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Any building can be perceived as the summation of specific actions surrounding the gathering and construction of a precise volume and variety of materials. By working backwards and quantifying its individual aspects, a structure can be... more
Resumen: This paper provides an overview of the 3D-COFORM project which began in December 2008 and aims to advance the state-of-the-art in 3D-digitsation and make 3D-documentation an everyday practical choice for digital documentation... more
In May 2019, A Night in the Forum videogame was published in the Sony PlayStation store, for PS VR. It was the final result of the REVEAL EU project, whose goal was to identify strategies, features, and tools to develop educational titles... more
For the past two decades, historians and archaeologists have reconstructed heritage sites using computer-generated graphics in three dimensions, a technique known as “virtual archaeology.” Early research focused merely on displaying... more
This book provides a visual reconstruction of Palmyra, a World Heritage Site situated in Syria, which flourished in Greco-Roman times. Palmyra is situated in a desert oasis and served as a vibrant caravan station on the Silk Road... more
The paper deals with an ongoing research activity for developing a Building Information Model (BIM) for the facility and collections management of museums. The BIM success lies not only in its application for the design and construction... more
This paper investigates the use of 3D immersive virtual environments and 3D prints for interaction with past material culture over traditional observation without manipulation. Our work is motivated by studies in heritage, museum, and... more
first of a series of recreations in SketchUp in which we imagine the Via dell'Abbondanza of Pompeii 2000 years ago ===///=== primera de una serie de recreaciones en SketchUp en las que queremos imaginar la Via dell'Abbondanza de Pompeya... more
Data sharing is a fundamental process for the advancement of both natural and social sciences. Starting from the idea that computers and the internet have drastically changed the world in the last decades, this paper advocates for the... more
This paper is focused on the virtual reconstruction of a portion of the naos of Temple G of Selinunte, as a case study for the definition of a method of virtual anastylosis and reconstruction of collapsed colonnades in archaeological... more
La Educación Patrimonial puede ser una estrategia interesante para permitir a los alumnos de Educación Primaria reconstruir nuestro pasado, relacionarlo con el presente y conocer sus valores. Las diversas leyes educativas españolas han... more
Patrimonio Virtual es un equipo multidisciplinar de la Universidad de Alicante, formado, por un lado, por profesorado y personal investigador (motivado por la aplicación de tecnologías emergente al Patrimonio) y, por otro, profesionales... more
The subject of the lecture will be one of the most important archaeological sites in Lesbos (Greece) with strong symbolic value. The sanctuary was dedicated to the so called “Lesbian Triad”, Hera, Zeus and Dionysus. The beginning of the... more
Archaeologists started to use 3D visualization and virtual reality in the ’80s. A discussion about the scientific value of such technology for archaeology commenced and has never stopped since. Many of the key points of this discussion... more
The concept of a visualscape was introduced less than a decade ago as a generic term with the aim of unifying and extending within a GIS the ideas and scope of current analyses of ‘human’ visual space, independently of their scale or... more
не каждый музей располагает специалистами, которые грамотно и точно могут поставить задачи для создания эффективного, предназначенного для конкретной аудитории информационного ресурса. Поэтому исследования и работы, проводимые сторонними... more
Because archaeological databases contain unmanageably large numbers of records, users are still limited to targeted searches for specific information. Stimulating, creative browsing is rare at best. This has led to a search for new ways... more
Die Technik des „maschinellen Sehens“ (computer vision) hält immer stärkeren Einzug in den archäologischen Alltag und eignet sich mittlerweile bestens zur systematischen Anwendung auf archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Im vorliegenden Artikel... more
Il Comune di Tergu, in collaborazione con la Diocesi di Tempio-Ampurias, nel maggio del 2003 ha promosso e finanziato un progetto di ricerca archeologica presso l’abbazia benedettina di S. Maria di Tergu. La direzione scientifica dei... more
We present the AsTrend, a new methodology for enhance and depict details of the 3D models. It is based on the extraction of las points from a tridimensional model, which are processed with the most common lidar techniques.
We are of an era in which digital technology now enhances the method and practice of archaeology. In our rush to embrace these technological advances however, Virtual Archaeology has become a practice to visualize the archaeological... more
Even though Córdoba is one of the most important historical cities in Europe, it has usually limited its heritage offer to the Cathedral-Mosque, and its immediate surroundings. To try to resolve this deficiency we have proposed the... more
When the search for fracture lines was concluded and the fragments assembled on their supports, the overall result (including the non-assembled fragments) provided extensive data despite the fact that no sculpture was complete. When all... more
La “X” quizá sea una de las mejores formas de expresar lo enigmático. Como marca o símbolo, su presencia en un mapa, en una ecuación matemática o en cualquier otro contexto suscita siempre en quien la contempla una inevitable atracción.... more
In the 1920s and 1930s several proposals for a new form of theatrical architecture were conceived. Though unrealized, these Utopian designs engendered an idealized ambition for dramatic reform and have come to represent significant... more
Video games, even though they are one of the present's quintessential media and cultural forms, also have a surprising and many-sided relation with the past. From seminal series like Sid Meier's Civilization or Assassin's Creed to... more
This paper presents an integrated multi-analytical documentation of a bronze vessel discovered in a 2nd century Roman military fort from ancient Dacia. The process involved 3D digitization, X-ray and hyperspectral imaging, and molecular,... more
Virtual archaeological landscapes of the Danube region (Danube´s Archaeological eLandscapes) is a project co-financed by the Interreg Danube Transnational programme. The project´s major goal is to regionally, nationally and... more
In 2010 an Italian team started new on-field investigations in the area of the Sun Temple of Niuserra, 6km south of the pyramids of Giza. The archaeological research was planned to re-examine the monument after its discovery in 1898. The... more