copy arrived this weekend and can not wait to get started! Excellent review!!"

Thanks Kara, enjoy!

message 47: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Ceecee wrote: "So glad you enjoyed it too Jan - I thought it fun as well. Fantastic review 🩵"

Thanks Ceecee, I'm glad we both loved it!

message 48: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader wrote: "Lovely review, Jan! This does sound like a fun one and I’m happy I chose it from BOTM."

Thanks Jennifer, I hope you enjoy it too!

message 49: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "Glad you had fun with this one 💖"

Thanks Pink, sorry it didn't work for you!

Lindsay L Reading now and loving!! Great review Jan!

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