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Questions tagged [apache]

Use this tag (along with an appropriate programming-language tag) for programming questions relating to the Apache HTTP Server. Do not use this tag for questions about other Apache Foundation products. Note that server configuration questions are usually a better fit on

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Problem with .htaccess redirection to my api

I have a wordpress site in wich i develop a plugin. Inside this plugin, I developed a api. In my local environment, my url to acess my site is http://localhost:81/site. I'd like requests made to http:/...
Marlon's user avatar
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SVG Spam in chrome with VueJS

I'm new with template developement, but i do use it for save my time, but now, it's a problem.. When a tring to access at my site in production version, it spamming SVG request in network tab and the ...
Kayaaba Dev's user avatar
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How to redirect in htaccess without blocking php api?

I have an index.php file which is located in the root directory. This outputs either HTML or JSON, depending on the URL: <?php require_once('./../private/Router.php'); new Router(); ?> &...
RoyBlunk's user avatar
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Apache config return IPV6 instead of IPV4

htaccess file looks like this because I only want to give access to authorized ip ranges: #ErrorDocument 403 "Sorry ! You are not authorized to access this page" <IfModule mod_rewrite.c&...
ss10's user avatar
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How do I handle a crash of a Golang (Gin) web server and recover with a new process?

I am in the process of writing a bunch of APIs. I am going to use Gin. I will deploy behind a reverse proxy (I am forced to use Apache). Like any process, I expect the Gin process to crash from time ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
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I need to point different domains from one server and different cpanel account into 1 folder ( Cpanel, WP Multisite )

I have a WP Multisite with multiple domains "domains are placehodlers here" - primary domain - secondary - secondary Those 3 are in the one ...
Andrii Marushchak's user avatar
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Cannot bind user with mod_authnz_ldap

I am testing mod_authnz_ldap on Debian 11. I created a virual host, a location, etc. Everything fine at that level. I configured the Bind DN with openldap's manager, set its password. When I try to ...
Pascal Jakobi's user avatar
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TYPO3 v12 Backend Mixed Content Error loading Javascript Libs

We have setup TYPO3 behind a TRAEFIK Reverse Proxy. Yesterday everything looks good, but today our Backend is empty. In the Browser Console we found "Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded ...
M. Koch's user avatar
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Mac OS apache and php inconsistency issues, PHP unable to see or read directory

When I added this code to the apache vHost conf, the browser stopped "seeing" php files and simply says 404. The file exists and worked before. When I try to revert the file and folder ...
Christian Legere's user avatar
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How To Allow Popup Ads Only On Certain Website Pages Using .htaccess File

As a webmaster I would like to exclude popup ads on certain specific webpages on my website whos url ends with a particular string. Example : https://mywebsite/some-slug-variable/?gallery=submit I am ...
Nicodemo's user avatar
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Compare two backreferences in RewriteCond

This is the old URI pattern /release-(\w+)/(\w+)/(.*), where first and second regex pattern are always the same, with the following examples: /release-foo/foo/(.*) /release-bar/bar/(.*) etc They are ...
Khosrow's user avatar
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Apache2 - protect only directory but not subdirectory

I'm trying to host a webserver with Apache2 on Debian 12. I want to limit access to webserver/dir1 with a password promt. This already works. My issue is, that webserver/dir1/subdir1 has to be ...
T0xxic's user avatar
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Is there any http header that an http server can use to communicate the maximum request size to an http client?

I have looked all over for this and cannot find an answer so please forgive me if my Google-Fu is just failing me. I currently working with http servers and I was trying to find a protocol-based or ...
utdream's user avatar
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Why can't my laravel database be found now even if I had already used it a few days ago?

I'm new to using the laravel framework, and I'm struggling in starting my project due to several problems I've encountered while setting up. I'm currently using Linux as my command prompt and Xampp ...
Andy's user avatar
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Apache2 Basic Authentication doesn't work in Flask app

I tried implementing the basic authentication in Apache on my Flask app. I did it via the host config, but the authentication popup is not showing up, it just works like normal. <VirtualHost *:80&...
Rav's user avatar
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