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Questions tagged [r-sf]

The motivation behind the `sf` package is to provide a complete, standardized implementation of simple features in R, with links to GDAL, GEOS and Proj.4. There is a also for spatial R questions.

41 votes
3 answers

How to put a geom_sf produced map on top of a ggmap produced raster

I tried the following code: library(ggplot2) library(ggmap) library(sf) nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) str(nc) Classes ‘sf’ and 'data.frame': 100 obs. of 15 ...
user1453488's user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

How to resolve spherical geometry failures when joining spatial data

I have a shapefile (with several polygons) and a dataframe with coordinates. I want to assign each coordinate in a dataframe to a polygon in a shapefile. So to add a column in a data frame with a ...
yuliaUU's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

Snap a point to the closest point on a line segment using sf

I would like to snap a point to the closest point on a road segment using sf::st_snap. However, the function seems to return the wrong result, it's snapping my point to a point at the start of the ...
rafa.pereira's user avatar
  • 13.7k
20 votes
4 answers

Convert sequence of longitude and latitude to polygon via sf in R

I have five longitude and latitude that form a shape like this. df <- c(order=1:5, lon=c(119.4,119.4,119.4,119.5,119.5), lat=c(-5.192,-5.192,-5.187,-5.187,-5.191)) How could I ...
rasyidstat's user avatar
50 votes
3 answers

sf: Write Lat/Long from geometry into separate column and keep ID column

I have a df with polygon ID's from a shapefile and their centre-points in a geometry column: # A tibble: 3 x 2 ID geometry <dbl> <POINT [°]> 1 1 (117.2 31.8) 2 2 (116....
Jorrit G's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to fix degree symbol not showing correctly in R on Linux/Fedora 31

Any map I make with: ggplot() + geom_sf() produces the expected map, but does not show the degree sign correctly, as appears from the following picture. The answer given in this answer on SO - ...
giocomai's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Visual bug when changing Robinson projection's central meridian with ggplot2

I am attempting to project a world map in a Robinson projection where the central meridian is different from 0. According to this StackOverFlow thread, it should be an easy thing (albeit the example ...
fzenoni's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Sf package: Close a polygon fom complex shape

Almost two weeks that my students and I are trying to find a solution on a trivial problem. We want to calculate the distance between two GPS points avoiding the coast according to this tutorial: ...
CharlotteS.'s user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Select multiple items using map_click in leaflet, linked to selectizeInput() in shiny app (R)

I would like to create a leaflet map where you can select multiple polygons and this will update the selectizeInput() in a shiny app. This would including removing a selected polygon, when it is ...
william3031's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Find coordinates x distance along linestring

I would like to extract the coordinates of a point at a known distance along the linestring, starting from one end of the linestring. For example: library(sf) path <- st_as_sfc('LINESTRING(10 20, ...
user12472970's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Split line by multiple points using sf package

I am trying to split a large line shape by pairs of points along the line. Based on previous questions asked mainly by @mbcaradima here, here, here and here, I have put together some code which works ...
M.Teich's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

R: Creating a Matrix to Store Join Results

I have these two shapefiles in R: file_1:
stats_noob's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How to make a data frame into a simple features data frame?

I've got a table with place references and x and y coordinates in a given coordinate reference system. I want to turn that into a simple feature data frame. How can I create that? I thought it might ...
wdkrnls's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Convert a list of sf objects into one sf

I have a list of sf objects that I would like to row bind to create a single sf object. I'm looking for a function similar to data.table::rbindlist, that would stack the individual objects in an ...
rafa.pereira's user avatar
  • 13.7k
21 votes
4 answers

Removing holes from polygons in R sf

Is there a way to remove holes from a polygon in R with the package sf? I would be interested in solutions that include other packages, too. Here's an example of a polygon with two holes. library(sf) ...
Duccio A's user avatar
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