Hypersonic missiles could start World War III — but that’s not the biggest threat they pose

Clouds of smoke and exhaust billow out from a hypersonic missile, as it launches from a missile range against a black nighttime sky.
A hypersonic missile being tested in Hawaii, in March 2020. The Pentagon wants to spend $3.8 billion next year to catch up with China and Russia, which have already deployed hypersonics. But despite all the hype, the new weapons don't pose much of a threat to the US. US Navy
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It's April 2023. China is massing troops at the Taiwan Strait. Party leaders claim they're conducting a peaceful military exercise. But the National Security Agency has intercepted phone calls and texts from President Xi Jinping's inner circle that indicate an invasion is imminent. As a show of US resolve, President Joe Biden orders the USS Ronald Reagan, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier based in Japan, to a position just off Taiwan.

It's a tense standoff. But neither Biden nor Xi wants a war. The two leaders schedule a virtual summit, in the hope that they can negotiate a peaceful resolution.

Then, an hour before their call, Donald Trump — who's been named speaker of the House by the newly elected GOP majority — logs on to @SpeakerTrump and tweets: "I hereby declare WAR on China under Article One of the Constitution! Sorry, Xi! This is what happens when you don't return calls from America's REAL PRESIDENT. You have 24 hours to PERSONALLY guarantee Taiwan's freedom. -DJT"


Almost immediately, Beijing's secure phone lines light up with reassurances from officials at the White House. Trump's declaration, they say, is nothing but political grandstanding. But Xi decides to treat the insult as an act of war. Two hours after Trump's tweet, the predawn sky above the Strait is broken open by a flash, followed by a series of sonic booms. In a fraction of a second, 20 dart-shaped projectiles rip through the Reagan's armored steel skin, traveling at upward of 5,000 mph. What's left of the carrier becomes a smoking inferno, flecked with radioactive chunks of uranium from the carrier's nuclear reactor. The impact destroys its complement of 90 fixed-wing jets and kills most of the 6,000 troops on board.

What is this mysterious superweapon that just touched off World War III? In this imaginary scenario, the Reagan was sunk by a very real weapon: the DF-ZF, a hypersonic missile that can travel five times the speed of sound, striking targets from a distance of 3,400 miles. After being launched high into the atmosphere via a medium- or long-range ballistic rocket, the DF-ZF's arrowhead-shaped "glide vehicle" maneuvers on its own through the air before nosediving onto its target. You don't have to wait until 2023 to see the DF-ZF in the field. China has already included it in military parades and deployed it with active-duty units.

While ballistic missiles travel in soaring, predictable parabolic arcs, like punted footballs, hypersonic missiles are more like speedy hockey pucks that keep low and change direction in an instant. The high velocity means more damage; the maneuverability and lower altitude make them harder to track and intercept. But for the Pentagon, the scariest thing about hypersonic weapons is that China and Russia have already deployed them in the field, while the United States is still developing them. Over the summer the Financial Times, citing anonymous Pentagon insiders, reported that China had fired a ballistic missile that released a hypersonic missile, which in turn jettisoned another projectile, possibly designed to foil a missile-defense system. In the grim humor of the arms-control world, this mysterious threefold weapon was dubbed the "turducken" missile. Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, likened the Chinese test to a "Sputnik moment" — a shocking public display of just how far America has fallen behind.

There are reasons to be skeptical of Milley's assessment. Almost everything we know about hypersonic missiles comes to us from the nationalistic leaders of China and Russia, who like to exaggerate their strength for propaganda purposes, or the Pentagon, which has a long track record of exaggerating outside threats while seeking to bolster its funding. In an age when the US military is attempting to transition from the global war on terror to so-called great-power competition with China and Russia, hypersonics has become an appropriations buzzword. The Pentagon asked for $3.8 billion for its hypersonics programs in 2022, up from $2.6 billion in 2020. The military has a growing hypersonics bureaucracy that includes a hypersonics "war room," the Joint Hypersonics Transition Office, and a principal director for hypersonics.


"The pursuit of a new technology can be as much about its marketability to congressional appropriators as it is about capabilities," says Cameron Tracy, a Stanford-affiliated scholar who has questioned the military benefit of hypersonics. "If you're the Department of Defense, your choice is between talking about a 50-year-old ballistic missile versus a hypersonic missile, where no one is really sure what it can do, and it sounds really cool. In that situation, you are incentivized to make it look as though we're behind."

Resurrecting the logic of the Cold War

For a while, the United States led the world in hypersonic-missile development. In 2003, George W. Bush asked the Pentagon to come up with a "Conventional Prompt Global Strike" — the ability to strike any target, anywhere, within minutes, even in places like Afghanistan that were far from US bases and nuclear submarines. By 2009, after a few years of research and testing, the Defense Science Board, which advises the Pentagon, came up with five "representative scenarios" for situations in which a hypersonic weapon might be used. Three involved terrorists or a "rogue state," like North Korea. Only one — an attempt to take out a US satellite — involved conflict with Russia or China.

After that, funding for hypersonics dried up. The technology seemed to be a solution in search of a problem. There were certainly times when the US needed to hit distant targets fast, but old-fashioned subsonic Tomahawk missiles, or teams of Navy SEALs, could do the job just fine. But as China and Russia began making headway on their own programs, the rationale behind US hypersonics shifted. Before, hypersonic weapons were being developed for a specific mission. Now, the military argued, we needed them solely for the sake of keeping up with China and Russia. Michael Griffin, then the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, proclaimed that it was "among my very highest priorities" to develop hypersonic missiles to "hold China and Russia at risk in a corresponding manner." Griffin was dusting off the circular logic of the Cold War: We had to win the arms race because there was an arms race.

A Chinese soldier stands at attention during a military parade, as trucks display hypersonic missiles in the backgorund.
China has been parading its new hypersonic weapons, including these DF-17 ballistic rockets that are equipped to deploy DF-ZF missiles at five times the speed of sound. Zoya Rusinova\TASS via Getty Image

It's worth remembering that during the Cold War, the Pentagon consistently overestimated the strength of Soviet forces, first with the bomber gap and then with the missile gap. In both cases, the US military got spooked by fragmentary intelligence and successful tests like Sputnik and succeeded in convincing itself that it was falling behind. In 1959, for instance, military sources warned respected Washington reporters that the Soviet Union was on the verge of having 100 intercontinental nuclear missiles, versus 30 in the American arsenal. In fact, by the end of 1960, the Soviets had deployed only two long-range nukes. The military's claims that it was losing the arms race were really justifications for accelerating it.


Military insiders insist that this time, the threat is real. "In my previous job, I was cleared into everything," Mark J. Lewis, who oversaw DARPA as the Pentagon's acting deputy undersecretary for research and engineering, told me. "I can tell you definitively that the Chinese really are ahead." (Lewis now works at the National Defense Industrial Association, a non-profit trade group that represents military contractors.) China is said to have the capacity to hitch a hypersonic missile to a medium-range DF-17 ballistic rocket or a long-range DF-41, with or without a nuclear warhead. Russia has the long-range Avangard, another ballistic missile with a glide vehicle attached, and two hypersonic cruise missiles: the ship-launched Zircon (still under development) and the air-launched Kinzhal (already in the field).

The most important question is: So what? Does it really matter whether China and Russia have hypersonic missiles that we don't? The United States still rules the world in the two military technologies that matter most: nuclear weapons and airpower. You might have heard, for instance, that China is seeking to triple its nuclear arsenal, to 1,000 warheads, by the end of this decade. It sounds scary — until you consider that the US already has nearly 4,000 warheads. In 2022, the United States plans to devote $768 billion to military spending. China is expected to spend less than half that amount; Russia less than a tenth. It's true that a hypersonic missile could take out an aircraft carrier, which poses a serious tactical problem. But that vulnerability alone does little to alter America's vast military superiority. The United States trembling at the prospect of a few hypersonic missiles is a bit like a teenage bully whining about a kindergartener with a spitball.

More game adjuster than game changer

The question of whether hypersonic technology poses some kind of new and disruptive threat hinges on the doctrine of mutually assured destruction — the idea that no country will ever use its stockpile of nuclear weapons because every country is unwilling to suffer the nuclear consequences. The doctrine has worked, so far, because no great power has the ability to knock out its rivals' nuclear arsenals fast enough to prevent them from being deployed. And while the US leads the world in missile defense, it's still a long way from being able to stop a massive nuclear attack by Russia or China, which further reduces the likelihood that anyone will ever use such weapons.

Ironically, the US lead in missile defense is one reason that China and Russia have bet so heavily on long-range hypersonic missiles, which have the ability to carry a nuclear warhead. If the US defense system ever reaches the point at which it can stop every ballistic nuke, hypersonic missiles could offer an alternative. "They want a hedge," explains Tracy, the critic of hypersonics.


But there is one crucial difference between the two technologies. Nuclear bombs were immediately recognized as a revolution in warfare. The significance of hypersonic weapons, by contrast, is still hotly debated. Skeptics argue that they don't accomplish much that isn't already possible using other weapons. Low-altitude ballistic missiles launched from submarines can deliver speed; MaRV-equipped missiles can deliver maneuverability. Tracy, along with David Wright of MIT, argue that hypersonic weapons will underperform their ballistic peers because of their lower trajectories, which create more friction with the atmosphere and heats up the missiles. Their findings have been contested by hypersonics boosters, who have access to the results of classified tests being conducted in 26 hypersonic wind tunnels scattered across the US. But whoever is right, the mere existence of a debate over the efficacy of hypersonic weapons suggests that comparisons to Sputnik and the Manhattan Project are a stretch.

There is one area, at least, where hypersonic weapons could live up to their billing as a true revolution in warfare. For smaller, regional powers that can't match Russia or China's advantage in long-range ballistic missiles, hypersonic weapons offer a relatively inexpensive on-ramp to war. India, France, and Japan have active hypersonics programs; Israel, South Korea, and Iran are said to have done basic research. Because there hasn't been much of a rush to curb the development of hypersonics through treaties and nonproliferation agreements, and because smaller countries lack the kind of special hotlines and de-escalation protocols that Russia and the US developed during decades of Cold War brinkmanship, it's not hard to imagine how the new technology could accelerate and intensify local conflicts. After all, our most recent brush with nuclear war didn't involve the US, China, or Russia. It was a fight between India and Pakistan over the disputed territory of Kashmir, in 1999.

As the conflict escalated, Pakistan was said to be preparing to deploy nuclear weapons — until American intelligence found out and confronted it within hours of the discovery. But as hypersonic know-how continues to spread, through science and espionage, the window for breaking up a fight could get much shorter. In early December, India announced its first successful test-fire of the hypersonic BrahMos II cruise missile, which travels almost three times as fast as its supersonic predecessor. That means Pakistan would have less than 10 minutes to decide whether an incoming BrahMos II was carrying a nuclear warhead and, if so, how to respond. It may not matter so much if the US is "behind" in the race to develop a flashy but redundant class of weaponry. But the spread of hair-trigger missiles — conventional weapons that are unregulated by nuclear-arms treaties — is something worth worrying about.


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