Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind!'s Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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"...But that's not what you're most curious about, is it?
You want to know if I'm as evil as everyone says I am.
The answer is no.
And yes."

Lenora Hope, Lenora Hope, Lenora Hope...nope, she's not quite Bloody Mary, but she IS held responsible for the Hope family murders...and has her OWN schoolyard chant to boot! (Now, how many of us can say that? 😏) Accused of hanging her sister with a rope, and stabbing her father with a knife, and 'taking her mother's happy life,' Lenora was found at the scene (quite literally) with blood on her hands and has been essentially in hiding at her home, the creepy and crumbling mansion known as Hope's End, ever since that terrifying day in 1929.

It's now 1983, and Kit McDeere has accepted her next home health care aide assignment: she's going to be LIVING at the literal scene of the crime as an in-home caregiver for none other than Lenora Hope herself. Lenora is now in her seventies, and a series of strokes have caused her body to deteriorate...but her mind? Not so much. Kit finds out one night that while Lenora is wheelchair bound and unable to speak, she CAN a very peculiar way. She can type (albeit slowly) on a typewriter and one day she makes Kit a tantalizing offer: " I want to tell you everything."

Stunned by her request, Kit is hesitant to hear the all of the ugly details kept secret over the course of many years...secrets that seem to have driven Lenora's previous caregiver away in the middle of the night...but something inside her just CAN'T refuse Lenora. As the mansion at Hope's End literally begins to crumble beneath them, sliding ever closer to the sea, will Kit learn the terrifying truth and set the record straight on behalf of her newfound 'friend'? Why are the other inhabitants of the mansion STILL THERE, after everything time and tragedy has put them through? And is there someone out there so determined to keep Lenora quiet that they'll do just about ANYTHING to keep the truth from bubbling to the surface...even if it means Kit is the next one to die?

There are a few things you can count on when picking up a Riley Sager book:

1) There will be thrills, chills, (and in most cases) a TRULY terrifying setting.

2) The chapters will be short, driving, and will sometimes keep you FRANTIC for just one more chapter...and this might be his most addicting book yet!

3) The book as a whole is going to pay tribute to other greats in the genre or will serve as an homage to the some of the beloved tropes in the genre. Sager's tackled everything from haunted houses to final girls, and this one feels like one part gothic, spooky house book and two parts murder mystery.

But there's a fourth hallmark of Sager's that I WISH he would leave behind him, and this is the reason I once again cannot give this book 5 stars.

4) ONE twist too many. Every. Single. Time.

This plot is interesting, addictive, and after the main reveal, I was ABSOLUTELY taken by surprise. The characters were complex, the background and all of the diary entries we got to read were enticing, the setting felt REAL (and frankly, Hope's End was one of the most terrifying characters in the book! 😱)...all of the elements were there. All signs were go, and I was racing towards the end, full speed ahead.

...But then it happened.

And once again, I was left sort of scratching my head wondering WHY Sager just keeps...going there. It's almost like he doesn't trust his readers to think his books are 'twisty enough' without this sort of ending. The irony is that he excels in other areas, from atmosphere to character development, and doesn't need to rely on such EXTREME gotcha twists that involve paranormal elements and the like to hold his readers' attention.

This is not to say his books would be entertaining WITHOUT twists, because that is certainly a large part of his appeal as a writer and an element I've come to expect in his writing. I think it's just such a difficult experience as a reader to end on sort of a disappointed sigh rather than a true sigh of satisfaction, particularly when you're at the end of a book that started as a 5 star read...and despite the aforementioned issues, I do think this is Sager's strongest effort to date (although I must admit I've skipped a few! 🙈) Sure, there's some suspension of disbelief (okay, okay a A LOT of suspension of disbelief) involved for ALL of the coincidences to pan out just so, but at this point, it feels pretty much like the price of admission if you're going on this needless to say, you've been warned! 🎡

And although Beetlejuice and Bloody Mary might have this particular market cornered...just to be safe?

I would avoid saying Lenora's name three times in row... especially if you're in front of a mirror!


4.5 stars

Nominated for Best Mystery/Thriller in the Goodreads Choice Awards! Now in paperback!
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September 22, 2022 – Shelved
September 22, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 14, 2023 – Shelved as: botm
November 12, 2023 – Started Reading
November 22, 2023 – Finished Reading
December 19, 2023 – Shelved as: 4-and-a-half-stars
December 19, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023-favorites

Comments Showing 1-47 of 47 (47 new)

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Dani Happy reading! Can't wait to see what you think. I really enjoyed this one

Holly  B (slower pace!) 🤞🤞

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Dani wrote: "Happy reading! Can't wait to see what you think. I really enjoyed this one"

Loved it!!! 😍 couple reviews behind still, but I have thoughts about this one! Haha so glad you enjoyed it so much too, Dani! 💕

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Holly wrote: "🤞🤞"

LOVED IT!! Not quite a 5 star but I think it might need to be a 4.5…did not want to put it down! 🤩

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do So looking forward to your review on this! I've heard such mixed things

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Bec (becbingesbooks) - new job, will be back online properly to catch up when I've settled in wrote: "So looking forward to your review on this! I've heard such mixed things"

It was VERY good although I still think Sager needs to just cool his jets with the FINAL third act twist sometimes! 🤣 Very happy I finally made time for it though...once I'm done with this illness I hope to get to the review ASAP, Bec! 💞

Bec (becbingesbooks) - sorry, behind with lots of catching up to do Catherine wrote: "Bec (becbingesbooks) - new job, will be back online properly to catch up when I've settled in wrote: "So looking forward to your review on this! I've heard such mixed things"

It was VERY good alth..."

It's definitely all the twists where I hear mixed things 🤣🤣 I hope you're feeling better ASAP! 🩵

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Bec (becbingesbooks) - lots of catching up to do wrote: "Catherine wrote: "Bec (becbingesbooks) - new job, will be back online properly to catch up when I've settled in wrote: "So looking forward to your review on this! I've heard such mixed things"

It ..."

Aww thanks Bec! I'm finally turning a corner a week and a half later! 💞💞

Jayme Yes! At least one twist too many every time! This one didn’t work for me at all. Great review!

message 10: by Kay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kay He keeps going there! But I'm glad you enjoyed it too Catherine. Great review!!💖

message 11: by Terrie (new)

Terrie  Robinson (short break) Excellent review, Catherine!🩷Sorry the author stepped over the line again but I always thought the more twists the better. Glad you still enjoyed it though!🤩

Nikki Lee Nice review, Catherine! I absolutely loved this book and I’m not even a Riley Sager fan.

message 13: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Excellent review, Catherine! The 'one twist too many' problem is too common nowadays. Maybe they think we readers want more twists, but there has to be some sense to the twists as well. I'm glad you mostly enjoyed this. ❤️

Holly  B (slower pace!) Fun review Catherine! 🤩

message 15: by s.penkevich (new)

s.penkevich Wonderful review, this sounds super thrilling. OKAY though I did not realize Riley Sager was a man until right now I've been using the wrong pronouns with patrons and customers for 2 years under the assumption Riley was a woman so THANK YOU for that.

message 16: by Rowan (new) - added it

Rowan Such a great review, Catherine! I enjoyed reading it. Have this one on my TBR. Interesting what you said about twists!

message 17: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Great review! 🥰 I loved this one too.

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Jayme wrote: "Yes! At least one twist too many every time! This one didn’t work for me at all. Great review!"

WHY does he do it?!? It continues to boggle the mind...😔 I'm sorry this wasn't a better read for you though, Jayme...hopefully we will BOTH love his next! 🤞 💖

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Kay ❅*̩̩͙‧͙꙳⋆⍋⍋⋆꙳‧͙*̩̩͙❆ wrote: "He keeps going there! But I'm glad you enjoyed it too Catherine. Great review!!💖"

And why?! His books are fun and twisty ENOUGH without it!! 😫 Either way, this was still one of the best and most unputdownable thrillers I read this year, so I'll give him that! Thanks so much, Kay!! 💞

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Terrie wrote: "Excellent review, Catherine!🩷Sorry the author stepped over the line again but I always thought the more twists the better. Glad you still enjoyed it though!🤩"

That is usually the case when it comes to the twists, I agree! I think with his though, it's always that the last one is a little bit bonkers and undercuts some of the better, earlier twists (if that makes sense?) I'm still super excited for his thriller next summer though, so definitely coming back for more 😁 LOL Thank you so much, Terrie!! 💘

message 21: by Catherine (last edited Dec 23, 2023 07:57AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Nikki wrote: "Nice review, Catherine! I absolutely loved this book and I’m not even a Riley Sager fan."

YAY! I know he can be super polarizing...I'm still terrified to read Survive The Night after some of the reviews I've read of that one (LOL) so I get it, Nikki! Glad taking a chance on this one paid off for you!! 💖

message 22: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Great review, Catherine. Glad it delivered for you!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Rosh (is busy; will catch up soon!) wrote: "Excellent review, Catherine! The 'one twist too many' problem is too common nowadays. Maybe they think we readers want more twists, but there has to be some sense to the twists as well. I'm glad yo..."

Thank you so much, Rosh!! 💕 I agree, Sager is definitely not the only one with this tendency…but I think because his final twist always seems weird by comparison it makes the whole thing feel just a bit off. I LOVE lots of twists and there have even been times I like some wacky ones, but at least I enjoyed most of this one a lot! 👏

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Carol wrote: "Excellent review, Catherine 💙!!! I am glad you mostly enjoyed despite all the twisty twist!! I am kind of a twist junkie 🤣."

See and I am too!!! 🤣 with Sager though they can just be a bit cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for me! 🙈 I do love the atmosphere and the stories he tells though so I’m going to keep reading!! Glad you loved this one Carol, thanks so much!! 💕 💕

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Holly wrote: "Fun review Catherine! 🤩"

Aww thank you Holly!! 🤗 💜

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! s.penkevich wrote: "Wonderful review, this sounds super thrilling. OKAY though I did not realize Riley Sager was a man until right now I've been using the wrong pronouns with patrons and customers for 2 years under th..."

Haha OMG you are NOT the only one!! I’m in a few thriller book groups on Facebook and someone discovers that fact nearly every day! 😂 I’m sure sometimes fans show up to a book signing and are also surprised, so the more you know, right?! Haha This is definitely one you could probably recommend to a lot of patrons, thrilling the whole way through…thanks so much!! 😊

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Rowan wrote: "Such a great review, Catherine! I enjoyed reading it. Have this one on my TBR. Interesting what you said about twists!"

Aw why thank you, Rowan!! 😊 I’m glad this one is on your list…I’ll keep an eye out for your thoughts when you get to it, I hope you enjoy as much as I did!!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Mary Beth wrote: "Great review! 🥰 I loved this one too."

Thank you very much, MB!! ♥️ I’m glad you had a great time reading this too!!

message 29: by Charles (new) - added it

Charles Wonderful review Catherine! I’ve been very curious about this book so I think I’ll put it on hold at the library.

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Jen CANADA wrote: "Great review, Catherine. Glad it delivered for you!"

Thanks so much, Jen! :) it was definitely a high point of the last month, that’s for sure!!

message 31: by Catherine (last edited Jan 02, 2024 10:12AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Charles wrote: "Wonderful review Catherine! I’ve been very curious about this book so I think I’ll put it on hold at the library."

It is such a good one Charles! I hope you’ll get a chance to check it out!! 😊 (and so sorry for the delay with the comment back too!!)

message 32: by Safa Arif (new) - added it

Safa Arif Omg I absolutely love this review! You’re summary and the 4 points 😩🫶🏻🫶🏻I can’t wait to pick it up! Glad you enjoyed 🥰

Maureen Excellent review Catherine, loved this one too ❤️‍🩹

Heather Adores Books He’s hit or miss with me, but your stellar review makes me what to give this one a try 🩷

message 35: by Barbara (new)

Barbara LOL, I do appreciate his short chapters, and yes, one twist too many... Fantastic review Catherine!

Dorie  - Cats&Books :) Great review. I came to this one late as I haven't liked his last few. I gave it four stars but never wrote the review as the book was gifted to me. I agree with all of your comments

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Safa wrote: "Omg I absolutely love this review! You’re summary and the 4 points 😩🫶🏻🫶🏻I can’t wait to pick it up! Glad you enjoyed 🥰"

Safa, you are too sweet, thank you so so much!! 🥰 🤗 As much as Sager did his Sager thing and went a BIT too far, I was so into this one...and it's a fab read! I hope you love it as much as I did!! 💗💗

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Maureen wrote: "Excellent review Catherine, loved this one too ❤️‍🩹"

Thank you so much, Maureen!! 💞 Despite the little problems, I truly think he raised the bar this glad you felt the same! 👏

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Heather Adores Books wrote: "He’s hit or miss with me, but your stellar review makes me what to give this one a try 🩷"

Well I've skipped the couple that everyone says are super problematic (namely Survive the Night because I don't think I can handle a campy version of him!) so I completely get it Heather! For what it's worth, I'm REALLY glad I didn't give this one a pass...if you liked Home Before Dark or Lock Every Door, I think you'll like this one! 💖💖

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Barbara wrote: "LOL, I do appreciate his short chapters, and yes, one twist too many... Fantastic review Catherine!"

YES short chapters are almost always my jam in a twisty thriller (but they definitely don’t always save a book! 🫣 LOL!) I always know I’m in for a treat when I’ve got a new Sager to read but I do hope someday he will just quit when he’s ahead!l with those bananas endings! 😂 thanks so much, Barbara! 💕

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Dorie - Cats&Books :) on hiatus until end of Jan wrote: "Great review. I came to this one late as I haven't liked his last few. I gave it four stars but never wrote the review as the book was gifted to me. I agree with all of your comments"

I have had to skip so many reviews in the past few months for non ARCs because I just didn’t have the time or energy tbh so I get that! I’m glad after some misses you took a chance on this one…and it paid off! :) thank you kindly, Dorie! ♥️

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Awesome review, Catherine!💕

message 43: by Cara (new)

Cara Fantastic review, Catherine❤!!!!!!!!

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile)- Lots of catching wrote: "Awesome review, Catherine!💕"

Thanks so much, Sujoya!! 💜

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Cara wrote: "Fantastic review, Catherine❤!!!!!!!!"

Thank you, dear Cara!!! 💕💕

message 46: by Krystal (new) - added it

Krystal Excellent review, Catherine! 💜

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - even more behind! Krystal wrote: "Excellent review, Catherine! 💜"

Thank you much, Krystal!! 💙

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