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Questions tagged [polygon]

For issues relating to the creation, manipulation and rendering of polygons in graphical user interfaces.

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How to get the upper line of a polygon

I am trying to create an application to automate the workflow of dam analysis for the geotechnical sector I work in. The app takes as input a DXF file that contains the geometry of the dam section. ...
Alexandre Vitor's user avatar
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How to do circle packing in an irregular polygon

I have been trying to pack as many circles in a polygon as possible. Having found this - Controlled circle packing with Python - I though it would be a useful code if the checkBorders function was to ...
sara brdnik's user avatar
-2 votes
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solidity contract function execution failed

I am trying to build a test contract for flash loan arbitrage in solidity for polygon blockchain. Contract deployed successfully, but when I am calling the function : fn_RequestFlashLoan I am getting ...
Haren Sarma's user avatar
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Code -32000 ("processing response error") when reading data from a polygon smart contract

I am just starting out with ethers.js and smart contracts in general. I am attempting to read the price between two tokens (MATIC => WETH) using the getAmountsOut() function on the sushiswap router ...
bestcode123's user avatar
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Error: "execution reverted" when calling Chainlink Data Feed function in Remix on Polygon Cardano Testnet

I am trying to use the ETH/USD price data feed on the Polygon Cardano Testnet via Remix. I deployed the following contract successfully: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.7; import ...
Divyakrishnan R's user avatar
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Identify two figures for similarity [closed]

I am trying to find a reliable way to determine the similarity between geometric shapes (polygons). In one of my approaches, I tried to use the cvopen library and the findContours() and matchShapes() ...
Paul's user avatar
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Display adjacent Java Swing Polygons without gap even when using antialiasing

Using antialiasing in filling adjacent polygons in Java Swing can result in a fine gap between the polygons. The gap can be closed when using drawPolygon in addition to fillPolygon, but the polygon is ...
BKN's user avatar
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How to specifiy networks in turffle contract

I am following a tutorial creating peer to peer payment on Polygon, and when using loadWallet I think we need to specify the network and in the code, the chainID of mumbai testnet is used. const ...
Ahmed B's user avatar
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Godot4 2d - issue with how polygons and re-useable textures work

I’m trying to create irregular shaped tiles using polygons, and I want to use the same texture for each tile. I have the minimum code below that creates a number of polygons in a row. extends Node2D #...
Port1s's user avatar
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Web3ValidationError when trying to use web3.js and metamask

I am running into quite a puzzling problem. I have built an app that execute on Polygon or in this case Amoy (testnet) and is essentially like a vending machine. You can add items then via contract ...
Tyde Meadows's user avatar
3 votes
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Fastest algorithm for filling overlapping rectangles of pixels

I have an image. The pixel value is either 0 or 1. All pixels are initially zero. Given a set of overlapping rectangles characterized by (bottom left pixel coordinate, width, height), I need to flip ...
user2961927's user avatar
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How to shrink a polygon vertices to find Net floor area

I am workin on a project in c# of modeling building for greenBuilding. for the simulation, I need to put the vertices for the outside of the flat external wall, the the centeral of the wall between ...
Robin Cris's user avatar
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Which algorithm should be used to merge free hand drawings like lasso tool - add mode?

I'm trying to make an application that merge user free hand drawings, like lasso tool add mode in photoshop. I tried to find the algorithms but I failed it (
jungeyonoh's user avatar
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libgdx ShapeRenderer on xz plain

I have set of point on xz-plane and need to draw polygon, probably using ShapeRenderer. But it is intended for xy-plane, and, using my set of points, render polygon in perpendicular to expected ...
Alexey's user avatar
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Color inversion while increasing zoom level while plotting polygon string with Bing Maps API key in python

I want to increase zoom level of plot consisting of polygon plotted using matplotlib library on Bing Maps. I am using the following code: import requests from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO ...
Sharvari Mittal's user avatar

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