Avocado Common Mistakes to Avoid, So You Can Enjoy the World's Most Perfect Food

Nobody needs to tell you how to eat avocados. But that doesn't mean there aren't some common mistakes people make when preparing and eating them—mistakes you can definitely avoid.
Best Guacamole Recipe
Photo by Alex Lau

What's not to like about avocados? They're creamy, satisfying, packed with good-for-you fat, and conveniently portable. We put them in, on, and around just about…everything. We bet you do, too. But wait! Before you slice and scoop your next avocado, read on to learn about the most common mistakes people make when preparing this fruit—and make sure you're not making them.

1. Letting the Flesh Oxidize

Brown avocado is edible, but it definitely isn't appetizing. That beautiful green flesh begins to oxidize as soon as its exposed to the air, so don't slice into one until just before you're going to eat it. If you must prepare it in advance (say, in the case of guacamole for a cookout later in the day), cover the flesh tightly with plastic wrap. You may have heard the old wives' tale that placing an avocado's pit in the center of a bowl of guac will keep it from turning, but there's no magic behind the claim: The only reason this works is because the pit is covering the avocado, keeping it protected from the air and thus preventing it from oxidizing.

We know why you really want those avocados. Guacamole.

2. Using Under-Ripe Avocados

Wanna whip up a perfect batch of guacamole? Here's where you need those ultra-ripe, soft-to-the-touch avocados. You can mash any avocado into submission with enough force, but the best avos for guac are so ripe that they only need a gentle hand when mixing. (If you're pressed for time, here's how to ripen avocados in a pinch.)

3. Using Too-Ripe Avocados

If it's pretty, precise slices you're after, you'll want to pick out an avocado that's slightly underripe—or at least not so ripe that it's soft and squishy to the touch. The slices will hold their shape when firm. They get gummy when handled at the peak of ripeness. Aside from giving them a gentle squeeze, you can tell if they're ripe by pulling back the nubby little stem. If the skin underneath looks healthy and green, it's good to go. If the stem doesn't separate, it needs more time to ripen. And if the skin is brown? You've got an over-ripe avocado on your hands.

Alex Lau

4. Just Slicing and Serving

It's true: Avocados don't need much to shine. But that doesn't mean that you can't branch out. They're incredible when grilled (a little char goes a long way!), and if you've ever had a fried avocado taco, well, you can probably imagine how good that is. When grilling, be sure to brush the cut-sides with oil and don't let them linger on the grates—30 seconds on a screaming hot grill is all you need. The same goes for a ripping hot cast iron pan.

5. Skimping on the Seasoning

Avocados are rich and fatty—that's a good thing! It's what makes them ideal for recipes like salad dressings and dips. But all that creaminess can become heavy if it's not offset with a proper dose of salt. You need that seasoning to lift up the fatty flavor. Bright, light, and acidic components help too. Add-ins to have on hand include lime juice and zest, cilantro, lemon, red onions, a drizzle of vinegar, and chiles (like jalapeños). A little heat never hurt. (But a lot of heat...might.)

Now, how about some dip?

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