Mattathias Schwartz is chief national security correspondent at Insider.

He is a former staff writer at the New Yorker and a current contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine. He has written several profiles of senior officials, including William Barr, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Mike Pompeo. "The Trolls Among Us," the first New York Times article to note the existence of 4chan, has been cited by hundreds of books and academic articles, as well as Merriam-Webster's definition of the word "troll." His investigation of the extradition of Christopher Coke from Kingston, Jamaica, won the Livingston Award for international reporting.

Politics 2024-02-27T21:59:40Z
Ralph Drollinger portrait in front of black background

God's Man in Washington

Ralph Drollinger has spent years teaching his brand of evangelicalism to GOP congressmen and Donald Trump's Cabinet. He's ready for Round Two.
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Duplicates of Charles McGonigal on blue background 2x1

America has a McGonigal problem

A retired FBI boss got 4 years in prison. But Charles McGonigal is not the only US official taking money from sketchy foreign oligarchs.
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