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Questions tagged [routes]

Questions about mapping URLs to Controllers and Actions.

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Why does my node.js server fetch files from a different location than what's in the url?

I have two websites on my Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (a VM on AWS). I set them up in sort of an unorthodox way. The first is at and the other is at http://www....
gib65's user avatar
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Struggling to fix the routing problems I'm having in php [closed]

I'm having problems accessing the pages on my website using the routes that I set in the route.php file eg. localhost/online_library_1/categories, does not work, here is my folder structure, I don't ...
programmer's user avatar
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Angular 17 <router-outlet> works wrong

So i am building projects in angular and i found out that in devtools i can see my router-outlet and components are generated outside of it like that: enter image description here app.routes `import { ...
Amadeusz Kobos's user avatar
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how to load lazily loaded route in mat-sidebar-content?

I've a structure in Angular and we are following module based structure. Not standalone components. SideBar Component <mat-sidebar-container> <mat-sidebar> /* Sidebar Menu Items */ </...
Alok Agase's user avatar
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《Google maps routes API》When doing real-time navigation, why is there no straight-ahead indication for the vehicle's direction of travel?

When I use the Google maps routes API for real-time navigation, I find that the track points do not have better segmentation step data. As a result, I cannot determine whether the current route is ...
user25280736's user avatar
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Blazor upgrading from .NET 6 to .NET 8 - NavigateTo not working

I am moving a functioning .NET 6 application to .NET 8. This was a wholly WebAssembly project. I have retained that but use the server side rendering of the home page to improve the user experience. I ...
Brett JB's user avatar
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Refused to execute script because its MIME type error [closed]

I'm trying to link a javascript file to a html file that is being render by my server at the route '/'. However when the html file is loaded in the browser I get the following error: I tried using ...
Luigi_S_R's user avatar
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How to correctly route the packets through host and namespaces?

I am trying to route the packets from Client [Host], through namespaces [Demo0 -> Demo1], to Server [Host]. The packets should be routed to tun device, from where the black-box process ...
MPutak's user avatar
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The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: HEAD.? [closed]

Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\MethodNotAllowedHttpException The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: HEAD. I keep getting this error when trying to upload my Laravel ...
Mohamed rifky's user avatar
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Nuxt running on CMS - how to ignore part of the path?

I am deploying an app on a CMS. The path that is requested might look like this: However, my app doesn't know about this path (...
antiloquax's user avatar
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this.$router.push not working in nginx server

the all funciton of routing vue.js project is working well in local test. However, this.$router.push method doesn't work when testing nginx server. The nginx server has the proper configuration to ...
gyu's user avatar
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The getter 'MyRoutes' isn't defined for the class 'MyApp'

I have two screens in my app 1. homepage 2. loginpage and I want to navigate from login page to homepage on a button click through routes. the routes are define in separate file utils(folder)=>...
farman ullah's user avatar
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while using mongodb with express, delete route is not working? [closed]

I am using Mongodb with express and creating a simple chat program . while creating a delete route i am not able to render a form to confirm password and it didn't even response console.log(id); // ...
Arpit Saraswat's user avatar
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SvelteKit Redirect 308 when trying to access internal API from +page.server.ts

I am trying to retrieve data from a local API endpoint route within my SvelteKit application. I can confirm the endpoint works by navigating directly to it at http://localhost:5173/api/getSummary?...
Rawrcasm's user avatar
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Hugging Face Gradio API integrate with Nextjs 14.2

I wanted to deploy my ML model on web, so i hosted the model on hugging face and wanted to use the api for using it with my own UI. console error image is added for reference. The Web framework is not ...
hexronus's user avatar
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what is the better way to add conditional routing in rails

I have to change the route in a way that I need to have the original route as well as change the path of the route in a env is available. this is how I am thinking of doing custom_org = ENV['...
Burhan Gardezi's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to use subdomains and routing after Clerk authMiddleware() deprication?

I need to code this: TypeScript export default authMiddleware({ publicRoutes: ['/site', '/api/uploadthing'], async beforeAuth(auth, req) {}, async afterAuth(auth, req) { //rewrite for ...
user25541224's user avatar
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Creating [slug].tsx in Next.js Page router

I am trying to develop an app in Next.js using the page router framework. So for each component I have page.tsx under relevant folder name. For a particular component I need to have slug for routing, ...
user17449555's user avatar
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Issue with app.MapWhen() in .NET Core routing for multiple Angular projects

I have a technical issue with the app.MapWhen() method in .NET Core for handling routes in my application. Context I have two Angular v15 projects serving as front-ends for my .NET Core 6 application. ...
Antoine a.k.a Zesso Renoux's user avatar
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laravel new update, omits api.php and i can't use it

since the LARAVEL omits the API.PHP, when I define the routes, Route:: API Resource('students', Student Controller::class); and I access http://localhost:8000/api/students I get "The route API/...
Murtaza's user avatar
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Nextjs route handler set cookie not working

I am currently experiencing an issue with setting cookies in a Next.js 14 route handler. I have confirmed through console logs that the token is correctly included in the Set-Cookie header, but the ...
이승제's user avatar
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Ionic - How to pass URL params between tabs

in Ionic I have an app-routing module, which looks like that: import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { PreloadAllModules, RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router'; const routes: Routes ...
sebjel's user avatar
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Missing required parameter for update route laravel 11

I have an error Missing required parameter for [Route: updatetransaksi] [URI: penjualan/update/{id}] [Missing parameter: id]. web code route::get('/penjualan/edit/{id_penjualan}', [...
Dia Siapa's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi IP routing keeps adding default eth0 with metrics 100

I have a Raspberry Pi (latest version of x64 OS with desktop for Pi3 B+) with an apache2 webserver and it connects to a router via WiFi wlan0. It should be available through the Internet via a domain ...
TheKillerCH's user avatar
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Why is my router causing not to read the css?

I created a router from scratch. It's a simple router : class Router { private static array $routes; public static function register($route = '/', $filename=''){ self::$routes[$route] ...
Zakaria DOUIH's user avatar
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gin router 404 on url patterns with :id parameter

I am getting a 404 error from a URL pattern with a quite simple parameter in it. I am using gin-gonic with golang. Here is my main programme. I've removed all other routing to isolate the problem. ...
ancient geek's user avatar
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ASP.NET ignoring routes for specific .html pages

I am running my website on ASP.NET and MVC. Here, I have set up my files as .html file and these gets routed to their respective Controller/actions accordingly. Now for verification of my site on ...
Manish Sharma's user avatar
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Laravel my sorting filter doesn't work but i have no error or no messages

//my route Route::get('catalogue/{categorie?}','App\Http\Controllers\CatalogueController@index')->name('catalogue'); //my function function index($categorie = null ) { if($categorie) ...
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Customizing Error Responses for Non-Existent Resource IDs in API Platform

I'm using API Platform in my Symfony application and encountering an issue with the automatic Get() route when searching for a resource that doesn't exist. Currently, API Platform returns a default ...
Develop'ER's user avatar
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Laravel : i have this message "page not found" without any error

//my route Route::get('catalogue/{categorie?}','App\Http\Controllers\CatalogueController@index')->name('catalogue'); //my controller namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; ...
user avatar
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Create dynamic paths in my routing - Angular / PrimeNg version

I need to create several paths dynamically in my routing since the values ​​will be added to the sidebars through an endpoint. By creating a new item for the sidebar, the user will be specifying the ...
Bet's user avatar
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htaccess not working properly for react config

I'm making an app in MERN stack, and I have successfully deployed it on the hosting. I'm using cPanel. I have one error with the default configuration of the htaccess. With the default I get my data ...
embeir's user avatar
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Problems with urls at Laravel 11

I have been having problems for a few days regarding access to routes defined for my middlewares. The specific problem with all this is that when, for example, I want to enter a URL of my entity other ...
Carlos Gutiérrez's user avatar
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Page.tsx file being Greyed Out in Next.js 14 App Router

I have a Next.js 14 project with over 10 routes, all of which are working fine. However, when I try to add any new route with a page.tsx file, it appears greyed out, and I am unable to commit it. This ...
Farhan Ajmal's user avatar
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PHP Codeigniter 4 redirect route not found after insert

I have a controller that calls my model to insert a new record, returned the id of the new record, and then does a redirect to display the new record. But I get an error: "The route for '/r/xx' ...
user2723901's user avatar
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In Flutter Navigator 2.0, how to navigate 'back' whilst keeping the browser history in sync?

I've implemented Navigator 2.0 navigation in my Flutter web app. Suppose that I navigate through the app (which is a simple CRUD app for managing pets), such that I have a list of pages and browser ...
chris's user avatar
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How to send data from multiple screen to one single screen in React native

i have basically four screens and i am sending the data to other screen. for example i am sending the data from Home to ListScreen with some items from flatlist then i am also sending the other data ...
jACOB Alex's user avatar
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Is there a way to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using ComputeRoutes API?

I want to solve the issue of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) using ComputeRoutes google API (API), as it is more clear and supports nodejs. I have already create the function with ComputeRoutes, the ...
Julian's user avatar
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ASP.Net C# URL routing not working - Seems to just redirect

I am trying to use routing to pick up a variable and use it within the page default.aspx, but all it seems to be doing is redirecting the application to the page instead because it changes the URL to ...
P S's user avatar
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Openvpn Routes are not adding to the server when client is connecting

Can't find out why routes are not adding. tail -f openvpn.log | grep kostro 2024-06-26 11:59:22 kostroma/ SIGTERM[soft,delayed-exit] received, client-instance exiting 2024-06-26 11:...
emoxam's user avatar
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How I resolve different routes on an application using same url but different port?

In my case I want to create a small monolith but: Admin panel will be served upon port 8443 Normal app will be served upon port 80/443 I am using laravel 11 and the route config resides on different ...
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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How to Integrate a WordPress Blog Page into a Next.js Route with a Node.js Backend?

I have a Next.js project where I want to display a specific WordPress page for blog posts. For example, on the route blogs, I want to show a WordPress page containing blog information related to that ...
Pavan G R's user avatar
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Is there a way of getting accurate elevation data from self-hosted OpenRouteService?

I need to run a customized instance of OpenRouteService with Docker. I have built it from source and it is up and running with an OSM map for Austria - I need ORS to route hiking trails. This is ...
timmy-2003's user avatar
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How to configure Birdv2 (BGP) to 'route' to an interface/IP on the same machine?

In bird, you can configure a 'static protocol' with the following line: protocol static { route via "eth0"; } The peer is accepting and forwarding my BGP announcements* ...
UsernameNotFound's user avatar
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Angular 18 falsely throwing a routing error, despite the routes previously working fine

Background: I'm integrating a login component that includes Google authentication. Upon successful authentication, user information is obtained, a token is generated, and then sent to the backend for ...
Hamzah Alkhateeb's user avatar
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How to pass route children to root App in SolidJS in typescript?

I am trying to figure out to pass route elements to root element in typescript. I am currently using "@solidjs/router": "^0.13.6". Here is a demo of what I want to achieve. I want ...
Dukhi Atma's user avatar
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Angular universal routing issue

i have problem with Angular Universal when i load homepage http://localhost:85 page loads but in view source i get <body class="h-100 v-robots"> <app-core class="h-100"...
somczyq's user avatar
-3 votes
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A website with a different web framework per webpage possible? [closed]

Basically, I wanna make a website wherein each pages is built on a different web framework and I wanna know if it is somewhat possible. Example: Website's Home Page is made through the Ruby on Rails ...
Bax STAR's user avatar
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How to pre render all the routes in Nuxt 3 application .output automatically (without hard coding and specifying them specifically)?

When I generate a .output folder for deployment in Nuxt 3 using nuxt generate or npm run generate, routes aren't pre-rendered automatically. I added prerender to nuxt.config.ts hooks to generate ...
BATMAN_2008's user avatar
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2 PUT api request in same file in NEXT js

I need advice how to solve when I need for one route 2x PUT request. I need to add and remove two kinds of inputs, but I can remove one or the other. I can't figure out a way to set route.js to be ...
Charvi's user avatar
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