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Questions tagged [google-chrome]

[google-chrome] is for questions related to development with Google Chrome, a web browser that uses the Blink rendering engine. Warning! General support for the browser is off-topic: questions about using or configuring the browser should be posted on Chrome OS and Chromium are off-topic: questions about [google-chrome-os] or [chromium] should use those tags.

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Refused to load the script '

I am working on a chrome extension with React but keep getting this error after unpacking into chrome Refused to load the script '
Jeff Dauda's user avatar
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Selenium not opening the profile I needed

from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import Options import time chrome_options = Options() chrome_options....
Saad Latheef's user avatar
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Copy to clipboard using `writeText` fails in Chrome in cross-origin `<object data='...>` container

I have a cross-origin <object data="{my-cross-origin-url}"> container that contains a copy to clipboard button for an email address with the code: navigator.clipboard.writeText("...
Candace Wong's user avatar
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Adding Partitioned Attribute in existing cookies creates two cookie with same name in chrome browser

We have implemented the CHIPS(Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State) solution on our website by adding the partition attribute. It works fine when a user logs in for the first time. However, if ...
Khushboo Shaw's user avatar
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SVG Spam in chrome with VueJS [closed]

I'm new with template developement, but i do use it for save my time, but now, it's a problem.. When a tring to access at my site in production version, it spamming SVG request in network tab and the ...
Kayaaba Dev's user avatar
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Run flutter web app on Chrome on iOS machine

I have a flutter app that I have compiled to run on Chrome on a windows machine. I have tried to get it to run on Chrome on an iOS machine but it doesn't work. This is what the user sees when typing ...
LostTexan's user avatar
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9 views downloaded by Chrome during a card paynent

While making a payment in a Chrome incognito tab, I was prompted to download a file. The file downloaded was a document named I have had ongoing security issues with my ...
T.Tam's user avatar
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How check browser support in CSS for @view-transition navigation: auto?

Google Chrome 126 is introducing cross-document view transitions in CSS (source) with @view-transition { navigation: auto; } Now I would like to check the support of the user's browser with: @...
Oliver Schwarz's user avatar
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Google Adsense - Third-party cookie will be blocked in future Chrome versions as part of Privacy Sandbox

I have a page which is built by NextJS and integrate with Google Adsense & GA4. I saw a lot of warning in console log Third-party cookie will be blocked in future Chrome versions as part of ...
Thành Lý's user avatar
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Checking whether page ran as PWA not working on Chrome on Android [duplicate]

I'm using window.matchMedia('(display-mode: standalone)').matches to try to check whether my page is running as a PWA. This works on Desktop, but on Android, this returns false despite the page ...
stracktracer's user avatar
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Chrome - Programmatically Generate the "Save As Shortcut" launcher

On macOS, when you use Chrome's "Save as Shortcut"/"Install as App" option, it creates the typical .app folder structure. The Info.plist contains the URL to the page, but if you ...
Karric's user avatar
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Why does the ls -l output show the date as 256 Jul 21 for Chrome? [closed]

I tried updating chrome and ran into an error: Then I closed out and reopened chrome and was surprised to see that it was updated. I was curious what version was on my computer so I ran an ls -l ...
Howie B's user avatar
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SSL Certificate validation fails ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID in Chrome but works fine in Firefox

I have an application that hosts multiple RESTful APIs. When the application is installed, it automatically generates a self-signed certificate authority cert and then each API gets its own ...
resnak's user avatar
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How to prevent an empty gap appearing in elements when printed?

I have below a minimal webpage that prints as two green pages with a blue box centered on each page. This is accomplished by creating two green divs that are the size of the page, and each div ...
dln385's user avatar
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Unable to Start Chrome Session in Selenium: "Could not remove old devtools port file" Error

I'm attempting to run this script in digitalocean server, it worked fine on my computer but not on the server. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --> Traceback (most ...
Deka Halane's user avatar
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Rtl numbers problem when running flutter web on chrome in samsung phones

The text shows fine on chrome desktop, but the numbers (hh:mm in this case) get wrong direction when running on galaxy phones. Shows 12:20 as 20:12. It appears to be that way only on galaxy phones and ...
navid's user avatar
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CRM Dynamics 2016 stuck in "Loading Business Logic" message

when we browse any entity in CRM (Dynamics CRM 2016 on premise) it most of the times -not always- gets stuck on the error message "Loading Business Logic", If you refresh the page with F5 it ...
Dvey's user avatar
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Google Chrome crashes unexpectedly when running specific command

I'm encountering an issue where Google Chrome abruptly crashes when I execute the following command on macOS: defaults write IncognitoModeAvailability -integer 0 This command is ...
Ryosuke's user avatar
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MP4 file created using MediaRecorder API is not playable

I am trying to generate an mp4 file from a screen recording done via a chrome extension. The video plays back perfectly on the browser, but when I download the file and play it back locally with a ...
Nived Sanil's user avatar
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Puppeteer: @puppeteer/browsers .install 404 (not working)

I'm working on a project that bundles a repo to an .exe using Node SEA. Bundling puppeteer causes me to need to install chrome myself, so I've switched from puppeteer to puppeteer-core + @puppeteer/...
BinarySolo's user avatar
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Allowing autoplay of a video with sound - Chrome

As the title suggests, we have a system we are putting together for a client that requires autoplaying full screen mp4 videos with audio. We essentially have a navigation list of videos - and when you ...
ConquestXD's user avatar
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scrollbar is not visible in chrome. how to make it always visible?

how to make the scrollbar always visible in Chrome? it's really annoying that it disappears. Unfortunately, none of the online methods work I have macbook sonoma 14.5 Chrome 126.0.6478.127 under: ...
MarKil's user avatar
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How can I solve this problem with ChromeDrive?

I have this code: from selenium import webdriver from import By import time driver = webdriver.Chrome(r'C:\dchrome\chromedriver.exe') driver.get('
Sebastian Gómez Tenorio's user avatar
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CORS errors on Firefox under corporate VPN

I'm using Firefox on a work Macbook. Occasionally, I encounter sites that won't load properly on Firefox, but everything works OK on Chrome. The latest example is The system is ...
nologin's user avatar
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python selenium keep my login information to open chrome

I logined my youtube account,now I want to use selennium to open chrome and then open with the account to achieve that? user_data_dir=r'C:\Users\cccc\AppData\Local\...
learner's user avatar
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Next JS fetch error from Ruby - Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information)

I have a Next Js app running in gogle cloud run and backend services in ruby on rails runnning on GKE i have correctly exposed the endpoints and they can connect however when i run the service on ...
Smbugua's user avatar
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Missing few Cookies (Only in Chrome browser) in the First-Party Site's Request Header When Redirecting (Status Code: 303) from a Third-Party Site

Chrome Browser Version: 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (arm64) Used technologies: ClientSide - Html, React.js, Javascript ServerSide - GoLang What I tried: Step 1: Setting a few cookies with ...
Jakpren's user avatar
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Apache Beam -> BigQuery: Storage Write API doesn't respect Primary Key

I have a BigQuery table created using the following DDL: CREATE TABLE mytable AS ( id STRING, source STRING, PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED ); As you can see, id is set as the table Primary Key. ...
SeeBeeOss's user avatar
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window.getComputedStyle(...).getPropertyValue('width') is returning wrong value on chorome

I'm trying to determin the width of a 1 char element defined simply as : <div ref={refBBFS} style={{width:"1ch",fontFamily:'some monospace font'}}>X</div> [ using nextjs 13.1.1 ,...
omer brandis's user avatar
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Why does the web request use internet settings?

Hello I have an application, middleware application, When I use C# HttpWebRequest it exhibits the same behavior as Internet explorer. I cannot access a site with Internet Explorer that I can access ...
yhackup's user avatar
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WebRTC localhost demo failed

I need help debugging why this WebRTC demo is failing on my machine (demo is linked below). I'm receiving a WebRTC: ICE failed, add a STUN server. STUN is not required for this demo, there's something ...
David Bell's user avatar
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Favicon not being updated on Google

I'm encountering an issue where my website's favicon isn't updating on Google search results despite making changes. I've tried clearing Google's cache through the URL Inspection tool in Google Search ...
Matthew Aaliyan's user avatar
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How would I remove the effects of an event listener on a nested element via a chrome extension?

I have a chrome extension that works as a video overlay to allow for specific timestamp playback. The extension is activated via keyboard command, and uses a form to input specific time stamps. The ...
Chris's user avatar
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Chrome outputs emtpy document fragment to the console before inserting it to the dom

When inserting a document fragment to the dom Chrome browser outputs empty document fragment to the console whereas Firefox outputs non-empty fragment before inserting and empty fragment after ...
user2227119's user avatar
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Chromebook kiosk app don't open hyperlinks

How can I modify the Google admin policy for kiosk so my kiosk app opens other hyperlinks on the main window app? I modified my manifest 1000 times already. And nothing I looked at some similar kiosk ...
Enrique Cruz's user avatar
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React renders different AG-Grid html in chrome vs firefox

The Ag grid library config we use dynamically applies the editable class to a column / cell. In chrome, the editable class is applied correctly. In firefox, it is not applied. What could be the reason ...
Marc Sloth Eastman's user avatar
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Why no traffic appear in Network tab of Browser Dev Tools, even though there MUST be?

I'm using pad.riseup which interactively allow to modify the text, so there MUST BE active traffic. So how to show it in the Firefox dev tools? And why it doesn't show up? Yeah I clicked on "All&...
allexj's user avatar
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VS Code/Chrome Debugger Causes Breakpoint in Angular Application Generated Webpack File

I have an angular application that I work with using VS Code and Chrome running with the debugger port set to 9222. However, the debugger likes to throw its own breakpoints into the webpack-generated ...
Jason's user avatar
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IE custom protocol handler to open chrome not working

I have an MVC 4.0 website that runs on IE. One of the links on the web page opens in Chrome. Until today we had chrome version 80 on our servers and in order to open chrome from IE we used a custom ...
Itay.B's user avatar
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Chrome takes up unproportioned memory in web app

I have a web app I am developing using Angular 14, and I've had windows task manager open while I was using it. I've noticed the memory that chrome is using is somewhere around 1.5GB (with only my app'...
Eric Krief's user avatar
-2 votes
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Where is the Google Chrome built-in page file located on Mac? [closed]

I'm curious where is the Google Chrome Settings HTML file(chrome://settings/ or devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools_app.html) on mac? I can't find it in finder.
linjunchao's user avatar
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I get two different initial css values in two different major browsers

I was developing a React component that manages a state array. For each element in this array, I used the map method to generate a list of items, which were contained within a div that had the class ...
Arshaan's user avatar
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Chrome extension redirect not working on a specific account / computer - cached redirect?

My Chrome extension uses declarativeNetRequests to detect and redirect specific URLs when the user enters them in. In an earlier version, I implemented dynamic rules in a server worker file, i.e. I ...
Allen Y's user avatar
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Incorrect click coordinates for events caused by react onClick handler

I'm seeing weird behavior with react onClick handlers when device emulation mode is turned on in Chrome (and also in my own capacitorjs apps running on an Android device). Essentially, clicks right ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Fetch likes from Instagram reels

In an attempt to study Benfords law, I'm trying to get a list of the likes on recommendet Instagram Reels. So the plan is simply to open Reels, fetch the Like Count, swipe to the next Reel and repeat ...
haifisch123's user avatar
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Google Canary, Docker and Gemini Nano

Can I run the latest Google Canary with the Gemini Nano model in a Docker container in headless mode and interact with the model via Selenium (execute_script)? If so, how do I do it?
aasdf1xa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Django Website not accessible on some browsers

I have a web app built with django that is hosted online on a subdomain. It was working fine until a few days ago when certain users started getting errors trying to access it where it would say ...
William Jorgensen's user avatar
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Dropdown Menu isn't Showing when Overflowing Certain Selector of Specific URLs, Scrollbar is To Thick and doesn't have a delay when I Hovering It

I use "Stylus" addon/extension in Firefox and Chrome and I know that webkit-scrollbar is not supported in Firefox, so I used scrollbar-width. I know that some URLs have some limitation to ...
zyxwvut 13 years old's user avatar
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Nextcloud Talk Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying error only appears on chrome browser

After migrating from the old to the new signaling server, I'm experiencing an issue with Talk when I try to use it i get the "Failed to establish signaling connection. Retrying..." error on ...
Tengo's user avatar
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Karma Test Fails with Chrome For Testing Browser

I am trying to execute the karma-jasmine test case by using Chrome For Testing browser. If I execute the test with Installed Chrome browser then the test works fine, but if same test get executed with ...
Yogesh's user avatar
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