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At the end of the 3rd century, private portraits of the deceased were introduced into the Christian funerary art at Rome, on sarcophagi as well as in catacomb paintings. For over a century they remained the most important, and the single... more
The Shohet Scholars Grant Program of the International Catacomb Society is now accepting applications to the Shohet Scholars cohort of 2020-2021. Submission deadline is January 15, 2020. This annual grant program funds research on the... more
Nel volume nr. 9 dei "Quaderni Digitali di Archeologia Postclassica" diretti da Rosa Maria Carra sono proposti tre contributi dedicati alle ricerche condotte nella catacomba di Villagrazia di Carini fino al 2015.
Sessione pomeridiana, ore 15:00 Vittorio Rizzone L' iscrizione di Iulia Florentina: peculiarità linguistiche ed epigrafiche Martino Ruggieri La morte di Iulia Florentina: ipotesi diagnostiche Elena Commodari Iulia Florentina e la mors... more
Bachelor's thesis (Dutch) about the importance of the martyr's cult for pope Damasus I.
The book of Jubilees is not regarded as part of the Western Biblical Canon, yet, in Ethiopia it is regarded as such. Should Biblical scholars take note of this book? This short introduction provides the reasons why this book should not be... more
A készülő kötet Örményország, Grúzia és Etiópia nevezetes keresztény helyszíneire kalauzol.
Background: The mathematical idea of Jesus Christ is ­ ~ ≤ X ≤ ~ and X = Y. Other mathematical ideas are the Cartesian coordinate system, n⁰ = 1 and ~, and n⁰ = 1 (X for the Lord ‘s day) and n ^n + 2 (Y for human’s day). Mathematically,... more
Comprehensive overview of the development of garden and gardening in Ireland from early times to the mid-17th century. Sections on Prehistoric Gardening, The Early Christian Period, The Medieval Period, The Elizabethan and Early Stuart... more
This papers examines three early Christian memorial sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem (church of the Nativity, Eleona church on the Mount of Olives, and Church of the Resurrection) erected in the 330s in the time of Constantine the Great... more
Sztuka Wczesnochrześcijańska jest książką wprowadzającą w zagadnienia najstarszej aktywności artystycznej - tak w dziedzinie architektury monumentalnej i prywatnej, jak i sztuk plastycznych (malarstwo, mozaika, rzeźba i drobna plastyka) -... more
Il presente volume prende avvio dalle riflessioni generate dall'analisi di tutti gli affreschi nelle catacombe cristiane di Roma, per identificare e catalogare le c.d. gammadiae, rappresentate sul lembo del pallio dei personaggi, e... more
The article presents an unpublished child sarcophagus, found in the excavations in St. Peter in Rome and discusses its iconography and the end of the sarophagus production in Rome.
Reference: Cracolici, Stefano. “Fabiola in cartolina: un percorso a ritroso da Guazzoni a Kanzler.” In Re-Thinking, Re-Making, Re-Living Christian Origins, edited by Ivan Foletti, Manuela Gianandrea, Serena Romano, and Elisabetta... more
Bronze finds from the apse of the early Christian basilica, atop of which was built Saint Sophia’s church in Thessaloniki, are presented and discussed. Namely, a hammered cross-shaped, bronze polycandelon with three of its original glass... more
The article aspires to show how physiognomy was used in late antique art in order to give substance to the theophanic dimension of a person, especially of a saint. Drawing on monumental art, sculpture, daily life objects and catacomb... more
Punta Secca (in Ragusa province) on the south coast of Sicily is a late Roman and early Byzantine village, partly excavated in the 1960s and 1970s and identified, not altogether convincingly, as the Kaukana of the ancient sources, where... more
The present paper studies the orientation of 32 churches in Thessalonike, that date from the 4th to the 20th century. It investigates whether there is a connection of their astronomical alignment to any significant solar date or to the... more
Exhibition Pula 2011 - Excavations in Pula, Kandler street 2005-2009
Portions of the Canon of Hippolytus are found on perhaps the earliest datable piece of Christian archaeology: the "Statue of Hippolytus." This article discusses the inscriptions in detail The full article may be freely accessed at the... more
The Early Christian marble tables found in Cyprus were not widely represented in international bibliography. With the exception of five fragments decorated in relief, only a limited part of them was known, mainly due to the publication of... more