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Im April 2014 überfiel die islamistische Terrororganisation Boko Haram das Dorf Chibok im Nordosten Nigerias und entführte 276 Schülerinnen. Unter #BringBackOurGirls ging ein Aufschrei um die Welt. Doch das Schicksal der Schülerinnen ist kein Einzelfall. Bis heute befinden sich Tausende Frauen in den Händen von Boko Haram.


2015 reisten der Zeit-Reporter Wolfgang Bauer und der Fotograf Andy Spyra nach Nigeria, um mit Frauen und Mädchen zu sprechen, denen die Flucht gelungen ist. Ihre Erzählungen zeichnen ein detailliertes Bild des Schreckensregimes ...


Nicht ohne Knoten im Bauch und doch mit großem Interesse besuchte ich diese Fotoausstellung im Stadthaus in Ulm...


f 7,1

1/50 s

100 ISO

24 mm

But he [the Messiah, Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes [wounds] we are healed.

(Isaiah 53:5)

Thank You for Your Visit . Have a Wonderful Day ahead of You ..

The position of the present church at St Cleer is probably the site of St Clarus's 9th century wattle and daub oratory. Originally built by the Normans, the Grade I-listed Church of St Clarus was rebuilt in the 13th century and additions made in the 14th and 15th centuries. It has a fine 15th century tower 97 feet high with four typical Cornish pinnacles. The village of St Cleer is on the southern side of Cornwall's Bodmin Moor.


Quiria on Flickeflu


Philip Glass - Symphony for Eight - Conjunto Ibérico


"Esta noche

no es noche de cuentos,

el cuco se ha dormido

la rana tiene sueño...

y yo...

yo estoy aqui sentada

tejiendo y destejiendo.

Esta noche

la noche no tiene dueño.

Erase una vez que se era

una historia de hadas

y de princesas,



que ya se me ha olvidado

contar cuentos...

...una pena...

que lástima que no retroceda el tiempo

y el cuco se asomara a su ventana

y la rana

despertara de su sueño,

aunque esta noche

no sea noche de cuentos"

Union Station Great Hall ...

Toronto Canada ...

Pic in my Architectural Album ...

Pic taken Jul 23, 2023

Thanks for your views, faves, invites and comments ... (c)rebfoto



© 2016 tapa | all rights reserved

Copyright © All rights reserved Peter Vahlersvik! Please do not use this image on websites, blogs or any other media in any way without my explicit written permission

Interior architectural ...

National Gallery

Ottawa Canada ...

Pic in my Architectural 2022 Album ...

Pic taken Jun 19, 2022

Thanks for your views, faves, invites and comments ... (c)rebfoto

A local enterprise...but can you guess its purpose? A bonus award of...well...just my admiration will be noted if you are correct!

Century old church revisited, Manila PH

along Elbe River


nota: The villas and stately palaces on the hills above Elba are in Tuscan style and consist in two typical elements of Florentine architecture: the small quadrangular tower and the garden of poplars (instead of cypresses).


In the Baroque era, other Italian cities also inspired the architecture of Dresden. King Augustus II (1694-1733), known as the Strong, wanted to make Dresden "a second Venice", and built palaces along the Elbe River which were supposed to look like the Grand Canal.

la notte, l'unico momento in cui lo si poteva inquadrare senza turisti, noi siamo evidentemente atipici :)

Eravamo andati a caccia delle radici di Mariano: il suo nonno materno era di Orvieto, ma il nipote non c'era mai stato. Abbiamo trovato una bellissima cittadina, ricca di storia e di fascino discreto. Abbiamo imparato molto e accertato che Mariano ha sangue etrusco nelle vene, lo testimonia anche il suo naso :)

A chi volesse andare possiamo anche consigliare un'ottima trattoria: La trattoria del Moro, si mangia benissimo a prezzi ragionevolissimi e l'accoglienza è molto simpatica.

Del bellissimo Duomo e di altre visite vi parlerò in un'altra occasione.


Do not use any of my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission.

All rights reserved - Copyright © fotomie2009 - Nora Caracci

Putrajaya, the administrative capital of Malaysia lit up at night. Although it is a new city, the public buildings have been designed in various architectural styles - here we see a very contemporary building, a giant metallic archway and the "Palace of Justice" (the law courts) in a Moghul / Islamic style.

Chosen for the 5 Day Black & White Photography Challenge by Christian


My nominee is Lucas


Image 4 of 5.

Rincones de la alhambra, el albaicin

A la historia. A la vanguardia. A la noche. Al horizonte. A la aventura. A la contemplación. Al cuerpo. A la mente. A la fiesta. A la cultura.

Abierta todo el año. Abierta al mundo, ES GRANADA”


Corners of the alhambra, the Albaicin

To history. At the forefront. At night. To the horizon. To adventure. To contemplation. To the body. To the mind. To the party. To the culture.

Open all year. Open to the world, IS GRANADA "


se non c’è più dove andare

e non c’è più a chi ritornare

e la cicala ha già cantato

e l’inverno è già arrivato

non hai porte da bussare

solo cartoni da rifare

ti puoi consolare col gigante e il mago


[V. Capossela]

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