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The slow-but-steady transformation of the Lansing Board of Water and Light Ottawa Street Station into national headquarters for Accident Fund Insurance Company of America.

Town hall, Culemborg (the Netherlands)

BART station / bridge from parking to station

Colma, California


Nov 2011 Samsung 028

8 June 2007


The cathedral in Antwerp has two pipe organs. This is the one in the rear.

Washington, DC

Listed: 01/09/1989


The Glenwood Cemetery Chapel is eligible under Criterion C of the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluation as a significant example of the Romanesque Revival style of architecture. The building also has special merit as the work of noted Washington architect Glenn Brown and reflects a significant period in the design career of a national leader of the architectural profession. Brown particularly valued the elemental discipline of Henry Hobson Richardson's work, and the Glenwood Chapel epitomized the studied manner in which the architect inter preted the "Richardsonian Romanesque." The building is also highly representative of the design principles Brown espoused in the early 1890s just prior to the initiation of his celebrated crusade for the improvement of federal art and architecture, particularly the revival of Pierre Charles L'Enfant's 1791 plan for Washington. Although the Glenwood chapel is used for religious services on occasion, it meets the National Register's criterion exception A as an ecclesiastical building deriving primary significance from its architectural distinction.


National Register of Historic Places


Washington, DC Travel Intinerary

Detroit prepares for Super Bowl XL.

Hill Point Avenue, Parnassus Heights, San Francisco, California

the houses on Hill Point Avenue were built 1916-1918


this time: bowed lines NOT camera lens artifact


Montpelier, Vermont

The RV THOMAS G THOMPSON on the Columbia River in the shipyard at Swan island in Portland, OR to load equipment for our next cruise. We take oout our small boat to test out the new engine. Research Vessel THOMAS G THOMPSON sails for the University of Washington, School of Oceanography out of Seattle, Washington. For more information:

Officially the Smithsonian Institution Building, "The Castle" was built in 1855 and designed by James Renwick in a faux Norman style combining elements of late Romanesque and early Gothic architecture.

Garage on Sydenham Rd, near Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1


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Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 520 (A) [1931 - Early Model]

7cm f/3.5 "Novar-Anastigmat"

Compur Shutter (8 Speeds + T, B)

Ilford Delta 100


Scanned from negative on Epson V500

Downsampled from master in Lightroom 5.2

Forbidden City

Ciudad Prohibida


Former Conservative Club and Hall site, with part of the new development, viewed from Norwood Place. The proposals were for the erection of a 3 storey block of 7 flats fronting onto Harcourt Road (not built) and a pair of semi detached 1 bedroom dwellings tucked behind (visible here).

The main reason for our visit . . . Fidra Lighthouse (officially listed A2868) completed 1885 and built by Thomas (father of RLS) and David A. Stevenson

L'Arco di Costantino è un arco trionfale a tre fornici, sito a Roma, accanto al Colosseo

Barcelona – Casa de la Caritat - Pati Manning 1743


Barcelona – Charity House - Pati Manning 1743


Visiteu el meu web / Visit my website : Les pedres de Barcelona

Eglise partiellement romane Saint-Hilaire ; commune de Rimons, département de la Gironde, Aquitaine, France


Monument d'origine romane érigé au XIIe siècle. Au XVIe siècle la nef est abandonnée. Le chevet est conservé et se voit adjoint une nef gothique à deux travées. Cette modification entraîne un changement d'orientation du chœur qui est à ce jour à l'ouest. Durant les guerres de religions, une échauguette a été ajoutée au sommet du contrefort nord-est de l'édifice. Celle-ci présente la particularité d'être partiellement bâtie à l'aide d'une pierre tombale marquée d'une croix.


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A l'origine, l'église Saint-Hilaire fut un sanctuaire roman. Au début du XVIème siècle, la nef est abandonnée ; le chevet, conservé, est alors protégé par une nef gothique à deux travées à nervures sans chapiteau. Cette modification entraîne l'orientation du choeur à l'ouest, ce qui est rare. L'entrée actuelle, située à l'extrémité de la nef, date de 1725. L'église est coiffée d'un clocher plat percé de trois baies, chacune d'elle possèdant une cloche ; le sommet du clochet, muni d'une galerie en bois, est accessible par une tourelle escalier.


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Orford Ness


© Ben Matthews. Must not be used without permission.

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