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Questions tagged [primeng]

Use this tag for questions about PrimeNG, a collection of UI Components for Angular. Questions tagged [primeng] should also be tagged [angular], but NOT [primefaces].

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How can we merge both PrimeNg Css and Bootstrap css to individual modules with out conflicts in Angular

I had developed an angular project which has structure in applications and library in bootstrap 3 months ago. Now I need to migrate the whole project to primeNg components. So I rewritten the ...
Venu chellaboina's user avatar
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PrimeNG's multiselect is throwing an error when used with input signals

I have a Angular 18.1 application in which I am using PrimeNg 17.18.5 (which according to their documentation should be compatible with ng 18). In this application, I have a multiselect bound to an ...
dpdragnev's user avatar
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Getting error, Null is not assignable to type String | Undefined in angular

I am having problems with my code, is a POS and I am trying to do the Sell part, but this error is keeping me for days and I don't know how to fix it. X [ERROR] NG2: Type 'string | null' is not ...
Cremita Xb's user avatar
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PrimeNG p-calendar component with minDate issue when using formcontrol

I have upgraded my project from v15 to Angular v18/PrimeNG v17 and in my component: <p-calendar dateFormat="yy-mm-dd" ...
MartinaAnt's user avatar
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Using ngxTranslate with PrimeNG dropdown breaks after migrating from Angular v16 to v18

DESCRIPTION I've just upgraded from Angular v16 to v18. All is working fine, except for the translation of my dropdown items. I'm using ngxTranslate for this, together with my own implementation of ...
Bramist's user avatar
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Angular PrimeNG Picklist Target to Source Not Working

I have created picklist and load the data to source and target array using a API. Dragging from source to target is working fine, But when drag from target to source the selected data row will ...
Irosh Prasad's user avatar
-2 votes
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Structure my nav and structure for my three derivate div [closed]

I have three “containers” and components, and an extra div to nav. How can I align the three div containers and the nav div to the same starting point within the first div? How can I achieve this in ...
joana's user avatar
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How to change the color of connectors in p-timeline in prime ng angular

How to change the color of the connectors in p-timeline in prime ng angular. In prime ng documentation they have just provided the template for content,markers and opposite. I want to dynamically ...
vanishree kinnal's user avatar
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Remove p-timeline-event-opposite space from PrimeNG Timeline in Angular 17

I am using the PrimeNG Timeline module to display a couple of simple horizontal timelines with content on the top side in a table. How can I remove the space taken up from the .p-timeline-event-...
Ben's user avatar
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If 'p-dropdown' is an Angular component and it has 'showClear' input, then verify that it is part of this module

I am trying to run npm run build in azure pipeline, but I am getting an error on primeng components 1. If 'p-dropdown' is an Angular component and it has 'showClear' input, then verify that it is part ...
Gopala Krishnan's user avatar
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Prevent Default is not working in p-tabView

I'm using PrimeNG's p-tabView in my Angular application to manage multiple tabs. I want to prevent the tab from changing under certain conditions. I tried using the preventDefault method in the ...
Jaydeep Kasture's user avatar
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Prevent scroll to top when child dialog closes in parent dialog | Primeng Dialog service

I have nested dialogs using primeng dialog service, I set focusOnShow false. When I closes dialog B inside dialog A, dialog A's component scrolled to top and first focusable element receives focus. ...
pawan's user avatar
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Angular 8 to 17 upgrade: ngModel binding and PrimeNG component issues

I'm upgrading an Angular 8 application to Angular 17 and encountering issues with ngModel binding and PrimeNG components. My application uses a module-based structure with app.module.ts as the main ...
hipstermartin's user avatar
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how to add event to FullCalendar Component without calling api

im currently trying to add events to my object instead of adding the event via getApi().addEvent(...). Ive tried it by simply adding a new event to the array but instad of 2 events the old one got ...
Elias Walder's user avatar
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How to control opening primeng accordion content by a button placed on the accordion

I want to open the primeng accordion using a button that is placed in its custom header and i dont want the accordion to open if i click anywhere else. i am using primeng 11-lts version and this is my ...
Code Monkey's user avatar

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