How to Ripen Avocados When You Need Guac and You Need It Now

It’s the morning before you want to use an avocado, which is as solid as a rock. Don’t panic. There’s hope.
Crosssection of a perfectly ripe avocado with the seed still in place.

Wondering how to ripen avocados because you got home with a bumpy green fruit that might as well be a stone? We’ve all been there. It’s almost like the avocados themselves are working against us: When an emergency breakfast sandwich calls for slices of the creamy green stuff, or some tortilla chips are begging for a last-minute bowl of guacamole, every single avocado at the local grocery store is just a couple of days shy of being perfectly ripe.

But fear not! There are ways to make sure you have a ripe avocado when you need one. But let’s start with the basics: how to shop for avocados in the first place.

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How do I pick out a ripe avocado?

The road to a successful avocado experience starts at the grocery store. And we’d like to offer some general advice: It’s okay to give a couple avocados a light squeeze to make sure you’re getting a good one. Just don’t be that guy who’s touching the entire produce display or leaving dents and bruises in every avocado.

The majority of avocados sold in the U.S. are of the Hass variety. When ripe, these will have dark green skins with a purply blush. Hold one in the palm of your hand and give it a light squeeze; it should give just a little. These avocados will have a creamy texture that’s just right for slicing and dicing. To be sure, you can nudge the stem of the avocado. If it’s solidly in place, the fruit needs a little more time. If it comes away and you see a bright green dimple underneath, you’re in business. If it comes away and you see brown streaks, the avocado might be past its prime. If you’re looking for a guacamole-ready avocado, choose one with skins that are nearly black. These will have flesh that’s softer, ready to be mashed. You can perform the same tests to decide whether it’s the avocado for you.

Avocado sandwiches for everybody!

Photo by Laura Murray, food styling by Susie Theodorou

For most shoppers, green-skinned avocados won’t be quite ready yet—though there are some smooth-skinned varieties that stay green even when ripe. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when you spot a dark brown or black avocado that’s wrinkled, or one that feels squishy, you can bet that it will be brown and oxidized once you slice it open—probably overripe. Avoid squishy avocados.

When picking out your perfect avocado, keep when and how you plan to use it in mind. If you’re going to slice the avocado—or won’t be using it for a few days—pick a firmer one (but stay away from the rock-hard avocados that can take up to a week to fully ripen). If you’re going to mash or purée the avocado or plan to use it that night, pick a softer one.

What if my avocados aren’t ripe enough?

So what if you picked a fresh avocado that you thought was perfect, but it still isn’t ripe by the time you want to use it? If it’s go-time and your avocado isn’t ready, we’re sorry. There’s nothing you can do (well, almost nothing—more on that in a minute). You’ll have to use an underripe avocado or no avocado at all.

If it’s 12 or more hours before you want to use the avocado, there’s hope.

Here’s how to ripen avocados quickly

You know that thing about putting underripe fruit in a brown paper bag to make it ripen faster? Well, it actually works: Throw an unripe avocado into a paper bag with a ripe banana, fold down the opening, and leave it at room temperature on your countertop for a day or two to accelerate the avocado ripening process. 

Here’s the science: When some fruits ripen, they give off ethylene gas, a plant hormone (which also gives a musty, sweet odor that smells like ripe fruit). This natural gas is a by-product of ripening, but it also speeds up the ripening time for surrounding fruits. By increasing the confined avocado’s exposure to the ethylene gas, it will ripen more quickly. No bananas? An apple works too. And if you don’t have a paper bag, you can invert a heavy bowl over the fruit. Just don’t wrap it up in a plastic bag, which could trap too much moisture and encourage mold.

Can I microwave my avocados?

Have you seen a video hack claiming that ripening avocados is as easy as microwaving them? We’ll admit it (sort of) works, but the method does have drawbacks. Microwaving doesn’t actually produce a ripe avocado, it produces a cooked one. The flesh will be softer, but not as creamy as it would be if left to ripen naturally (or using the paper bag trick). The nutty flavor, too, won’t be as developed as it could be. We wouldn’t use this method for sliced avocado, but if your plan is to mash, it works in a pinch.

Here’s what to do if you need guacamole and you need it now: Cut your avocados in half (this is to prevent the possibility of an exploding avocado), carefully remove the pit. Wrap each avocado half in plastic wrap, and microwave for 30 seconds at a time, taking a peek at each interval to check on the texture. Chill the avocado halves until cool and then mash and season heavily with lime, garlic, and salt.

Should avocados be refrigerated once they’re ripe?

Found a bunch of avos at optimal ripeness? Lucky you! If you don’t plan to use them within a day, store them in the fridge, whole, ideally in an airtight container or crisper drawer, which will prevent them from drying out. Need to store cut avocados? Rub the cut surface with a little lime or lemon juice to prevent browning and then stash them in an airtight container (or wrapped tightly in plastic) in the fridge. 

Either way it’s a race against time: Cut avocados will only last a day or two in the fridge before turning mushy or developing unappealing brown spots while whole ripe avocados won’t last much longer than that. Enjoy them ASAP!

What can I do with my ripe avocados?

There’s a whole world of avocado recipes out there. Slice and garnish a homey, comforting bowl of chili. Top a summery turkey burger. Add to sweet and savory salads with lots of citrus. Use as a secret dairy-free binder in homemade vegan fudge. Get creative with your avocado toast toppings. Add to your family-style taco night spread. Make a huge batch of our best-ever guacamole. Just remember one thing: No, you definitely don’t need an avocado slicer.

Gorgeous gorgeous girls love guac
Best Guacamole Recipe
This easy guacamole recipe is best made in a Mexican mortar and pestle called a molcajete, but a bowl and a fork works fine. Just don’t rush to get it on the table. It takes a while for the avocado to absorb all the flavors you add to it. 
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