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Questions tagged [router]

A router is a device that forwards data packets across multiple networks. DO NOT USE THIS TAG FOR QUESTIONS REGARDING URL ROUTING OR SINGLE PAGE APPLICATION ROUTERS

-4 votes
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Issue with OPPO 5G CPE T1 WiFi 6 [closed]

Am facing issue with my OPPO 5G CPE T1 WiFi 6. Issue is if am connected to 5ghz WiFi some of the sites not loading but it works fine with 2ghz WiFi. Am from India and using Jio 5g sim network. To ...
Vishnu Satheeshan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Which cable can I use to extend the LAN network for 140 meters of distance? [closed]

I have Starlink Network and I want to use the second router to extend the network for 140 meters. I want to connect Starlink router to second router, and from second router to access point that is 140 ...
Armando Nhica's user avatar
-1 votes
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pfSense routing issue [closed]

Not sure this is the right stack to post this in but here goes. Ive got a routing issue on my pfSense box that shows the response to a ping request being routed to a IP in a seperate subnet/vlan. 10:...
PowerMan2015's user avatar
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Flutter auto-router can not created by command

flutter part '' not creating with command. should i create myself manually I'm currently using Mac and i export path but now working. I tried flutter pub run build_runner build --...
kariderenu's user avatar
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TypeError: Job.create is not a function

I'm using sequelize in my project, and importing the Job(variable connected to the database) from the models folder, but when I use Job.create it returns this error when inserting data into postman: ...
Antônio Souza's user avatar
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how to update data in navbar after succesful login without reload in NEXT.JS

i use next js for building an web application i want update user name img and neccessary data in navbar when i login successfully and save user data to localstorage and rout to dashboard my app ...
Faizan Rasheed's user avatar
-3 votes
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Talktalk router forwarded port 80 but still showing as closed [closed]

i port forwarded port 80 for my IIS server but i forwarded it in talktalk but it shows its closed in portchecker. I allowed the firewall to open port 80 inbound and outbound but still no. I cant ask ...
Adi's user avatar
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Custom Router State data with NGXS

I have question about custom router develop with NGXS. App Module export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) { return new TranslateHttpLoader(http); } @NgModule({ declarations: [ ...
Fortiser's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to get the id from the router.push in nextjs in the other page?

everyone. Im having trouble to access the id that from the dynamic page in Next.js in the Edit project page. This is my folder I have this component so I can navigate to the Edit project page "...
Emily's user avatar
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logs routing sink based on textPayload

Using GCP router logs sink I would like to filter out some logs that are just spamming me. In the past I did something like jsonPayload.msg="GET /internal/prometheus [200 OK]" which works ...
Mike3355's user avatar
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How to create a path to a link in Nextjs

I'm trying to create a route to my project page in my Nextjs portfolio, i created an array of my pages and their respective links in index.ts file from data folder but for some reason i couldn't ...
Medijay's user avatar
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When using tiptap in react, a routing problem was encountered

When I jump from /editor to /, I get an error: Unexpected Application Error! Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node. I don't know how to fix it. ...
zhyzetton's user avatar
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How to make an exception in the router for not saving state?

I have a problem. The problem is that I cannot make an exception for one branch so that it does not save state. I use gorouter and did it via StatefulShellRoute.indexedStack. The page itself that I go ...
Leonid's user avatar
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Why is my router causing not to read the css?

I created a router from scratch. It's a simple router : class Router { private static array $routes; public static function register($route = '/', $filename=''){ self::$routes[$route] ...
Zakaria DOUIH's user avatar
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Next.js and Tailwind CSS Compilation Error: ModuleParseError with Unexpected Character '@'

I'm encountering an issue while compiling my Next.js application with Tailwind CSS. The specific error message is: index.tsx:935 Uncaught ModuleParseError: Module parse failed: Unexpected character '@'...
santiago paz bedoya's user avatar

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