View allAll Photos Tagged colour

Managed half an hour in the park got soaked twice so home for a mug of tea I did find some purple and green.

Yes, it's in colour.


I have been absent from Flickr for a time - computer problems - 'nuff said. I shall endeavour to catch up with all of your fine photography that I have missed ... forgive me if I don't have time to comment on your work.


Autumn has arrived at Keefer Lake ... cold nights and warm days make for morning fog. Eventually the sun burned up all the morning mist and we enjoyed a warm, bright blue sky day!


- Keefer Lake, Ontario, Canada -

A two colour pic for the July Colour Festival

Dongchuan, a rural place in the Wumeng Mountainous area, about 180km north of Kunming, becomes very famous among Chinese photographers for its red soil.


In the mid 1990s, the first Chinese photographers came to discover the Wumeng's scenery. The first came and scooped award-winning photos, but kept their location a closely guarded secret. But slowly the details leaked and now more and more photographers are making their arduous trip into the arid mountains. The brilliant red soil, the yellow buckwheats and the dramatic skies make the region around Dongchuan a paradise for photographers.


Needing colour that is. British letter boxes and old telephone booths get "iconic" when you let colour speak and do its job. Fuji X-E2 plus Pentacon 30/3.5 wide open.

Colour landscape, treated image of historic Whitby Castle taken from across the River Esk on one of Whitby's piers.

Spring is here .

Song by Oasis.

An alley off Manvers Street, Nottingham. © All Rights Reserved.

Cherry Blossoms..


On Monday Karen and I went to Joyce Archdekin Park in Brampton where the Japanese Sakura Cherry trees are in full bloom. They hung like a canopy over our heads filtering out the sun and bathing us in a pale pink glow. .


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These gorgeous raspberry coloured roses are joyful to behold! Happy new week my friends =)


11th November 2010.

There's no real reason behind me uploading todays picture, apart from I liked the pretty colours and bokeh. (and this is almost sooc but I just couldn't help but tweak the contrast a tad.)

Believe it or not, despite my usual dark or stark kind of uploads, I really love colour, especially rainbows. This was a necklace, which was given to me by a friend who I don't really see anymore although we still stop for a chat from time to time. I never really wore it as a necklace, because it broke, but I really liked it for the colours so always kept it as a kind of lucky charm/keyring.

I used to have some rainbow smiley cats on a necklace too but they long disappeared, and I've never been able to locate a replacement. Let me know if you ever come across any :)

Definately looks better if you press L or click Larger

Brightening up a very very cold day!

What can I say except: more beautiful Autumn Colour in the Church Yard...


And if you can identify these leaves, I'd love to hear from you!


STOP PRESS: - A big vote of thanks to Flickr Friend - sjcowell66 - for correctly identifying that these leaves are from a Japanese Flowering Cherry tree. Thanks Sarah!


A very BIG "Thank You" for all your prayers and kind messages; thank you also for taking the time and the trouble to leave an encouraging Comment... It's especially nice to hear from you at the moment, and your comments are greatly appreciated thanks...!

It's autumn colour time in Ontario, but I am stuck indoors with back spasms. I do have a few in the queue, however.


I believe that is Jordan Pommerville Island on the Rideau River as seen from the abandoned railway bridge at Lock 31, Smiths Falls.


© AnvilcloudPhotography

- Povoa de Santo Adriao, Portugal -

Surfboards at Seaton Sluice, Northumberland

Samyang manual lens wide-open (F2) and as close as possible (about 90cm); four LED lights in an otherwise dark room. I desaturated the image and allowed only yellow to come back as two yellow iris flowers are in the background. You may notice that due to reflection a trace of yellow rests on the 6cm-head of the Diadoumenos (a victor in the Olympic Games of antiquity). I would conclude that for us and in principle, because of the molecules of the air, all light (and, with it, colour) is reflected light and hence slightly diffuse. And this would mean that, in space or in a vacuum, we would get sharper images.

There are some days when a little colour goes a long way.........

These vibrant colours were created using Hue & Saturation in photoshop, ............ the Purple ribbon for Sunday was the template....

¿Te gustan las rosas de color rosado?


Pentax K-70

with analog lens 50mm


Yes..I went back again. Sorry but I can't get enough of the place at the moment. This is a 4 min Exposure with a Cokin GND8 at the horizon. I know I lost a bit in the sky but hey..I think it adds a bit. The colour this morning was amazing (more to come of wouldnt be me otherwise) and this is pretty much how it was with WB set to Cloudy.


Anyways..Thats all

Even the waterfall is now in its Autumn colours. Tinted by the peat on the moors. Wainwath Waterfalls in the Yorkshire Dales.


Shielding a market stall from the strong morning sun.

Autumn colour from only two months ago that is now only a memory. Here the River Teign cuts through a channel beside a small island where a rocky weir holds back the river behind and to the left.

Preston Park, Brighton, Sussex, UK

Smile on Saturday theme: selective colour



{ الحياة كـ لوحة تنتظر الألـوانـ لتغدو أكثر جمالا ...

نولــد ولوحة حياتنا بيضاء نقية …

منا من يحولها إلى الســــواد..

ومنا من يحافظ على نقائــها و صــفائها ..

والقليل هم من لونوا صفحاتهم

بــ ألـوانـ الحياة..

ألـوانـ ليست كغيرها من الألوانـ..!..

لــون حيــآتك .. بألــوان التفاؤل .. السعاده .. و الفرح ..!




Have a COLOURFUL bright week flickr friends ! =)

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