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3 votes
2 answers

R: How to replace values in polygon geometry without a for loop?

I have over 60,000 building polygons footprints in shapefile format (polygonZ) where I need to replace the z values (for each ring) for all the polygon vertices, so that all the Z values for the ...
nola's user avatar
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How to create (using R's sf) a spatial data frame whose geometry column is the difference between the geometry columns of other two data frames?

I have two spatial data frames that I've loaded using the sf package in R. In the first data frame I have (61) US counties, while in the second I have a subpart of each of these (61) counties. Both ...
DOS's user avatar
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How to convert Multipolygon column to sfc column? R

I´m having trouble converting coordinates data to sf format. I exported a csv file from QGIS with attributes of several political units with their respective coordinates. Because I'm working with ...
Franco Cicerone's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Calculate Avg of Metric within Radius on Map

I am working on a problem that uses data that resembles the following snippet: name = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E','F','G','H','I','J') lat = runif(10,min=37,max=39) lon = runif(10,min=-91,max=-89) ...
user2813606's user avatar
0 votes
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Import geometry column using R on PowerBi

I'm trying to import a gdb file into my PowerBi using R as follows: library(readr, quietly = T) library(sf, quietly = T) library(dplyr, quietly = T) library(tidyr, quietly = T) ...
Papu's user avatar
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-1 votes
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maps package in R: Where is geometry data stored?

I did quite a lot of research and did not find an answer to the following questions regarding the maps package in R: (EDIT: I did not notice that it only works with ggplot2, as I still had this ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I combine two `sf` geometry fields into a single geometry field (of type GeometryCollection)?

I have two spatial descriptors for the same real world objects (we can simply call them "sites"). One consists of MultiPolygons (describing the broad frame of the site (areas_sf); the other ...
TCW's user avatar
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Trying to export sf dataframe to .csv file in R with st_write

I have a sf dataframe which has geometry column looking like this: geometry list(list(c(53252.151421, 421516.3252... list(list(c(53252.151421, 421516.3252... list(list(c(53252.151421, 421516....
David's user avatar
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Trying a data frame to an sf object, function used: st_as_sf()

I am trying to execute following code as .R file in Azure batch service: Data <- st_as_sf(data, coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude")) %>% sf::st_set_crs(4326) and I am getting ...
user17237211's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How summarize points to linestring and keep dataframe columns in r?

I'm working with this code to turn a group of points into lines. But, in addition to the "sub_id" the rows have another "id" (column in input dataframe) that I would like to be ...
Caroline Portal's user avatar
1 vote
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Tmap: school district map has been masked up with dark grey areas

Concerning my last post, I successfully plotted the school districts on a national map using the library tmap. Below is my attempt to plot the map. As you can see, this is far behind the reference (...
Kob's user avatar
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4 votes
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Intersection keeping non-intersecting polygons in sf - R

I'm looking to intersect 2 spatial layers, keeping all the non-intersecting features as well. My first layer is the SA2 from NSW, Australia, which look like enter image description here My second ...
Maximiliano Micheli's user avatar
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Assign an sf geometry for each R row with specific filter creteria: what's wrong with my current code?

Suppose I have a dataframe test. What I want to do is assign a random geometry to the rows that cly == 8. For the other rows, I just leave it as NA This is a reprex of my current code: library(dplyr) ...
Jingjun's user avatar
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How to create an sf object which combines geometries to create a set of larger units (e.g., states from counties)

I have a shapefile (.shp) where each geographic unit is (the equivalent of) a county. I loaded it and called it gdfc. I would like to combine counties to create an sf object where each observation is ...
DOS's user avatar
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R SF: SF point automatically transfered to List after IFELSE justification, how should I recover it?

I am new to sf so I am not sure if this is a bug or I have done some unreasonable coding. Basically, I used to have a couple of sf object (which means if I code the class(geometry), R will return me ...
Jingjun's user avatar
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