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This article, based on recent fieldwork by the GIA, summarizes the ceramic evidence for protohistoric occupation in the coastal part of the Pontine Region near the present-day town of Nettuno. Data derive from three different sources: 1.... more
Viene data una notizia preliminare dell'ultima campagna di scavo nella necropoli protostorica di Ficana (Acilia, Roma), eseguita nel 2007-2008, con il ritrovamento di 19 sepolture di epoca orientalizzante recente, arcaica e repubblicana.... more
"En tant que construction sociale et culturelle, le prestige peut être défini comme le rejaillissement de l’appartenance au groupe dominant. L’archéologie qui s’attache à l’étude des sociétés du passé à travers leurs vestiges matériels,... more
The Oxford English Dictionary defines koine as 'a set of cultural or other attributes common to various groups'. This volume merges an academic career over a half century in breadth and scope with an editorial vision that brings together... more
Some remarks on the formation process of urban centres during the Early Iron Age in the districts of Ager Faliscus and Ager Capenas, in southern Etruria.
In recent years, the intense excavation and survey activity of the Veii project has greatly enriched our knowledge of the fortifications of the Etruscan city. In particular, the Campetti excavations have brought to light a segment of the... more
As it is well acknowledged, the formulas of the Etruscan aristocratic gift-exchange, attested by several inscriptions of the 7th to mid-6th century BCE, derive from a broader oral tradition, which has left trace in the epigraphic... more
"The late 7th and 6th century BC in Central Italy have long been regarded as obscure, because only a small number of graves could be ascribed to this period and because these tombs generally contained very few or no grave gifts. However,... more
Archaeological excavations carried out by the University of Naples Federico II and the University of Siena in the locality Trebbio di Sansepolcro (Sansepolcro, prov. Arezzo) have contributed significantly to the knowledge of an eighth to... more
This article aims to shed light on the (almost) empty tombs from the Late Orientalising and Early Archaic periods in Crustumerium (Central Italy). Whereas the tombs dating to the Early and Middle Orientalising periods were generally quite... more
"The Tyrrhenian Sea appears as a geographically well defined space, enclosed within the Italian coasts and the big islands. During the Protohistoric Age, therefore, this is the scenery of development for a mosaic of cultures whose some... more
This brief note focuses on an unpublished seal of the Lyre Player Group found in Tarquinia. This particular class of seals, widespread in the basin of the Mediterranean and reaching the Italian Peninsula during the Orientalizing period,... more
Scopo della presente relazione è illustrare come alcuni casi di raffigurazioni di esseri fantastici attestati nel mondo preromano abbiano profondamente risentito di influssi artistici da diversi areali del Mediterraneo. In questo panorama... more