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R and ggplot with st_crop: map cropping does not work as wanted

I am trying to plot only a part of the world map, limited by a square with limits lon (-30, 90) and lat (30, 82). When I try to crop the map with sf_crop, it does not return the desired square when ...
SkiFlyer's user avatar
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Merge two shapefiles in R, get a dataframe of variable value in each precinct

I'm not a GIS person, this is driving me nuts. I have a shp file of voting precincts. I have another shp file of radio broadcasts. I want to use R to geolocate the broadcasts into the precincts, so ...
user1060859's user avatar
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How to match the coordinates of 2 shapefiles in R

I have 2 shapefiles, one of them has the coordinates of administrative units as a multipolygon, and the other has the coordinates of various sections of a border wall as a multilinestring. I am trying ...
user24939654's user avatar
1 vote
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Incorrect results when intersecting point and polygon data with sf in R

I’m getting bizarre results when I intersect some point data with polygons using the sf package in R, and while I think I’ve found a solution, I’m so baffled by the issue that I’d really appreciate it ...
dmcd's user avatar
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sf error: OGR error: cannot export to WKT

I'm having issues running sf on my computer (R version 4.3.3, linux ubuntu 22.04.4). When trying to import a shapefile using st_read(), I am faced with the following error and warning messages: > ...
rsmarcus's user avatar
-1 votes
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Count shapefile length (line) in each polygon of another shapefile (grid)

I am trying to quantify the length of a road network, on each cell of a lattice grid. Both my road network and my lattice grid are shapefiles, a polyline and a polygon respectively. I would like to ...
user8780's user avatar
2 votes
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R Shapefile not plotting lat/lon correctly

I'm having trouble plotting a shapefile correctly, it seems to have the geometry and projection recognised and I can see appropriate values in geometry$num (lat ~-34, lon ~153) but when plotted it is ...
Hayden's user avatar
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Finding Subset of Polygon centroids Which Are Within A Certain Distance of the Centroids of Other Polygons in R

I am attempting to calculate summary statistics for the the administrative units within 5km of every administrative in a shapefile of Jamaica. I use dnearneigh() to find which administrative units ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to use CAST package for a shapefile (polygons) in R?

any help with the following is really appreciated!! My goal: I need to run a lasso model for variable selection for my data (which is in sf polygon format). My data: As said above, is a sf object. ...
Adriana Castillo Castillo's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to merge two polygon elements into one?

I have the shapefile below containing information on Moroccan provinces. The shapefile looks as follows: > library(sf) > library(ggplot2) > morocco_shp <- read_sf("decoupage/...
Saïd Maanan's user avatar
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Merging some of the polygon boundaries using sf in R

I am trying to plot the boundaries from this geojson file. I am able to plot all the boundaries using sf in R. However, I would like to merge some polygons together - e.g., POL_STN_NM = PS RAJ PARK, ...
Anisha Garg's user avatar
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How define the cell size from a hexagonal grid?

I'm trying to create a hexagonal grid from a biome boundaries (cerrado, but it could be able to apply to any other political boundaries). In sf documentation I saw that it is possible to do it with ...
Karoline's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Overlaying two geom_sf with same data sources but differents variables types in ggplot

I want to overlay the plot 1 and 2 on the same plot. They come from the same source and I want in the backgroung the plot 1 and add plot 2 with some transparency on top. plot1= ggplot() + geom_sf(...
Camillionnaire's user avatar
1 vote
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Interactive map plotly from shapefile

I would like to create an interactive map, using the plotly package in R. However, I face the issue now that my geodata is contained in a shx shapefile, which the plot_ly() function seems to have ...
Nick Glättli's user avatar
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r - readOGR(), terra::vect and sf::st_read : cannot open shapefile while file.exists = TRUE and .shp, .dbf and .shx files in the same folder

I don't understand why I get the error : "Cannot open data source" while my path should have been at least once correct and that the .shp, .dbf and .shx files are in the same folder. I've ...
Muriel's user avatar
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