View allAll Photos Tagged owl

Captive eagle owl. Image taken at Goathland, North Yorkshire

Niagara Region, Ontario Canada

Image taken in Cumbria.


Many thanks to everyone that views and comments on my images - much appreciated.

From my hide a few days ago

The Dad was searching for food.


Bird on a rock.


I'm still on the sick from work, but the odd good day means I can get out and about. For Rachels Birthday I took her out to watch some of the local Barn Owls - she's such a lucky lady

From a horrible dull day

After it dove down from the tree, It didn't catch anything this time.....

Panned from a moving vehicle....


On a secluded dirt track in the middle of nowhere....AKA an auto hide:)


©Gerry Gutteridge...


Species: Barred Owl

Location: Nanaimo, BC

Little Owl face off, these little fellows certainly know how to stare someone out.

Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) perched in a dead aspen poplar along the roadside in the Aspen Parkland region north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


[Press "L" or left click to view on black]


22 March, 2014.


Slide # GWB_20140322_6541.CR2


Use of this image on websites, blogs or other media without explicit permission is not permitted.

© Gerard W. Beyersbergen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide In Perpetuity - No Unauthorized Use.

Taken just outside of Iroquois Falls, Northern Ontario. This owl posed for at least 15 minutes.

Abandoned (at least by humans) farmhouse at Low Horcum on the North York Moors. Now a haven for bats, owls and other wildlife.

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) has successfully captured a vole after waiting patiently, listening then plunging into the tall grass along the edge of the boreal woods roadway near Thorhild, Alberta, Canada.


30 October, 2018.


Slide # GWB_20181030_5637.CR2


Use of this image on websites, blogs or other media without explicit permission is not permitted.

© Gerard W. Beyersbergen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide In Perpetuity - No Unauthorized Use.

Little curious owl on the pillar near Villa Rumipal, Cordoba, Argentina

Barred Owl Huntley Meadows Park

It was a pleasure to photograph snowy owls again, and the weather was absolutely ideal. This was taken before dawn, when birds were still active in the snow

Johannesburg Zoo, South Africa

Owl transitioning to flight from its perch on a log

Great Gray Owl in Ada County, Idaho

During a trip to Scotland in early May and after 2 days sitting in dire weather shooting Kingfishers, Peter (Spencer) had a great idea that we spend the night sitting in a damp cold...errr........'very cold' hide in the middle of nowhere in hope of shooting a Tawny Owl. Being the submissive type, I went along with Pete's plan and basically sat in a fridge through the night waiting in hope! However, to be fair, after just a short time we had our first visit (well we think it was the first as it was as black as the ace of spades!) and got this shot, using flash for the first time in anger! Both Peter and I used 2 flashes each set at 45 degrees apart, but had no idea how things would work out. So feeling chuffed with this one, but total respect to all those guys out there that do flash work so well.....and do it with the bird in flight! Pete and I are just starting/having a go, so-to-speak, but it's addictive to say the least! Anyway, we had one more visit from this owl, then that was it for the rest of the night.........we think! We definitely need a cheapo NVG so that we can actually see when something approaches (any tips welcome), so spent the rest of the night keeping watch but unfortunately we didn't capture any more visits.

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulas) resting in a large spruce tree on the fringe of the boreal woods and an agricultural field in the area nor Thorhild, Alberta, Canada.


8 June, 2017.


Slide # GWB_20170608_2845.CR2


Use of this image on websites, blogs or other media without explicit permission is not permitted.

© Gerard W. Beyersbergen - All Rights Reserved Worldwide In Perpetuity - No Unauthorized Use.

Closeup of a Barn Owl at Blackland Prairie Collin County, Texas USA

(Strix chacoensis) The Chaco owl is an owl which inhabits dry Chaco woodland in southern Bolivia, western Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Owl in a walnut shell, a present from Malta.

This owl was hunting and very active, behaving somewhat like a Great Gray Owl. She flew a considerable distance to catch a vole that was behind her, gulped it down, stayed on the ground looking around for for perhaps 5 minutes and then flew to this post. She has black markings over the eyes seen in only a few Snowy Owls.


She was migrating through the area where I saw her.


Cananda jan. 2018

Adult male

Canon 500 mm f/4.0 iso400 1/320

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