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Questions tagged [cors]

Use this tag when you see a message in the browser devtools console about CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) — e.g., your browser logged an error about Access-Control-Allow-Origin, and you want to know how to eliminate the error. Also for other questions on the CORS protocol (defined in the Fetch Standard as a way to use response headers to tell browsers to relax the same-origin policy and allow cross-origin XHR/Fetch/Ajax requests).

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CORS Error Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status

Hello i've been developing a MERN app, instead of MongoDB is MySQL, so its MySQl ERN app. My site is a simple blog, post blogs with a name, and the content of the blog. So i implemented CORS while ...
mini1012's user avatar
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Getting HttpErrorResponse in Angular, Http failure during parsing

I am building a RESTful API with a Spring Boot Backend & Angular frontend. Utilizing a service meant to return a client list as shown below: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class ...
Shayne McPherson's user avatar
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Two NextJS applications in separate repositories under one backend

I have two NextJS applications under separate repositories and different domains. I want the second NextJS application to fetch the first NextJS application's backend code. Backend is graphql + apollo....
Mona Fang's user avatar
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Handling CORS in React Native

I have a FastAPI backend running and want to protect any URL using my endpoint with CORS. With a web app, it's simple; you just need to accept requests that match your frontend URL. However, how would ...
Sahl 's user avatar
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Firebase Listener doesnt work on safari but works on chrome

I am making a time table that users can store locally using Shared Preferences in flutter. When an admin makes an update in firestore, I want the changes to be updated locally as well (in Shared ...
Fats's user avatar
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CORS error accessing file in S3 from Serverless Framework deployment

I have a project based on a template using Serverless Framework to deploy a react app served from an S3 bucket. The serverless deploy works fine, creates the CloudFormation stack, creates the S3 ...
gbryant's user avatar
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Origin type array not working in nextjs-cors

In the official CORS package of nextjs-cors documentation, I see that an array of domains can be passed as origin value: here is a code snippet ...
Jeesmon Joy's user avatar
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AWS CloudFront - "CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing" for single S3 Resource

I have a video service which will automatically convert uploaded MP4 files to HLS Streams using MediaConvert and store them in S3. From there, a CloudFront URL to the HLS Stream is used for displaying ...
MattChris's user avatar
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Why is CORS blocking the GCF request when an ID is used?

I am making calls via the Hubspot API from a Firebase Cloud Functions file. Most of these work without any issues; however, any endpoints that require an ID are blocked by CORS. I've tested these ...
Remy Bartolotta's user avatar
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How to fix CORS blocking maplibre-gl search option from accessing AWS Location Places indexes?

I am working on a ReactJS project where I am implementing a map from maplibre-gl-js. I have connected my app to AWS Location service using Amplify and can receive the Vector tiles from AWS. I cam ...
Byron Ojua-Nice's user avatar
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ElasticBeanstalk Docker app is allowing CORS all origins

We have a Docker application which we are deploying to AWS via the EB CLI and a Docker compose file. There is a load balancer that sits in front of the EC2 instance to setup SSL and forwarding rules ...
Ben Thurley's user avatar
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How to allow user to download an image using a reactjs button click? [duplicate]

EDIT: What makes this different is that I'm perfectly able to access these resources with the browser using an <img> tag, but can't get the data with a fetch. The 'similar' questions don't ...
lowcrawler's user avatar
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Spring Boot and React app CORS errors (Hosted on Azure)

Hi to all that can help me. I've been sitting here for days on end and I can't figure out how to get my Spring Boot and React app working. The frontend is deployed as an Azure Static Web App and the ...
XavierReynolds's user avatar
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Azure app unable to connect to Supabase- Invalid URL Exception

My app that runs completely fine locally has problem with connecting to Supabase when deployed on Azure. raise SupabaseException("Invalid URL") The credentials are correct. It is a chat app ...
user25605486's user avatar
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Setting JWT Cookies from Express Backend to Frontend

i am trying to set the cookie using JWT. On localhost everything works like charm. But when i deploy my FE(front-end) and BE(back-end) on i can login but after that i get the errors ...
Faisal Rehman's user avatar

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