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Questions tagged [google-chrome]

[google-chrome] is for questions related to development with Google Chrome, a web browser that uses the Blink rendering engine. Warning! General support for the browser is off-topic: questions about using or configuring the browser should be posted on Chrome OS and Chromium are off-topic: questions about [google-chrome-os] or [chromium] should use those tags.

2 votes
2 answers

Running Puppeteer on WSL2

Is there a straightforward way to run Puppeteer on wsl2? I've tried many solutions across the web and read tons of forums looking for answers. So far no success and I've found running Puppeteer very ...
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to suppress sec-ua* headers in Chrome?

I was not successful in getting a web application rendered with its mobile friendly interface by using the User-Agent Switcher & Manager extension. After further digging, I noted that although the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Selenium not opening the profile I needed

from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import Options import time chrome_options = Options() chrome_options....
0 votes
0 answers

React Native - ScrollView not work on WebBrowser (Chrome) but on IOS Simulator work well

Im trying to develop an app using react native, but im facing some issues on web version. In this particular case is the scroll not work properly on web browser, but on iOS simulator works well. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Copy to clipboard using `writeText` fails in Chrome in cross-origin `<object data='...>` container

I have a cross-origin <object data="{my-cross-origin-url}"> container that contains a copy to clipboard button for an email address with the code: navigator.clipboard.writeText("...
18 votes
7 answers

Selenium working with Chrome, but not headless Chrome

I've developed a couple of Python scripts using Selenium and, at first, PhantomJS. While heading toward automated downloads, I switched for (headed) Firefox (which worked) and then Chrome with the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Adding Partitioned Attribute in existing cookies creates two cookie with same name in chrome browser

We have implemented the CHIPS(Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State) solution on our website by adding the partition attribute. It works fine when a user logs in for the first time. However, if ...
0 votes
4 answers

scrollTo() function does nothing

I wanted to scroll to the bottom of the page using vanilla JS, but I encountered a problem. The code below is supposed to scroll to the bottom of the page: window.scrollTo(0,document.body....
1 vote
1 answer

Why is Chrome displaying a "brighter" red when applying a brightness(1.5) css filter to a rgb(255, 0, 0) div?

I am playing around with implementing some CSS filters and got to reading about brightness. Per the spec, brightness just scales each rgba channel by the given slope. Earlier in the spec it mentions ...
16 votes
2 answers

How to troubleshoot SSL/TLS handshake in Google Chrome browser?

I would like to inspect the SSL/TLS handshake in Google Chrome (or Chromium) browser. I'm looking for output similar to what you'd see using commands like these from other HTTPS clients (just examples)...
-2 votes
0 answers

SVG Spam in chrome with VueJS [closed]

I'm new with template developement, but i do use it for save my time, but now, it's a problem.. When a tring to access at my site in production version, it spamming SVG request in network tab and the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Universal Link works in Safari browser, but not in Chrome

I am testing on IOS 15.5 and IOS16.4.1. 1. Add the code to Info.plist and <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string> Bundle ID </string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key&...
0 votes
0 answers

Run flutter web app on Chrome on iOS machine

I have a flutter app that I have compiled to run on Chrome on a windows machine. I have tried to get it to run on Chrome on an iOS machine but it doesn't work. This is what the user sees when typing ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Allowing autoplay of a video with sound - Chrome

As the title suggests, we have a system we are putting together for a client that requires autoplaying full screen mp4 videos with audio. We essentially have a navigation list of videos - and when you ...
0 votes
0 answers
9 views downloaded by Chrome during a card paynent

While making a payment in a Chrome incognito tab, I was prompted to download a file. The file downloaded was a document named I have had ongoing security issues with my ...

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