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Tuesday's Child
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Thomas A. Edison
“We often miss opportunity because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work”
Thomas A. Edison

16821 Mystery/Thriller Reading Friends — 5264 members — last activity 1 hour, 23 min ago
This group warmly accepts newcomers. Whereas mystery and thriller is the focus, we also love a great read, regardless of genre. Originally formed from ...more
83510 Crime Detective Mystery Thriller Group — 2604 members — last activity Jul 08, 2024 07:04AM
This is a book club/group for ALL books about crime, mysteries, and thrillers. From romantic suspense, to pulp fiction, to cozy mysteries, british det ...more
596 Audiobooks — 14445 members — last activity 3 hours, 13 min ago
Audio & audiobooks are getting more and more popular for commuters & those wanting to squeeze in another book or two a month while doing other activit ...more
80913 Audiobooks — 31 members — last activity Nov 16, 2015 07:50PM
I have discovered the wonderful, wonderful world of audiobooks! And love them. IF...told by a good narrator. Got a favorite reader you want to share, ...more
245555 Suspenseful Clues and Thrilling Reviews — 2694 members — last activity Aug 15, 2022 01:38PM
An online book club hosted by Chelsea @ The Suspense Is Thrilling Me and Sam @ Clues and Reviews for readers to discuss their current reads and monthl ...more
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