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Gout is a very old disease, which exists for thousands of years. The first descriptions interpreted as the symptoms of gout can be found already in the Egyptian medical papyri dating to the 3rd mill. BC. In the Ancient world, many... more
Renumbered to 4021. to 4720. Pretty much 100% certain to be 100% accurate, with merely a few minor variations in the exact numbering of a few verses here and there, like all the large books. It was even said at one point, which path was... more
In the summer of 2006 geoarchaeological fieldwork was conducted in the valley north of the ancient Roman city of Nikopolis (Epirus, Greece). Different geomorphological and geophysical techniques were used to determine the appearance of... more
In the last ten years, 3D technologies have proliferated in archaeology with multiple applications, both in the field and the lab. The pace of development is very rapid and constitutes a paradigm shift. 3D modeling is becoming an... more
The much shorter Archaiologikon Deltion for the single year of 2005 invariably offers far fewer reports on the work of the Archaeological Service than the four-year volume with which we were presented last year. This, in itself, is no bad... more
CLASSICAL NEW YORK DISCOVERING GREECE AND ROME IN GOTHAM Edited by Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Matthew McGowan Contributor(s): Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, Matthew McGowan, Elizabeth Bartman, Maryl B. Gensheimer, Francis Morrone, Margaret... more
Bluefin tuna fishing in the Strait of Gibraltar was a major economic resource in Antiquity, and at certain times its by-products (salted fish and sauces such as garum) were in great demand in the Mediterranean world at the time,... more
Avec Alexandre Farnoux, Emanuele Greco et Alain Schnapp, j’ai rédigé la partie consacrée au monde grec dans le premier tome d’une histoire générale de l’art, de la préhistoire à nos jours, d’un grand éditeur. On m’a confié dans ce volume... more
This is a thoroughly revised third edition. It offers a thorough survey of the history of the ancient Near East, Greece and Rome. Covering the social, political, economic and cultural processes that have influenced later western and Near... more
Review of Greek history and society textbook which encompasses a timespan from the Bronze Age to 31 BC , utilising approaches from archaeology, history, literature, art, philosophy and reception studies.
The article takes a look at some historiographical perspectives that have conditioned the studies on the Greek polis during the last decades, paying particular attention to the concept of consumption city impelled by Moses Finley,... more
The Collaborative Research Centre 1136 'Bildung und Religion' is pleased to invite you to attend the conference 'Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World', organised by Tanja Scheer and Irene Salvo, to be held on Wednesday the... more
RÉSUMÉ Des charpentes antiques, il ne subsiste aucun vestige direct, et, bien souvent, l’état de conservation des blocs constitutifs des parties hautes des édifices est lacunaire. Dans ces conditions, comment est-il possible aujourd’hui... more
In archaic and classical iconography, eminent figures, such as the Olympian gods, are often represented seated on thrones. This symbol of power, however, is also regularly used by ancient authors and artists as an allegory of punishment... more
In 391 B.C. political and territorial tensions between Greeks, Phoenicians and the Achaemenid empire exploded into combat off the south coast of Cyprus near the Cypro-Phoenician kingdom of Kition. To commemorate their naval victory King... more
Often, contemporary archaeological research is adapted to fit antiquated notions of time and place. This is a development demonstrated atop the Mycenaean acropolis and throughout the surrounding landscape. This paper explores the temporal... more
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
In the Gymnasium, nds from deep trench- es located in the western part of the pal- estra indicate a construction around 330– 320 BC. It remained in use until the end of the 1st c. AD if not later, whereas the eastern part seems to have... more
Μέσα από έναν κύκλο δώδεκα μαθημάτων παρουσιάζονται ποικίλες όψεις του φαινομένου του θανάτου και των αντιλήψεων των επιζώντων για αυτόν. Πόσο πραγματικά έχει αλλάξει η στάση των μεμονωμένων ανθρώπων και των οργανωμένων κοινωνιών από την... more
Kotsonas, A. 2015. Showcasing new Trojan Wars: Archaeological exhibitions and the politics of appropriation of ancient Troy, Z. Theodoropoulou Polychroniadis and D. Evely (eds), Aegis: Essays in Mediterranean Archaeology presented to... more
This paper aims to interpret the role of indigenous sanctuaries in the Hellenization of inland Karia. Although coastal regions of Karia had been subject to Greek colonization from the Bronze Age on, mountainous inland Karia, with its own... more
Spectators at the sides of narrative vase paintings have long been at the mar- gins of scholarship, but a study of their appearance shows that they provide a model for the ancient viewing experience. They also reflect social and gender... more