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The period 550 to 750 was one in which monastic culture became more firmly entrenched in Western Europe. The role of monasteries and their relationship to the social world around them was transformed during this period as monastic... more
The legation sent by Pope Eugenius IV to Constantinople in 1437 played a critical role in the long diplomatic efforts towards a reunification of the Latin and Greek Churches, and paved the way for the Council of Ferrara-Florence... more
Rome and Constantinople were the main Christian centers of the first millennium. In spite of the many tensions only temporarily they broke the relations. In 1054 the clash was more serious (with reciprocal excommunications), although the... more
The Codex Buranus, compiled, in all likelihood, in South Tyrol in the first half of the thirteenth century, has fascinated modern scholars and performers ever since its rediscovery in 1803. Its diverse range of texts (some famously... more
This essay explores some of the papal symbols which assumed particular prominence during the pontificate of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216). These symbols belong to different modes of expression: metaphoric speech and writing (vicarius... more
Verbete do Dicionário "Cem Fragmentos biográficos: a Idade Média em trajetórias", organizado por Guilherme Queiroz de Souza e Renata Cristina de Sousa Nascimento (Editora Tempestiva, 2020).
O capítulo apresenta uma leitura das linhas gerais da historiografia das primeiras décadas do século XXI sobre o Papado Medieval. A cronologia adotada abrange das décadas de 460 a 1300; a síntese histórica elaborada está fundamentada... more
Confronted with the need for scholarly criteria in properly defining the ad hoc papal institution existent under Pope Gregory VII (1073–85), this paper seeks to clarify the title, office, and jurisdiction of the eleventh-century reforming... more
SPECIALE UMANESIMO – VI Centenario Bartolomeo Platina (1421-1481) - - - - Pope Joan and the Persistence of Myths: Pietro Ratto’s book "Le pagine... more
Rimska tradicija i kršćanstvo dominantna su obilježja ranosrednjovjekovne Europe do nastanka Karolinškog Carstva. Istodobno su Crkva, koja nije imala jasno definiranu hijerarhiju, te pape uživali pomoć i zaštitu Cara, a uopćeno govoreći,... more
This article offers the first analysis of Anglo-Scottish tension at the general ecclesiastical council of Pavia-Siena (1423-4), where Thomas Murray, Abbot of Paisley, spearheaded attacks on the English delegation in the name of the French... more
Con la predicazione dei Mendicanti nel corso dell'Alleluia (1233) si ha la prima affermazione pubblica dei frati entro il mondo comunale italiano. Essi seppero modellare la loro comunicazione pubblica sui modelli elaborati dalla retorica... more
Conventional understandings of Catholicism, especially the claim that the pope held temporal power over all civil rulers, presented a signal challenge to early American Catholics’ civil and religious liberty. Yet reform-minded Catholics... more
A draft translation of three interconnected documents - two charters and a letter - regarding a donation made by Matilda of Tuscany and Canossa (r.1076-1115). The first charter, issued in May 1095, records Matilda's granting of the estate... more
À l’occasion des 700 ans de l’accession de Jacques Duèze à la papauté (1316-2016), la Ville de Cahors, dans le cadre de la Fête de l’Histoire, célèbre le souvenir de ce Cadurcien à travers une exposition retraçant les étapes marquantes de... more
This chapter examines those men who operated in close proximity to Pope Eugenius IV (1431-1447). As Eugenius' papacy developed, so too did the origins and talents of the men this troubled pope chose to surround himself with. The volume... more
This article analyses the debates about mixed marriages held within the Roman Curia (and especially the Roman Inquisition) between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries, integrating these debates with the normative and prescriptive... more
The pontificate of Innocent III has often been presented as a turning point in the history of the rise of medieval anti-Judaism: through his virulent anti-Jewish rhetoric and his attempts to restrict Christian-Jewish contact, the pope... more
Michael E. Habicht und Marguerite Spycher
Pope Joan. The covered-up pontificate of a woman
ISBN: 9783753401836
BoD No: 21538498
I am very excited to announce the publication of a Special issue on “The Uses of History in Religious Controversies from Erasmus to Baronio” (Renaissance Studies, 35, 2021, no. 1). The journal can be accessed by clicking here (FREE... more
The article presents a network of clerics from Germany and Italy who studied in Paris and made career in the German church and in the Roman curia. The main protagonist is Albrecht II. von Käfernburg-Schwarzburg, the archbishop of... more
Na segunda metade do século XI, um áspero conflito entre a igreja romana e a corte germânica levou o papa Gregório VII a decretar a deposição e excomunhão do sucessor imperial. Tido pelos historiadores como o capítulo central da... more
La raccolta di saggi proposta intende provare a rispondere ad una serie di quesiti incentrati sul rapporto tra archivi e società negli stati italiani tra Medioevo ed Età moderna. Quale era il personale addetto alla produzione e alla cura... more
La Clavis Gerbertiana ha una struttura tripartita. La sezione iniziale è dedicata all'attività didattica svolta da Gerberto a Reims. La parte repertoriale comprende l'elenco delle opere autentiche e tre appendici (testi spuri, codici con... more
The paper discusses a special aspect of the papal-Hungarian relations, namely the operation of the delegated jurisdiction in the second half of the 13th century, from the Mongol invasion of 1241–42 to the death of the last Árpádian king,... more
In 1333, Pope John XXII wrote a letter to the Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty, appointing a new archbishop of Beijing. In addition to the letter to the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, the Pope wrote several more letters. The recipients of... more
Un día como hoy hace 1220 años, durante la Nochebuena del 800 anno domini, Charlemagne, Charles The Great o The Magnus (Carlomagno) Rey de los Francos, Alamanos y Lombardos, vencedor de los vascones, vándalos, sajones, burgundios, eslavos... more