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Shieldaig (Scottish Gaelic: Sìldeag; Old Norse: síld-vík, lit. 'herring bay') is a village in Wester Ross in the Northwest Highlands

The village was founded in 1800[3] with a view to training up seamen for war against Napoleon. After his (initial) defeat and exile to Elba, the community found itself a new role as a fishing village. The small island just offshore never had its tall pines harvested to rig warships, and has now become a nature sanctuary. WiKi


Still on the archives, not been able to get out, due to work and family commitments.

A view looking down Derwentwater and a distant glimpse of Bassenthwaite Lake

Taken at South Park, Darlington, County Durham on 11/02/2021.


… from my garden.


Thank you so much for your visits, comments and faves. I appreciate them all!

Wishing everyone a happy day!❤️

Still trawling through the old stuff, as I've still not been able to get out yet.

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 18/05/2023.

On a tributary of the River Wharfe running through the Valley of Desolation is the impressive Posforth Gill waterfall

This Pic was captured in July, 2004, four years after the Mrs. and I had pulled our travel trailer from California across Oregon, Washington, Canada, and the Yukon to reach a place called Homer, Alaska.


We had learned about Homer from a female military veteran who was washing clothes at a RV (caravan) laundry room in Malibu California. I asked her about Homer after seeing a Bumper Sticker on her vehicle that read “Homer Alaska… a Drinking Town with a Fishing Problem.”


The Vet went on and on about the beauty and sense of adventure one experiences driving the Alaska Highway (ALCAN). Of course, that’s all the Mrs. and I needed to hear; we set about planning a road trip to Alaska.


The Veteran was so right; we had the adventure of a lifetime. As it turned out, we were enjoying a gorgeous day on the Homer waterfront the morning of September 11, 2001 (9/11). Sadly, we decided to end our adventure that tragic day and spent the next few dreary weeks pulling that trailer home.


Nevertheless, since our trip to Alaska had been short in 2001, we decided to fly back to that wonderful state in 2004. We wanted to experience things we missed on our first trip: those amazing Alaska Grizzly Bears up close and personal, fishing for King Salmon on the Kenai River, and an up-close viewing of Denali (Mt. McKinley).


This photo of a glacier on Denali was taken (July 25, 2004) with a Canon Point & Shoot camera through the window of a small plane. Not the greatest shot, but still brings a smile as I remember the wonderful experience that is Alaska !!


(Canon PowerShot, 1/400 @ f/7.1, ISO 50, edited to taste)

Corsewall Lighthouse is a lighthouse at Corsewall Point, Kirkcolm near Stranraer in the region of Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland. First lit in 1817, it overlooks the North Channel of the Irish Sea. The definition of the name Corsewall is the place or well of the Cross.

Although still operational as a. Lighthouse it is also now a Hotel

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 06/06/2022.

Ard Neackie is a small scenic peninsula on the east side of Loch Eriboll joined to the mainland by a narrow isthmus and has an interesting history of lime quarrying (from the outcropping Durness Limestone), lime kilns, and as former home to the Heilam Ferry across Loch Eriboll. With wonderful views down Loch Eriboll of the peninsula of Ard Neackie and down the loch the hills of Foinaven, Cranstackie and Beinn Spionnaidh, all Corbetts, provide a beautiful back drop to this stunning spot

With Extra Special Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year to all my Flickr Friends

Taken at Low Barns Nature Reserve, Witton-le-Wear, County Durham on 30/05/2021.

Pequeño pájaro de hábitos palustres, es una especie que ha tenido una gran expansión por la península ibérica durante las ultimas décadas, recibiendo invernantes de Centroeuropa.

Su rasgo más interesante es su característico nido en forma globosa, formado por fibras vegetales y bastante grande.


The building of this three arch bridge, was started in 1759 and completed by 1761, carries the main drive over the River Derwent up to the house. The bridge was carefully angled so as to be seen from the house and orientated in such a way as to provide that last, striking view to the house from the entrance drive.

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 03/07/2023.

November 2016

Merkats in Oudtshoorn, Little Karoo, South Africa

The world is like a book and those, who do not travel, only read the first page.


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… in a shadowy corner of our garden.


Thank you so much for your visits, comments and faves. I appreciate them all!

Wishing everyone a happy day!❤️

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 06/06/2022.


Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 03/07/2023.

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Spanish saying:

Around St. Blas (3rd of Febr), stork you will see.

Taken at Hardwick Park, Sedgefield, County Durham on 30/03/2021.

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