Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uk. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2011

M26 2011: London

Above, our compañero Brandon put together this video on the massive protests in London last Saturday, in which 500,000 people from many sectors came out to protest the government's devastating budget cuts.

Below, the Guardian obtained video from inside the Fortnum and Mason occupation in which the cops promise to let the occupiers go if they leave voluntarily. Then, as soon as they get outside, they're arrested.

[Update Tuesday noon]: Some interesting, critical thoughts on the day from Really Open University.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Solidarity with the Goldsmiths Occupation!

... and all the other ongoing occupations in the UK right now: University College London, Glasgow, Manchester...

(video via the goldsmiths occupation blog)

[Update Wednesday 1:39 pm]: From Really Open University comes this update on the the University and College Union (UCU) strike so far, with which all these occupations are in solidarity:
Yesterday saw UCU striking in universities up and down the country. In total 60 institutions, including the entire Russell group, were on strike to defend pensions.

Students at Goldsmiths and UCL went into occupation in solidarity with the strike on Monday. They were joined on Tuesday by UEA, Kent, Edinburgh and UEL. In Glasgow, the Hetherington occupation (the longest anti-cuts occupation, running since 1st of Febuary) fell victim to a heavy-handed eviction by police, including 80 officers, dogs units and a helicopter. Several students were injured with one having to go to hospital for concussion. In response to this violent treatment, the occupiers joined a crowd of hundreds and marched to the main university building where they occupied the Senate. At the time of writing SOAS has also just gone into occupation.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saif Gaddafi's London Mansion Occupied

From Indymedia London:
This morning a group calling themselves Topple The Tyrants have occupied the £10m Hampsted Mansion of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, in solidarity with the Libyan people and their struggle to overthrow the murderous Gaddafi regime.
A spokesman for the group said "We didn't trust the British government to properly seize the Gaddafi regime's corrupt assets, so we took matters into our own hands."
"The British government only recently stopped actively helping to train the Libyan regime in "crowd control" techniques, through the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and a midlands based arms manufacturer, NMS Systems. As well as training the regime in repression, British corporations are also guilty of providing the same weapons that are now being used by Gaddaffi against the Libyan people."
The mansion is managed by Gaddaffi through a holding company registered in the British Virgin Islands. The spokesman for occupiers said "Gaddafi, Mubarak, the House of Saud and numerous other tyrants use front companies in British protectorates to avoid paying tax and above all to protect their anonymity. Britain actively assists tyrants, corporations and the super rich to rob their people blind. Our aim is to make sure that the assets stolen by Gaddafi are returned to the Libyan people and don't disappear into the pockets of governments or corporations. In the meantime we want to welcome refugees from the conflict in Libya and those fleeing tyranny and oppression across the world."
"We stand in solidarity with the Libyan people."
For media enquiries contact Montgomery Jones on 07767 808332
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Really Free School

Home from home: Guy Ritchie’s unwelcome guests hang banners from the windows (Picture: Getty)
We're a little late to the draw on this one, but it seems that on February 13 a mansion valued at £6 million and owned by film director Guy Ritchie was occupied and converted into a free school by a collective appropriately called the Really Free School. The corporate media reported:
At least 12 people have occupied the large Grade I listed property in Fitzrovia and claim they now plan to convert the building into a free school.

The collective known as the Really Free School entered Mr Ritchie's property over the weekend.

The police were called but the squatters refused to leave.

They have now placed large banners in the front windows that say "strike", "resist" and "occupy".
Occupied, or reclaimed -- "It is believed Mr Ritchie wants to convert the former language school into two homes and sources claim the cost of the refurbishment could run into millions." In any case, unfortunately the squatters were evicted on Friday, but not before throwing a party and publishing a "Call to Celebration", which is below the fold:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Book Bloc Front Lines [Updated]

Brave New World indeed -- the Book Bloc comes to London. Based on tactics used last week in Italy.

Also, negative dialectics:

[Update Tuesday 12/14]: The book bloc is back on the streets of Rome:
Youths rioted in the street, facing the police and demanding a change of government as parliament instead voted their confidence in scandal-plagued Berlusconi
Scores of anti-Berlusconi demonstrations were underway in cities across Italy during the vote
(more photos here)

[Update Friday 12/17]: A genealogy of the book bloc.