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iOS Frequently Asked Questions

The iOS-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is exploring a ...
Berthold's user avatar
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17 votes

Android Frequently Asked Questions

The Android-related questions that get asked repeatedly, gathered together in one place. What does a new developer always ask at some point? What are the most common questions when someone is ...
Berthold's user avatar
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ScreenBroadcast UI Extension Error: connection to plugin interrupted while in use

I am trying to setup BroadcastUIExtension but I am keep getting this error. [] Connection to plugin interrupted while in use. ...
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Playing audio streamed via ws with just_audio in flutter (Mobile)

The aim is to play audio as soon as it comes from the server via the ws connection, and continue playing the whole message without any interruptions. (after the first audio chunk the rest should ...
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Expo builds keep failing

my builds keep failing and here is the error that's showing this time: Error: Unable to resolve module ../../assets/images/icon.png from /home/expo/workingdir/build/app/(app)/index.tsx: 863 None of ...
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Android Studio Kotlin Google reward ads bug

I am developing an application and I encountered a problem. My project works fine in the emulator. On phones, the score saved in the database always appears as 0.00, so after watching an advertisement,...
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Android Java Invalid URI: content://media/picker_get_content/0/" problem

I think reading file paths has become more difficult after Android 11. Can you help me find a solution without disrupting the code structure? The error: "Invalid URI: content://media/...

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RevenueCat - Checking subscription status always returns active

The app calls verifyIAPReceipt() on load and when trying to access Pro features. If a user has subscribed to the app but then unsubscribed, the following code still executes `subscribe()' always for ...
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Twilio - Push notifications fail in serverless production deployment

I have an Twilio programmable messaging app which is deployed in a Twilio serverless environment. let response = new Twilio.Response(); exports.handler = async function(context, event, callback) { ...
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1 answer

How to convert AdMob `GADFullScreenContentDelegate` to Swift 6 concurrency

This is a similar problem to How to convert `VNDocumentCameraViewControllerDelegate` to Swift 6 Concurrency but one warning is new, so this may require different solution. I have the following code: @...
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How to convert `VNDocumentCameraViewControllerDelegate` to Swift 6 Concurrency

So I have this code: fileprivate class DocumentScanDelegate: NSObject, VNDocumentCameraViewControllerDelegate { static let shared = DocumentScanDelegate() var compressionQuality: CGFloat = 1 ...
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Creating compose smooth stopping rotation animation

I am trying to create a smooth stopping animation. When the user clicks on the icon it will rotate. Once its fetched from the Endpoint it will stop. However, I am controlling this by resetting the ...

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Basics of Kotlin coroutines

Basics of Kotlin coroutines What is a coroutine? A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously. They are“lightweight threads”. ...
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How-to guide

Using SwiftData with SwiftUI

One thing we iOS developers should rejoice about is the development of SwiftData, at least if you are coding for a very new project and can forget about iOS versions below 17. We finally have an ...
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