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Questions tagged [symfony]

Symfony refers to both a PHP framework for building web applications as well as a set of components on which the framework is built. This tag refers to the currently supported major versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x. Alternatively, you can specify an exact version using the respective tag. This tag should not be used for questions about Symfony 1.x. Please use the Symfony1 tag instead.

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Syfmony new Project directory . is not empty error

After cloning an existing git repo to install a new fresh Symfony I got the error Project directory not empty due to the existing .git folder I suspect. What is the recommended best practices/steps ...
adam314315's user avatar
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Behat Symfony Panther chrome failed

I m trying to test behat with panther in a container and I get this error: SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: Chrome failed to start: exited normally I add this options in behat.yaml file ...
Stoads's user avatar
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Sentry Queue integration with Symfony messenger

I'm trying to setup Symfony Messenger with Sentry Queues but for a while without any luck. I cannot find any resources online to this specific topic. I'm trying to use the example sentry provides and ...
krystof18's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Erreur could not find driverlors de l'exécution de make:migrationdans Symfony [closed]

Erreur could not find driverlors de l'exécution de make:migrationdans Symfony In ExceptionConverter.php line 90: An exception occurred in the driver: could not find driver In Exception.php line 28: ...
Moustapha Bouzou Dillé's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't understand Nelmio Api Doc Annotations

I'm having trouble configuring the generation of API documentation using NelmioApiDocBundle with Symfony. I'm trying to add annotations to describe my routes, but it doesn't seem to be working as ...
Develop'ER's user avatar
-1 votes
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i got this error while trying to connect to my Symfony App admin page "" [closed]

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Argument 1 passed to EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Router\AdminUrlGenerator::setController() must be of the type string, null ...
Moutawakkil Mouad's user avatar
-2 votes
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Symfony EasyAdmin Form question - for EDIT, show some fields as DETAIL

I have a regular symfony easyAdmin setup, and on the EDIT page for an entity, I want some fields to show up as non-editable, so I disable them with setFormTypeOption('disabled','disabled'). But when I ...
Nick Locking's user avatar
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Redirection and rendering issue with Symfony

I have a route, which is accessed as a return from a webhook, the function of this route is to take what comes from the webhook and then redirect it to another page. I'm using ngrock to receive the ...
Jonatan Passo's user avatar
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Firebase - Notification push - Oauth2 - 401 invalid authentication credentials - Symfony

I'm currently trying to create a micro service to push notification to devices. I'm using Firebase messaging and now we need to use their last API. It use Oauth2, i tried with Postman to make a push ...
Kevin Guillier's user avatar
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SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1005 Can't create table 'service' (errno: 13)

MySQL keep failing on creating table. I read about the error on other resources and nothing helped. When i ran command - "docker compose -f ./docker/docker-compose-linux.yaml run --rm php-cli ./...
Andry's user avatar
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API Platform not applying validation using groups on POST requests

I am facing an issue with API Platform (using Symfony 6.4) where validations specified using validation groups are not being applied automatically during POST operations. Despite properly configuring ...
GeppettoG's user avatar
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How to keep the menu selected with EasyAdmin in a custom template

I am using EasyAdmin with Symfony. I have created a custom template to manage an Entity. We arrive at this template from the menu created for this purpose from DashboardController: public function ...
David Bermudez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Webpack Encore : share the env files between Symfony and React

This happens in a particular context, I don't recommend it, but I deal with it, and maybe if you fall here, you too. I have a React app wrapped into Symfony with Webpack Encore. This issue can be ...
Geo Daz's user avatar
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How to run bin/console command to the server? [closed]

I would like to ask your advice on how to run the command php bin/console app:rabbitmq-consumer messaging on our server. I used cronjob to run it every minute but I'm not sure if that will be a good ...
user3391620's user avatar
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Symfony PHPUnit Test Error: Cannot Instantiate Interface Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface

I am working on writing PHPUnit tests for my Symfony application but keep encountering an error that I am unable to resolve. The error message is: 1) App\Tests\PaymentControllerTest::...
Kaveh Mohammadi's user avatar

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