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Questions tagged [htmltools]

htmltools is an R package that contains tools for generating HTML output directly from R.

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How to have a ReactShinyInput inside a ReactShinyWidget?

I have just started playing with the reactR package in the hope of having React elements usable with Shiny R. I have got project with the scaffoldReactWidget function setup and working quite nicely so ...
Pavel Khokhlov's user avatar
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appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render call

The funciton addSearchGoogle from leaflet.extras is throwing this error in a Shiny-app: Warning in renderWidget(instance) : Ignoring appended content; appendContent can't be used in a Shiny render ...
SeGa's user avatar
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Saving svg generated in shiny

I am trying to save an .svg that I generate inside a shiny app using htmltools (MRE below). This requires adding the svg namespace to the svg tag with xmlns:xlink="
smartse's user avatar
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How to write/share an html document created in R using crosstalk and leaflet

I've created a filterable map using crosstalk and leaflet in R, and I'd like to share this with coworkers as a standalone document: library(leaflet) library(htmltools) library(htmlwidgets) #example ...
Eric's user avatar
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Print single charts via loop with highcharter in rmarkdown

I would like to print single charts created in a for loop as tabbed content using the packages rmarkdown and highcharter. So far i have only succeeded in displaying all the graphics in one tab. The ...
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Why my Html function in R is not working:?

This is my code: card_function <- function(title,paragraph,tags){ div( class = "card", div(class = "header"), div( class = "info", p(class = &...
JohnBones JohnBones's user avatar
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Updated htmltools doesn't install anyway

In Rmarkdown my problem is Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : namespace 'htmltools' 0.5.6 is already loaded, but >= 0.5.7 is required Calls: ... ...
Tofa Ahammed's user avatar
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Grandchildren elements are not rendered, using R htmltools::tagList to generate HTML for paged pdf

I am trying to create a paged pdf report in R, using pagedown together with htmltools::tagList. Each page in the report is supposed to bring together field survey results, mainly images ande tables, ...
v.eriksson's user avatar
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Insert image (file or R object) into existing html file from R script

I include two ggplotly() graphics in a html file, eg. library(ggplot2) library(plotly) library(htmltools) g1 <- ggplot(data=data.frame(x=1:10, y=1:10)) + geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y)) g2 <- ...
user2955884's user avatar
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R Shiny Add Icon To tag$button

I'm trying to render a table in R Shiny that has a name, file, or url with a download button column that opens a new tab based on the data in the row. I'm unable to have the htmltools tag show an icon ...
Curtis's user avatar
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How can I correctly resize all plotly plots encapsulated in a javascript tab?

I am new to handling html objects from R and I am having an issue while trying to create html tabs from named lists (the target document is html pages obtained from RMarkdown). Long story short, while ...
MiddleC's user avatar
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Shiny reactable list object in tags$button on click

So I have a situation where I would like to use an object in a tag$button(). This is to work around the fact that the columns may change. It works on the first click and then stops working and the ...
A-A-ron's user avatar
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How to load a local HTML file in R with htmltools?

I'm having a hard time loading a local HTML file. I tried with xml2 and it gives an empty file. With htmltools and its function includeHTML I get an error message. library(htmltools) rawHTML<-...
laurent_grouet's user avatar
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ggVennDiagram in lagList in R MarkDown

I am trying to embed Venn Diagrams to my report made in R MarkDown. I have dinamic number of graphs so I generate them by for loop. I know that R MarkDown has "problem" with loops but I find ...
tomsu's user avatar
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Subscript in R DT's footer with withTags()

I'm trying to add a superscript to a DataTables footer in a Shiny app (similar as here to the rownames/body). library(shiny) library(DT) ui <- fluidPage(dataTableOutput("table")) server ...
bathyscapher's user avatar
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How to evaluate a list of cards in bslib::layout_column_wrap?

I am trying to display a list of cards in a 2d grid using the function bslib::layout_column_wrap(). However, I get a 1d grid with the cards positioned in one column instead of multiple columns. See a ...
Gion Mors's user avatar
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How to display a SVG image in shiny

I would like to display in my web application an SVG image that I have hosted in the images folder. First I tried to display it with a tag but it didn't work: ui <- fluidPage( tags$img(src = &...
Wardiam's user avatar
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Can't seem to install the "devtools" package

I need to install Devtools so i can download the 0.5.4 htmltools package from github, almost every package i try to install gives an error stating that the htmltools version i have is 0.5.2 but the ...
Rafael Novaes's user avatar
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R - markdown how to print list of dataframes to "Tabbed sections"

According bookdown documentation in 3.3, there is functionality to hide chunks in to the tabs. I occasionally use it, but I can't figure out how ...
prdel99's user avatar
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How to link to CSS with htmltools?

I understand htmltools can be used to link to a JavaScript file: htmltools::tags$script(src = "") But how would I link to a CSS file, ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How do I attach a CSS dependency to my Shiny app with htmlDependency() and tagList() from htmltools

I'm trying to attach a custom css stylesheet to style my shiny app. However I haven't had much success. I know that there is many ways to do it, but according to chapter 4 of Outstanding UI with Shiny ...
data_science_newbie's user avatar
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How to add an icon in front of specific column name of reactable

R Gurus, I am struggling with a unique problem with adding an icon in front of certain column names in a reactable. library(htmltools) library(dplyr) library(tippy) data <- as_tibble(mtcars[1:6, ],...
M.Qasim's user avatar
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reduce file size of exported leaflet html by linking several layers to the same data (json) instead of keeping the information separately

Generating leaflet html's easily results in a 50-75 MB file (depending on the number of layers). However, they can be zipped to reduce the file size by factors. So i guess there is lots of repetitive ...
Beni's user avatar
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How to generate simple html table using Shiny and R without using renderTable function?

I'm really new to R/Shiny, I'm working on a project and I'm having a problem. Indeed, according to what I learned on the documentation, the renderTable function makes it possible to generate a ...
armel sauvy's user avatar
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Shiny Leaflet Slow with HTML Labels

I'm building a shiny app with a leaflet map that updates based on user selection. When I got to working on the labels for shiny, I noticed my performance dropped upon hitting my action button to ...
Spruce's user avatar
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Change column header color

I have a Shiny app that displays a DT table. I would like to be able to change the color of the column headers (not the column header text color) from black to something else say #34a8eb. I tried the ...
Ed_Gravy's user avatar
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Add dependencies of shinydashboardplus in shiny

Below is the code for shiny app that I am using. shiny::shinyApp(fluidPage( # Give the page a title titlePanel("Telephones by region"), # Generate a row with a sidebar ...
Williams86's user avatar
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How to use htmltools::attachDependencies?

Here is an example of how I "manually" add a HTML dependency to a datatable. This works fine. When I try with attachDependencies, the dependency is not attached. library(DT) library(...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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How to to insert R (interactive or not) graphics in the tooltips of a ggiraph?

I'd like ultimately to insert R (interactive or not) graphics in the tooltips of a ggiraph. Using an iframe as I successfully did before with leaflet, it would look like this: library(ggplot2) library(...
doana's user avatar
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Print HTML formatted text in Jupyter with R from the list of citations of loaded packages

I have a R variable containing some html content inside, for exemple : myvar = "<h3>Section Title</h3>" I would like to print it not as <h3>Section Title</h3> but as ...
vinalti's user avatar
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How to align and draw borders on complex header for datatable in R shiny?

I am using the container to create the header using the example from here. I am looking to center align the 'Overall' and 'In-patient' header. I tried adding the align = 'left' parameter in th ...
sutsabs's user avatar
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How do I put a GLSL script into an `htmlDependency()`?

The htmltools::htmlDependency function allows me to set Javascript and CSS files as a dependency of a tag. This means I can have tags on a page that use the code without including multiple copies of ...
user2554330's user avatar
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Boostrap Buttons Wrapping when they shouldn't be

I can't see why the Search and Clear Buttons wrap onto the following line after Postcode. I've used the last example from the Button Addons code from here.
Chris's user avatar
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Looking for a pretty way to create expandable rows for columns with a lot of text

I was hoping to make a table that has expandable rows that may stay open when toggled. I wanted to put the columns with long amounts of text as expandable row details. The problem is when I use "...
s.libes's user avatar
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How to style reactable cell background with custom grouping select

I have some data I'm trying to present using reactable. I am styling the background of cells based on the value. There are a number of groups in the data which are useful, but the groups themselves do ...
TrainingPizza's user avatar
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change size of plots in htmltools::taglist R markdown

I am trying to use a loop in Rmarkdown that prints a leaflet map and plotly graph side by side (the loop iterates through vegetation types). I am having trouble getting the side-by-side to have the ...
kingmidaz's user avatar
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Package installation issue with R version 3.6.0 [duplicate]

I have R 3.6.0 (and I'm currently obliged to use this version of R) and I'm facing the following problem. My goal is to install the 'shiny' package. I run install.packages("shiny",checkBuilt=...
Angelo's user avatar
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how to direct to the link via .tabsetpill

I would like to direct to the relevant link when I click on the .tabsetpill is there any way to get around this? Many thanks in advance. --- title: "" output: html_document --- # ...
Seyma Kalay's user avatar
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RMarkdown: Access objects made in html in later r chunk

If I have the following code to create a checkbox in an RMarkdown flex_dashboard, how do I access the variables created by the checkbox for later use in the code? --- title: "Temp Dashboard" ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
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Add an interactive Check Box to a Flexdashboard in R

I'm building a flexdashboard out in an RMarkdown document, but I've run into issues with interactivity. So I've gotten a solution in shiny up and running, but the issue is that at my place of work we ...
obewanjacobi's user avatar
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Shiny app as function, where to put www/ folder, CSS, JS

I am attempting to convert a relatively complex shiny app (3-4 modules, 8 CSS/JS files) into a package with one external function that builds an instance of an app for a given input (build_myApp(...
jatkins23's user avatar
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htmlwidgets::saveWidget produces html file with default style="padding: 40px"

By default, the html document created by the htmlwidgets::saveWidget which use htmltools (for example, htmlwidgets::saveWidget (reactable(iris))) has the following attributes in the body tag: <body ...
boris's user avatar
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Changing the footer of a Datatable in R using htmltools::withTags()

I am trying to change the footer of a Datatable in a Shiny App. I can replicate the error I get in the App with the following code: dt_test <- tibble(cntry = c("A","A","B&...
der_emu's user avatar
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R Shiny: How to change the color of a button depending on the value of a checkbox with tagQuery()?

I want to change the css class of a bootstrap button depending on the value of a checkbox. If the value of the checkbox (input$x) is checked ie. euqals TRUE, i want to add a class and when the value ...
werN's user avatar
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How to adjust row space in saved formattable table in R

With code below, I'm able to generate formattable table and save it as image: library(formattable) library(htmltools) library(webshot2) df <- data.frame( id = 1:10, name = c("Bob", &...
ah bon's user avatar
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Changing table line borders to something similar to kable LaTeX

I have the following table and I would like to know if there is any way to change the table format in a way that the separator lines can not only be displayed horizontally, but as a cell grid just as ...
JK Lambert's user avatar
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header style not working when putting a button in the header of shinydashboard

I managed to put an action button in the shiny dashboard's header. However, when applying styling using tags$li, it only applies to the sidebar. When removing the tags$a portion, the styling gets ...
WannabeSmith's user avatar
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How to save diffObj as HTML that's readable by a browser?

The code below compares two vectors and creates the difference, diff_content, formatted as "HTML". Typing diff_content in RStudio's Console brings up this table in the Viewer: However, when ...
ixodid's user avatar
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R Shiny table how to format html code correctly in expandable rows

In my shiny app I display a table (reactable) with an expandable row. I would like to change the background color for certain words, therefor I use html spans. It works fine for the text in the ...
volfi's user avatar
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Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded

I am trying to launch a RShiny App but each time i get this message error: Package ‘htmltools’ version 0.5.0 cannot be unloaded: Error in unloadNamespace(package) : l'espace de noms ‘htmltools’ est ...
Sophie Cvl's user avatar

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