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La Crète de l'âge du Bronze, c'est-à-dire la période minoenne, a vu se développer une brillante civilisation marquée par l'apparition, vers 2000 av. J.-C., de grands édifices administratifs organisés autour d'une vaste... more
What is a museum?" and "What is the purpose of the museum?" These are two of the questions this unit raises and explores. Examining the end-effect on users of museums is another key line of enquiry that students will pursue in this course... more
In this article is published a new sample of bronze lamp of the Hellenistic epoch. It is a stray find that was made in the Udobnoye village (Belgorod-Dnestrovskij district). There are a few analogies for this lamp and only two of them are... more
The Ara Pacis Augustae is examined according to Vitruvius' astro-architectural precept that "[O]ne who professes himself an architect should be well versed in…astronomy and the theory of the heavens" (De Architectura, I.i.3). In... more
Die Ausgrabungen in Babunje zielen darauf ab, den in spatarchaischer Zeit gegrundeten und im fruhen Hellenismus aufgegebenen Ort in seiner urbanen Struktur, den Privatbauten und insbesondere seiner Fortifikation zu untersuchen und... more
In this paper a group of formerly unknown or less-known terracotta unguentaria and amphora stoppers from a museum in West Europe were presented which are, among other locations, from Italy, Turkey and Cypus. As amphora stoppers show... more
The first publication to appear of an Archaic settlement in Aetolia with stratified pottery and tools for textile production.

(The second half of the publication)
Entre los años 2016-2017 se desarrolló una excavación arqueológica en la necrópolis del Toro (Alcubillas, Ciudad Real), dónde documentamos entre otras la sepultura T5 a/b/c. Este es el contexto de un escarabeo egipcio que puede datarse en... more
The aim of this research is to determine whether palaeoparasitological analysis of mineralized concretions found within a stone vessel from the Roman city of Viminacium can shed light on its past use. The ruins of Viminacium, the capital... more
RESUMEN: En este artículo se aborda el estudio monográfico de una crátera de campana ática adscrita al Retorted Painter, un taller del segundo cuarto del siglo IV a. C. que fue definido e integrado dentro del grupo de Telos por Beazley.... more
Unique ceremonial vessels such as rhyta, kernoi and pseudokernoi were discovered in a cemetery from the Early Iron Age in Domasław (Poland). The appearance of such vessels proves that the societies of the Hallstatt culture adopted... more
Abstract in english: In the context of today's reality,this paper explores the conditions and mechanisms of the establishment of modern urban context. One of the topics to be discussed is whether and to what extent the particular... more
The main concern of this research is the distribution of land carried out by Athens outside Attica during the fifth century BCE, which mostly favoured poor Athenians according to the perspective held in this article. The basic assumption... more
Around the middle of the fifth century BC, a certain Archedemos from Thera came to Attica and decorated a karstic rock cave with texts and pictures with his own hands, near today's Vari on southern Hymettos. He also created steps and... more
Trabajo presentado a Los espacios de reunión de las asociaciones romanas: diálogos desde la arqueología y la historia, celebrado en la Universidad de Sevilla del 7 al 9 de marzo de 2013.Peer reviewe
The monuments in the land belonging to the village of Mogila have been visited and published by several prominent Bulgarian scientists and specialists. With their research, they predetermine the interest in the cultural and historical... more
In this essay, I try to show how the Athenian potter-painters' subordination under decorative principles ruling Attic vase-painting through largely predefined typologies of vessels and their decoration paradoxically opens up a field of... more
The present study concerns the technological characterization of mortar samples originating from water supply cisterns at the ancient site of Vryokastro on Kythnos island, Greece, in order to investigate the raw materials that were used... more
The introductory chapter sets out to explain the concept of ‘Hellenomania’ as it is used in this volume, comparing it with the other ‘manias’ explored in the series and more familiar notions of Hellenism, philhellenism and ‘Greekness’... more
The article contains with the archaeological excavations of the Deller Jayir kurgans at 322.700 km of the SCPX (South Caucasus Pipeline Expansion Project) pipeline corridor. These kurgans are located in the territory of Deller Jayir... more
A psychoanalytic interpretation of symbols of trees, birds  and flowers in literature, myths and religion
Archaeobotany allows to reconstruct Phoenicians' plant use and the impact they had on the surrounding environment. A case study is represented by the site of Motya, where information was obtained concerning edible plants, cultivation, and... more
A member of the local elite of Termessos is honoured for having led a group of allies dispatched to the emperor Marcus Aurelius. Typology (Honorific / Funerary / etc.): Honorific Original Location/Place: Unknown Actual Location... more
When Schliemann wrote about the Lower City of Mycenae, he referred to the topographical location of the settlement and the hierarchical relationship between the elites who lived on the acropolis and the residents of the town. Although he... more